pink guns...
Short story... Last year I decided to update my cell phone as mine was pretty dated feature wise. So, I go to the cell phone store for my carrier and as I was browsing and comparing features and prices a salesman approached me and exclaimed "I have just the phone for you!" and from behind his back he revealed this...
I smiled and informed him that Razr cell phone was obviously a cell phone for a little girl and that I gave up my preference for pink somewhere in middle school! and smiled.
I bought this one...
When men want to market something to women they should ask us what we want, not just assume if they make it pink we will all want buy it because it is pink!
Were I to ever buy a hand gun I would primarily be interested in three things...
1. light weight... my purse is heavy enough as it is.
2. fits my hand size.
3. Resale value in case I didn't like having it later.
I think a pink gun would look more like a toy to children and attackers.
Both these groups should see a gun for what it really is... a deadly weapon which can hurt or kill.
Edit: I thought this submarine was cute and love the movie it was in... any guesses?