Author Topic: B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie  (Read 6798 times)

Offline Karnak

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B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie
« Reply #30 on: September 26, 2007, 09:52:57 AM »
Originally posted by Denholm
Do you have any idea how many cries for nukes there will be when there is even a slight hint of the B29 coming to AH?

Who cares, we wouldn't get the nuke carrier version anyways.

And 60,000 (it would have formations) is just ord.  It'd be heavily perked.
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Offline MajIssue

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B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie
« Reply #31 on: September 26, 2007, 10:18:51 AM »
Originally posted by Bronk
You do know there was fighting before Dec 7 1941?


DUH... The Japanese were bombing China in the early 30's and BF109s were in action over Spain during the Spanish civil war, but I was thinking that most of the pre 1940 types would quickly be shot down in the main arena. You didn'e see the US using Brewster Buffalos against A6Ms for very log did you? I was thinking more along these lines:
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Offline Squire

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B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie
« Reply #32 on: September 26, 2007, 11:33:38 AM »
Gee look, another "expert" on the air-war, that really doesnt know much posting about how he wants a 1946 plane, cuz, they are ThE BESteZTs!!! evar!!! hyuk hyOK!!!

Did that one come with missiles billie?

They did?



...oh and a history lesson for your precious B-29. Sitting down? good.

It couldnt hit jack-s*** over Japan in 1945, so they went to LOW ALT AREA BOMBING with INCINDIERIES, at NIGHT, by order of Gen. Curtis Lemay in March 1945 against Tokyo.  Not to mention the two most famous raids were carried out with a NUKE. So much for daylight "precision", as we nuked or firebombed "precisely" the right city? I guess.  

...Your homework for this week is to actually read a book on the air war, then maybe you wont be spending your time getting the IL-2 mixed up with the T-4 (which didnt see service in WW2), and ranting on about "them copying Russkies", and you will know >< much about other nations histories other than just your own.  

Your dismissed.  Make sure you tell all your IL-2 jet fanboys about us here too.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 11:39:28 AM by Squire »
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Offline Latrobe

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B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie
« Reply #33 on: September 26, 2007, 11:38:54 AM »
Originally posted by MajIssue
You didn'e see the US using Brewster Buffalos against A6Ms for very log did you?

< wants earlier planes that make a challenge to kill zekes, not F-15 "Eagles" kinda planes that would blow everything outta the skies. We have enough Late war planes for now.

Offline Denholm

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B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie
« Reply #34 on: September 26, 2007, 12:23:46 PM »
What about?

Total ownage!:D
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Offline Rich46yo

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B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie
« Reply #35 on: September 26, 2007, 12:38:09 PM »
Yeah, but were talking about the B-29 in AH right? Its very true Le may changed tactics during the war against Japan and took them in low to annihilate entire cities, and in retrospect, it was quite brilliant and broke the back of Japanese home industry as well as slaughtered them by the hundreds of thousands.

                        But in AH they would be sitting ducks that low. Most of all if perks were on them. And how many players would climb to 30,000' in them which is as close as they would come to being untouchable?

                      Go ahead and perk them. Its doesn't matter to me one way or another. Either way they would end up a mission aircraft flown by very few. Very few fly bombers to 20,000' + anyways and very few fly against strats.

                    While were at it why not change the strat rules at the same time we bring in the B-29?
« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 01:30:52 PM by Rich46yo »
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Offline MajIssue

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B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie
« Reply #36 on: September 26, 2007, 01:59:29 PM »
Originally posted by Squire
Gee look, another "expert" on the air-war, that really doesnt know much posting about how he wants a 1946 plane, cuz, they are ThE BESteZTs!!! evar!!! hyuk hyOK!!!

Did that one come with missiles billie?

They did?



...oh and a history lesson for your precious B-29. Sitting down? good.

It couldnt hit jack-s*** over Japan in 1945, so they went to LOW ALT AREA BOMBING with INCINDIERIES, at NIGHT, by order of Gen. Curtis Lemay in March 1945 against Tokyo.  Not to mention the two most famous raids were carried out with a NUKE. So much for daylight "precision", as we nuked or firebombed "precisely" the right city? I guess.  

...Your homework for this week is to actually read a book on the air war, then maybe you wont be spending your time getting the IL-2 mixed up with the T-4 (which didnt see service in WW2), and ranting on about "them copying Russkies", and you will know >< much about other nations histories other than just your own.  

