Author Topic: Okinawa Frame 2  (Read 752 times)

Offline Husky01

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Okinawa Frame 2
« on: December 08, 2007, 10:11:27 AM »
Allies and Axis was a fun frame. Cant wait for next weeks Frame 3.

Offline daddog

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Okinawa Frame 2
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2007, 10:27:06 AM »
We launched from A30 in Ki-67's. Split into two groups. One low group with torps and one higher group with bombs. The low group was then going to split into three search routes to find the enemy task group. See the map below.

As planned the lower torpedo group (ahead) found the task group first. Or actually it may have been our escorts the 348th lead by Stoney and TC3X. About the same time the enemy task group was spotted we were attacked by FM2's. If not for the 348th many of use would not have even made it to the enemy task group. I know some torps hit their targets and at least a couple destroyers were sunk. About 5 minutes back was our high group and they also sunk a destroyer.

As expected few torpedo pilots survived, but most of the bomber group managed to land and rearm at A19 or A20. One of problems was after the rearm the drones just sat on the runway. Some FM2's hit the field and had a wild time with all the Ki-67's sitting there. Not sure how the CM's will want to handle that as far as the score. I wish the drones would take off with the pilot again, or just disappear. Sitting there like ducks on a log is the worst thing they could do.

Several members of the 332nd returned to the enemy task group and sunk the cruiser and damaged the CV.

Over all we had a great time!  :aok

Couple screen shots. :)

Noses in the wind since 1997
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Offline Husky01

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« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2007, 10:33:49 AM »
Nice write up.

My overall plan was to win a battle of attrition against the axis. I was surprised to see such a large Axis push for our TGs as I figured the Axis would try to sit back and focus their efforts on defense.

Offline forHIM

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Okinawa Frame 2
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2007, 11:16:07 AM »
I was surprised to see such a large Axis push for our TGs


Just think if the 332nd had been at our normal strength -- 27 to 29 pilots instead of 21.  Another 6 to 8 formations of ki67's for your fleet defense to attack :p

Offline EagleEyes

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« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2007, 11:43:58 AM »
Our group the VF-31 just happened to intercept the bombers on their RTB and stumbled on them re-arming.  We asked permission to strike from our leaders, not knowing if there was a rule against attack planes that were re-arming.  They gave us the go ahead, and we had a turkey shoot.  I was the first one to hit the field, have 5 confirmed kills, and i know i damaged another 10-15, gotta look at my film again.  Was the best FSO i ever had.  Was well worth calling in sick to work! lol

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Offline shreck

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frame 2
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2007, 12:16:47 PM »
Extremely difficult! Axis extremely outnumbered! 162 allies with 1/6th flying bombers, 129 Axis with a full 3rd relegated to bombers, and only 18 KI84S--> :( very difficult to deal with! Just as it really was in ww2 I imagine except I believe that KI84 was main defensive interceptor for jap mainland, could be wrong !Nice fighter sweep near A30 allies, very well done  

Offline Kermit de frog

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« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2007, 12:22:29 PM »
162 vs 129

Time's fun when you're having flies.

Offline Saxman

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« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2007, 12:24:33 PM »
daddog that was primarily VMF-251 and two pilots from VF-31 you ran into as close CAP over CV1. I had us split up to cover as much of the radar arc as possible, and we ended up making contact with both of your strike groups (torps and level) largely simultaneously. Overall I think it worked out well, as even though we only managed to inflict light damage on your bombers on the first wave (I SERIOUSLY wish we had F4Us instead of the Wildcats) the CV still had more than enough warning to begin evading. 251 guest Odee took down three of the 67s on the torpedo run in the first few minutes after contact, and both escorts were destroyed (one by myself, one by Virtue) during the fight.

VF-31's strike on 19 I think was the deciding factor. If they hadn't carved up the bombers on their RTB or rearm CV-1 would have been in serious trouble. Three of my squad and one of our loaners from 31 were down on the first wave, and two of us had damage that prevented us from being able to rearm (landing gear). That essentially left us with one from 251 and one from the Tomcatters left, as well as a couple Seafires, possibly from Raw Prawns but I'm not sure.

