Author Topic: CIA jet crashes with 4 tons coke onboard  (Read 2942 times)

Offline AKIron

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CIA jet crashes with 4 tons coke onboard
« Reply #105 on: December 21, 2007, 07:40:06 PM »
It's a never ending fight. There are those who strive, and will not stop, until they have eliminated every  penalty for any wrong doing. I'm not in favor of inflicting pain on anyone but some of the stronger among us sometimes have to do the distasteful to protect the sheep from wholesale slaughter.
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

Offline -tronski-

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CIA jet crashes with 4 tons coke onboard
« Reply #106 on: December 21, 2007, 11:06:51 PM »
Waterboarding are for the ones the CIA can stomach to torture - they give the others to the Syrians, and Egyptians to properly torture for them...

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Offline john9001

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« Reply #107 on: December 21, 2007, 11:10:20 PM »
disclaimer:  no terrorists were injured in the filming of the water boarding.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #108 on: December 22, 2007, 02:49:17 PM »
Originally posted by sgt203
How about this stick your head in the sand, play ostrich and use that to support your political opinions and views.

I appreciate the suggestion but I've found Vulcan's method not to my liking. "24" scenarios are quite exciting. Using them to look for moral loopholes in my thinking, however, has nothing to do with reality. :aok

« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 03:01:52 PM by Arlo »

Offline Viking

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CIA jet crashes with 4 tons coke onboard
« Reply #109 on: December 22, 2007, 03:23:15 PM »
Sgt203, thank you for your objective and honest addition to this debate. I have taken excerpts from your eloquently worded post and grouped them together with excerpts that are, in my opinion, of similar concepts and values.

Originally posted by sgt203
However you have to understand that most of these terrorists are religious zealots who are not going to voluntarily give you information out of  the goodness of their hearts. They are going to have to be persuaded to give the information you seek.  

Originally posted by sgt203
To allow a person who has, in my opinion, removed themselves from the laws of civilized mankind to withhold information that may save the life of someones Mother , father or brother or sister out of political correctness is absurd.

Originally posted by sgt203
However Sleep deprivation, waterboarding,and the use of complete isolation are not in my opinion Torture.

Most criminals will not offer information willingly. Are you of the opinion that the police should be allowed to use water torture (waterboarding for those who condone rationalizing pseudonyms) to obtain information from all criminals? If not, then why? If it’s not torture why not allow all law enforcement to use these effective techniques in their investigations?

Would you consider it acceptable if a foreign power used water torture on US citizens? If not, why?

And just so we’re all agreed on what water torture (waterboarding) really is:

“Waterboarding is a form of torture that consists of immobilizing a person on his or her back, with the head inclined downward, and pouring water over the face and into the breathing passages. Through forced suffocation and inhalation of water, the subject experiences the process of drowning in a controlled environment and is made to believe that death is imminent. In contrast to merely submerging the head face-forward, waterboarding almost immediately elicits the gag reflex. Although waterboarding can be performed in ways that leave no lasting physical damage, it carries the risks of extreme pain, damage to the lungs, brain damage caused by oxygen deprivation, injuries (including broken bones) due to struggling against restraints, and even death. The psychological effects on victims of waterboarding can last for years after the procedure.”

Originally posted by sgt203
There needs to be some control over what can and cannot be used to obtain information and it needs to be kept secret ( not that that is ever possible these days).

To me that seems like an oxymoron. How can secrecy be maintained while still having control? And by control I assume you mean civilian oversight. Government secrecy is in the end an enemy of democracy and freedom.

Originally posted by sgt203
Bin Laden knows what terrorist plans, hiding places, training spots are and should we ever catch him should we not get that information, even if it involves having to use some sort of force to get it.

Originally posted by sgt203
Do we strap electrodes to their testicles, cut and mutlilate them with knives, break bones etc etc etc... NO even in my opinion that goes far beyond the realm of acceptable.

Why? If you are willing to use force against Bin Laden why not go all the way? While breaking bones and mutilations are less effective forms of torture I do not get this hesitation to use all effective methods … if you already have decided to use some of them. The rest of the civilized world are already considering you as torturers. In a perhaps strange way if your government had come out and said “**** yeah we are torturing these people” I would have respected them more (not much, but more nonetheless). At least then they would have been honest about it … instead of trying to re-label and justify a technique of torture that has been a favourite of bad-guys since the Spanish inquisition invented it half a millennia ago. The Spaniards called it toca, or tortura del agua. They were honest about it.

Originally posted by sgt203
His last big attack caused the deaths of over 3000 American Civilians, men, women and children. His networks world wide body count is much much higher than that. He and his followers have long ago removed themselves from the laws and acceptance of the civilized world. Yet we should provide them the protections of the civilized world once they are drawn back into it against their will???

Less than 3000 Americans were killed by the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It should hardly be necessary to exaggerate that event.

A wise man once said “the fire you kindle for your enemy often burns you more than it burns him”. And it is very true. Being civilized is not measured by how you treat your friends, but how you treat your enemies. By not affording these people the protections of the civilized world, as you quite eloquently put it, you have made yourselves less civilized. If you do that then the terrorists have won … and they have, big time.

