Originally posted by Rino
Be interesting to see them try to deliver it against US forces. Or do they
intend to gather all their "terrorist" enemies in one spot before dropping it
on them?
mms://wms.leadingauthorities.com/windowsmedia/Berntsen_G384K_Stream.wmvEarly during the Afganistan war in 2001, we did exactly that using BLU-82s. Pretty horrifying.
Here's a little except:
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/darkside/interviews/berntsen.htmlGary Berntsen, a 20-year veteran in the CIA interview:
What don't we know about that war?
First off, I think that [it was] very savage up in Mazar-e-Sharif. The BLU-82s that they used -- they dropped two of them up there to break the front lines. That was pretty savage. ...
What's a BLU-82?
BLU-82 is a daisy cutter, a 15,000-pound device. It's the largest bomb in our inventory shy of a nuclear weapon. ... It's got a long fuse on it so that when it hits the ground, it doesn't fill the crater, and the blast goes way out. It was initially constructed to cut landing zones in jungles. We use two of those up there on the front lines. Just shattered their will. It was pretty savage. ...Similarly, what people don't understand is down in Kandahar, that team that went in there ... literally landed on a leaf in a lily pond full of Taliban and Al Qaeda. These guys entered into an area, and there were thousands of people hunting them. ... You're talking about the band on the run. Holy cow, that was very dangerous. ...
How many of them do you figure you killed?
We didn't do a body count. Of course, we threw a BLU-82 in there as well, which just blows things to bits. You have to go in there with Q-Tips to get samples, literally; that's how devastating that thing is. It just vaporizes things that are close to the center. You're not going to find bodies.The U.S. military, CENTCOM [Central Command], was very generous with air power. ... Really, really pounded them.