The REAL story of the defense was the driving of CV-1 by VMF-251 X/O MEF4UD, who I've recommended for a squadron decoration (251 members on the boards check your e-mail and vote!). The turns were spot-on and even though the carrier took some damage, D managed to slip her through some insanely close drops (I need to get a screenshot, but one egg literally fell within a few feet of the port bow).
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline daddog

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« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2007, 12:37:20 PM »
162 VS 129. Wow.

That is so tough to balance. In PAC events I would always give the IJN more numbers, but one of the last times I did the IJN greatly outnumbered their American counter parts. So much for that logic. :rolleyes: After that I always worried about a 60/40 split. That has got to be one of the toughest parts in writing FSO's there is just no way to tell what kind of turn out the Axis and Allies will have.

Well done Saxman! Bet your guys were loving it! We sure would have. Wish there was a way we could have got those drones off the runway! :)

Would love to see some of those screen shots of near misses.
Noses in the wind since 1997
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Offline Redlegs

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« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2007, 12:51:49 PM »
Man, It was my first FSO and it was a blast. I ended up have 1 kill and 2 assists, even though I'm pretty sure one of the assists was a kill really. I ended up losing half my left wing over a24 and managed to limb back home to a18 and landed successfully.
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Offline Sled

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« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2007, 02:48:19 PM »
Our squad felt the brunt of the numbers difference in the north. At one point we were out numbered maybe 3 to 1. I have a nice film of me holding 6+ spits at bay for maybe 2min over A26.

Here is my ending:

And here is Crows ending:

I will look into the numbers, but it would appear the Allies were close to maximums, and the Axis were close to minimums.

Not much that can be done about that.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2007, 04:03:36 PM by SLED »
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Offline sgt203

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« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2007, 10:29:13 PM »
It was a difficult decision we in VF-31 were making about going to 19 to get those bombers.

We knew they were rearming and coming for our CV but didnt want to leave CV-1 Defenseless.

It was a tough call but I think we decided on being offensively defensive :D

Daddog I understand you concern however we had no way of knowing which bombers ones were not rearming and which were the drones.

I do not know what could be done about this I agree it would be nice to be able to ditch the drones on the runway. This would really be difficult do work out.

The only thing I can think of is you have certain fields active for bombers only to take off from and no drones allowed. Only pilots who succesfully land are allowed to re-up a single bomber (formations disabled). Obviously bending or breaking of these rules would have to be met with an extreme points penalty. Landing at fields other than those designated, too bad no reup.

All and all I felt though attacking those bombers on the ground was a tough call to make I do think it was the right call. At the time the call was made I assure you it was about defending the fleet and not scoring easy kills.

In fact I remember BearKats asking Rattfink on Country Text something about aren't you defending CV-1.....     Well yes sir we were there was alot of bombers at that base..

All and all it was a great frame.

Offline Saxman

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« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2007, 11:12:42 PM »
VMF-251 is very grateful Fighting 31 took that initiative, as well. ;)
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline daddog

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« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2007, 10:00:29 AM »
Daddog I understand you concern however we had no way of knowing which bombers ones were not rearming and which were the drones.

I do not know what could be done about this I agree it would be nice to be able to ditch the drones on the runway. This would really be difficult do work out.
No problem at all with what you guys did sgt203. :) I would have sent some or all of my guys to get the bombers when they were rearming too! :aok But your drones sitting on the runway when your two sectors away is something that the CM's should look at for future frames. :) And they are looking at it.
Noses in the wind since 1997
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Offline sgt203

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« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2007, 03:45:36 AM »
I have to agree Dad..

Leaving the drones on the runway does not make it "fair" as they are not getting back into the fight.

And I took no offense to your post sir Im sure most CO's would have made the same call, it still was difficult having to leave fewer planes at the CV than we would have liked, it may have cost us the cruiser.

Like I said in my post Im wondering if a solution would be to have one base close to the target areas designated as a rearm base. You succesfully land, (no ditches), The field is active for you to land and re-up a single bomber (formations disabled).

With no Dar-Bars other side would have no idea which base was rearm base it would be designated by the CIC with the approval of the event staff.

Just tossing that out there as an idea, if its even possible without to much work or confusion.

And again, obviously, heavy penalties would have to be levied for anyone breaking the re-up rule.