Originally posted by sgt203
These government agents job is to protect you, your family, our soldiers home and abroad, and every civilian of every country all over the world who may for whatever reason may be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Originally posted by sgt203
It is a personal matter to some mother, father, brother or sister out there who may be the next target.To say that is beside the point because it does not personally involve you, but then to say should it you would do whatever it takes to protect your family is slightly hypocritical. That is exactly what is being done here. They do not have to specifically protect your family but every family all over the world.

While protecting life is important there are far more important issues at stake here. Some things are worth dying for; two of them are freedom and justice. Despite a most impressive propaganda campaign by (among others) your government to make me believe otherwise, terrorism is a minute threat to me, my family, and everyone else in the western world. Compared to other hazards like traffic accidents and illnesses, terrorism is a negligible threat. I am far more likely to be killed by what I’m eating than by some religious zealot with a purpose. So please believe me when I say that I don’t want protection from terrorism. I’d rather live with the added risk of being blown up in a coffee shop than have the “protection” of a secret police and the knowledge that atrocious things are being done to people … in MY name.

So please for the sake of [insert favourite deity] … lose the Gestapo and their torture chambers … “simulated” or otherwise.

Offline bsdaddict

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CIA jet crashes with 4 tons coke onboard
« Reply #110 on: December 22, 2007, 03:30:03 PM »
Originally posted by Viking
While protecting life is important there are far more important issues at stake here. Some things are worth dying for; two of them are freedom and justice.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #111 on: December 22, 2007, 04:09:36 PM »
Originally posted by bsdaddict

He thought it was worth being tortured to death for. (Well, not Mel Gibson .... Billy Wallace.) Seems all that changes with time and geography are the perspectives of whoever needs a good excuse to do the wrong thing (versus the character to do the right thing). :cool:

Offline DiabloTX

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« Reply #112 on: December 22, 2007, 07:31:24 PM »
Let's not forget Justice.  She's the one on the right.

"There ain't no revolution, only evolution, but every time I'm in Denmark I eat a danish for peace." - Diablo

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #113 on: December 22, 2007, 07:43:50 PM »
I'd prefer her to be piece.

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #114 on: December 22, 2007, 08:36:00 PM »
Originally posted by Arlo
Sorry. Not one example of waterboarding being required to avoid a situation like on the T.V. show "24" has ever been offered up by the administration to justify exceptions to the standards against torture the U.S. has supported since ... well ... pretty much the formation of the nation.

But if the rationalization makes you feel better, keep watching the show and using it to form your political opinions.

;) :aok

 So if you didn't get the memo it didn't happen?

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #115 on: December 22, 2007, 08:50:05 PM »
Originally posted by Slash27
So if you didn't get the memo it didn't happen?

Memo? A singular, TV-inspired example does not a policy make. That's not how a country exemplifies the civil rights it insists China (for example) adhere to.

Now if Keifer's forced to make a judgement call ..... guess it'll be up to him - when and if it happens. But we don't use "24" scripts to influence policies regarding torture scenario moral loopholes. Or, at least we didn't before the madness took hold.

« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 10:21:13 PM by Arlo »

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #116 on: December 23, 2007, 05:12:20 PM »
ok, wtf are you so assed up about anyway? seriously

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #117 on: December 23, 2007, 05:30:59 PM »
Hmmmm .... wha? How'd your toes get down there? No ... seriously, bro. ;)
« Last Edit: December 23, 2007, 05:41:09 PM by Arlo »

Offline Vulcan

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« Reply #118 on: December 23, 2007, 07:07:55 PM »
Originally posted by Arlo
Sorry. Not one example of waterboarding being required to avoid a situation like on the T.V. show "24" has ever been offered up by the administration to justify exceptions to the standards against torture the U.S. has supported since ... well ... pretty much the formation of the nation.

But if the rationalization makes you feel better, keep watching the show and using it to form your political opinions.

;) :aok

Well arlo I've never watched the show, not once, not even 5 minutes of it. So nice try no cigar.

Now please answer the question instead of tiptoing around it. Or are you so tied up in your perfect prissy world you are above answering such questions?

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #119 on: December 23, 2007, 07:25:49 PM »
Originally posted by Vulcan
Well arlo I've never watched the show, not once, not even 5 minutes of it. So nice try no cigar.

Now please answer the question instead of tiptoing around it. Or are you so tied up in your perfect prissy world you are above answering such questions?

Coulda fooled me. It's pretty much dead on. Didja get it from a poli-blog? If so, they probably formulated it from a "24" inspiration. Speaking of which, why can't you get that that's why I don't take it as a serious question? No "tip-toeing" involved. I prefer to argue reality but if you're gonna go that route, I'm just gonna treat that accordingly. Not really an "Arlo problem." ;)

NEVER-THE-LESS ... there was an answer. I know you missed it, being all offended over not being taken as seriously as you believe you're supposed to be with this "What would you do if ...?" scenario.

Here it is. Pay attention now:

"Now if Keifer's (Keifer = agent on the scene of the precise scenario you imagine) forced to make a judgement call ..... guess it'll be up to him - when and if it happens. But we don't use "24" scripts to influence policies (that would be guidelines for every person in legal custody) regarding torture scenario moral loopholes. Or, at least we didn't before the madness took hold." - Arlo, CIA jet crashes with 4 tons of coke onboard thread, AHBB, 12-22-2007 8:50 p.m.

You're welcome. Show some gorram appreciation, for a change. :D