I will never understand you right - wingers that think for a second that a form of democratic anything will last for any lenght of time in a place like Afghanistan or Iraq.
You believe Bush when he says he wants to westernize that area, and you believe him as soon as an election is held or as soon as any little thing happens that he uses to hold up as an example of how his dumb a*$ plans will work. Only to not have enough foresight to see the social and religious turmoil that will develop after such a thing has been done in a region that is not even remotely like or similiar to our own culture at all. And think people will like it.
That disrepect of other peoples right to live how they want, is the prime reason people around the world hate us, especially in that region. That very arrogance is creating our own problems. Well guess what..... most people don't like that.
This is a prime standard of the human psyche. People want to be respected for who they are and how they live and they don't want our opinions or help unless asked.
So America untill you wake up and start realizing that terrorism is alot of your own fault, no matter how good intentioned your actions are, there will never be an end to terrorism. No ammount of misguided, hapless, wars or military actions will ever help that. You cannot bomb every terrorist into oblivion, you cannot kill them all and sign a surrender. You do not know who they all are. It is not a f*cking country, get my drift. Untill America owns up to that simple fact and tries to understand and atone for that, there will never be an end to this.
So as long as we have people in other parts of the world that don't exactly want us there, as long as we keep feeling and acting as if were're superior and everybody wants to be like us. There will always be a resentment of America. We may not be able to reach the people who are terrorists now, they will have to be stopped, it's too late with them. But we better start working on how the children who are growing up in that region view us and feel about us. Before it's too late. America it's not totally our fault, but some of it is. Own up to your responsibility.