Originally posted by Karnak
It is dead meat against those fighters.
As it, utterly helpless, cannot turn the fight.
Now, if the pilot in the A-20G is better to some degree that changes, but that you shot down those fighters means nothing. Most players in AH are not very good. Heck, I'm not very good and I cannot imagine how I could lose to an equal or somewhat better pilot with me in the Spit/Ki-84 or what have you and the other guy in the A-20G.
I can see me losing in a Mossie, though I'd have the advantage.
(FYI, to the best of my knowledge my career kills/deaths against the Bf110 in the Mossie stands at lots of kills and only one death, and that was a proximity kill it got on me after I overspeeded and tore my elevators off).
Yes and no....
I've got a clip of me vs Spatula (as well as his end) posted elsewhere. This is a very good cat and mouse fight where he's careful to not get sucked in and i'm bzy wagging my tail trying to draw him in to a true angles fight. In the end its a draw with him just about bingo ammo and me just about bingo spare parts....
One of those fights that is just so much fun you dont care if you end up winning or losing....
I've also got a clip of me vs grmreaper where he just waded in and got thumped in a pony....
My K/D is normally 1.~/1 so I'm the ball almost as often as i'm the bat...but I've had countless good fights against very good sticks in there favored rides vs the A-20. The A-20 has a remarkably good FM overall and is capable of exceptional "smoothness". It's got alot of subtle ability even in a furball type of enviornment.
I film alot of stuff and 99%+ just gets erased without even me looking at it. I was looking for one clip and peeked at this earlier today. normally I never post this stuff since I dont see it as really helpful.
I'm stuck in the lower end of fight moving over our base and end up at the bottom of a mostly red enviornment with a ki-84 stalking me. I'm busy trying to stay alive and work the Ki-84. Just before I finally get the ki (and Steve cherries me) I have to evade a FQ shot from a tiffie and either evade the ki just before or after...and dont think I take any real hits from either [going from memory].
WW constantly remarks on the importance and value of "smooth" in a fight and how smooth can translate to fast. The A-20 is big, lumbering and cant stack up to much of anything when we look at raw data. But I dont think you can really quantify the effect of smooth on a fight. The A-20 is on rails thru 99% of its FM....
I'm constantly suprised by what its capable of, only reason I stay with it so much...I've never found an other plane with such subtleties that are repeatable. At times I feel like its got shields and a cloaking device...
More and more I'm dieing to the guy I didnt see {steve here}, regardless of the numbers...
stuck on the bottom