Your dismissed.  Make sure you tell all your IL-2 jet fanboys about us here too.

Maybe you should know whom you are 'fragging' before you start eh?

Must be the BC Bud eh? A little jealosy toward us yanks maybe? For your homework assignment...
Suggested Reading for a misguided Vancouverite:

The United States Stratigic Bombing Survey  

You can find it at the Bellingham public library

The area bombing campaign against Japanese cities was ordered by LeMay(wrongly in my humble opinion) as a phych war tactic to demoralize the public much more than a tactic to cripple industry... The allied naval campaign had accomplished this by eliminating most of the Japanese merchant fleet by the summer of 1944.

Some of the advanced German and Japanese aircraft types did see combat prior to May 8 or August 12, 1945.

IL2? Never flown one in aces high! I don't like to fly any of the Soviet aircraft. I think the Germans, British and Americans had the best overall types in World war 2 with some notable exceptions, and I stick with them. Tanks are a different story...
YOU are dismissed! and who the heck is billie?
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Offline B3YT

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B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie
« Reply #37 on: September 26, 2007, 02:00:46 PM »
hmm i think the halifax or sterlin should be added before the B29 because
a) they were use far more extensively during the war
b) had a decent bomb load
c) not american

or diffrent veriants of the JU-88 and he-111; possably the DO-17
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Offline B3YT

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B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie
« Reply #38 on: September 26, 2007, 02:03:01 PM »
Originally posted by MajIssue
DUH... The Japanese were bombing China in the early 30's and BF109s were in action over Spain during the Spanish civil war, but I was thinking that most of the pre 1940 types would quickly be shot down in the main arena. You didn'e see the US using Brewster Buffalos against A6Ms for very log did you?

idiot . bet a spit 1 or early 109 could wipe the floor with your P51D in the right hands (wich i have seen ) . heck i've even beaten an LA7 in a hurri 1.
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Offline Latrobe

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B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie
« Reply #39 on: September 26, 2007, 02:12:03 PM »
Originally posted by B3YT
idiot . bet a spit 1 or early 109 could wipe the floor with your P51D in the right hands (wich i have seen ) . heck i've even beaten an LA7 in a hurri 1.

<--- has La-7's for breakfast in my spit 1 :p

Offline humble

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B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2007, 02:18:36 PM »
A-20G has 4002 Kills of All models
All models have 2917 Kills of A-20G

What we need is an A-26:)

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Offline MajIssue

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B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2007, 02:30:59 PM »
Originally posted by B3YT
hmm i think the halifax or sterlin should be added before the B29 because
a) they were use far more extensively during the war
b) had a decent bomb load
c) not american

or diffrent veriants of the JU-88 and he-111; possably the DO-17

I agree with A and B... good points. But C? Does it matter WHO made the airplane really???
Ask yourself this about any airplane disregarding who built it:

1. Was it an effective aircraft ?

2. How did it compare to what it was flying against?

3. How many were produced (i.e. was it a common site in the sky during WW2)?

I could care less if an airplane was German, Japanese, Itallian, French (opps there aren't any Franch aircraft in Aces high nor in WW2 for that matter ), Russian, or American
I care if its a good ride in Aces High.
For giggles... I'm from Seattle and several members of my family work for or have worked for boeing. I like the B-17 because it is death to emeny fighters but will happily up Lancasters if I want a big bomb load. I don't care that the B-17 is the single boeing airplane in Aces High! Even though My grandfather built them. I just want the best plane for the job.
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Offline Scca

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Re: Re: B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie
« Reply #42 on: September 26, 2007, 02:31:34 PM »
Originally posted by SpikesX

And you spelled prophets wrong too.

Search what?
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Offline AirFlyer

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B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2007, 03:01:08 PM »
Originally posted by Latrobe
< wants earlier planes that make a challenge to kill zekes, not F-15 "Eagles" kinda planes that would blow everything outta the skies. We have enough Late war planes for now.

A Zeke is pleanty of a challenge just as any other plane(excluding the B5N), it just takes a capable hand, just like any other plane does.
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Offline hunter128

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B29 Superfortress and a thought from a squaddie
« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2007, 04:33:36 PM »
Originally posted by humble
A-20G has 4002 Kills of All models
All models have 2917 Kills of A-20G

What we need is an A-26:)


i'd like to see the 'vader before the b29

'cause i can dogfight in it:t
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