Author Topic: P-51D vs 109 [not a thread for complaints please ;)]  (Read 1390 times)

Offline Dutchie

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P-51D vs 109 [not a thread for complaints please ;)]
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2007, 04:49:19 PM »
As i said WW, i'm happy to try my luck in K4 against La7 in DA :)

Offline bj229r

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P-51D vs 109 [not a thread for complaints please ;)]
« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2007, 04:50:38 PM »
Originally posted by Widewing
Not really. I'll take the La-7 over the 109K-4 below 8k, and the P-47 (any one of them) above 25k. I'll take the F4U-4 over the 109K at any altitude. Ditto for the Spit14. I'm quite comfortable fighting 109Ks with an F6F or Ki-84. Now, some guys are thinking, "The F6F hasn't a chance against a 109K-4." Think again....

You guys should know by now that I'm doing my Trainer thing in the TA Tuesday thru Thursday evenings. Bring those 109Ks and try your luck. I've had some great fun dueling with Dedalos, Skyrock, Nomak, Stang, wmaker, Urchin, my buddy Murdr and a dozen other top sticks in the TA. Dissimilar aircraft duels are always the most entertaining and insightful. So, you 109K-4 advocates are welcome to stop in and give it a go. You'll have fun and learn a few things about different fighters that you never realized previously.

The Trainers will be doing more 3v1 clinics in November. Don't miss these...

My regards,

OOOOKKKKKkkkkkk...proviso: NO Perk planes, and fights UNDER 25k....Lghey prolly has slight advantage lower, not sure how much, as I don't fly either. Stick one of 5-6 Muppets sharpshooters in K4, and ANYone in afore-mentioned Lghey, K4 wins; (mebbe we could put some money on this...)
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Offline mongo36

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P-51D vs 109 [not a thread for complaints please ;)]
« Reply #32 on: October 21, 2007, 12:37:28 PM »
Congrats Mus, you with started a good question and have received good answers.  Too often this is not the case in these forums.
  I have to agree with almost everything I've read.  The P51 was a great escort fighter, but head to head with experienced Luftwaffe pilots would not have been a legend.  Also, the victor does write the history, and we only heard half of the victors side after the war because of the Cold War, so we (Americans) are missing a great deal of the history of WWII.  BoB and what the Russians did in in the East should not be slighted or forgotten.  
  IMHO (where I always get in trouble) The P51D did may things well and nothing great.  That hurts it in AH where we have no fuel or reliability issues and an unlimited number of aircraft.