LTarget GAVE you proof he didn't just tower out. If he had only taken crippling damage and towered to give Bronk the kill, IT WOULD NOT HAVE SAID ON HIS FILM "You have been killed." I'm VERY rarely in GVs, but even *I* know that if he had towered it would not have said that.
Bronk proved his point: It's possible to single-ping ANY tank AT WILL with the 25's pumpkins, so long as you fire from the right approach angle, at the right part of the tank, from the right range. It's not EASY to do. It takes patience, positioning and timing to get the proper attack run, but it CAN BE DONE.
Period. Finito. End of story. The fat lady has SUNG. What the frell MORE do you want them to do? Send the film to HTC for in-depth analysis?