Author Topic: 100th FBG "The Haze"  (Read 406 times)

Offline BooBird

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100th FBG "The Haze"
« on: January 04, 2008, 07:48:30 AM »
100th FBG The Haze              

The Haze is always on the look out for quality additions to the squad.  We are a non historic squad who flies anything that gets off the ground.  To include but not limited to: Fighter bombing, heavy bombing, fighter escort, and cap defense.

We are on most evenings with scheduled squad nights on Monday and Thursday nights both at 9pm EST/ 8pm CST/ 6pm PST.  We are consistently involved with the FSO (Friday Night Squad Operations) and the Scenarios.  Feel free to show up whenever you like and check in with us.  We use Teamspeak as well for squad communications and that information is available for those that are interested.

If you have any questions or are interested please drop us an email at

One Rule
The Haze has only one hard and fast rule. We require that our members be responsible and honorable members of the community at all times, whether in the arenas or on the various bulletin boards. What this means exactly is open to interpretation, but among other things, it means no protracted flame wars on the boards, no making an spectacle of yourself in public, etc. Treat everyone, friend or enemy, with due respect. Remember that your actions reflect upon the entire Squad, and act accordingly.

That's about it. We're not real fond of rules, so we only have that one.

Note that we do not require or expect you to be an expert to join The Haze. Many of our members were new to flight simulations when they first joined, and some of them have gone on to become experts who now train others. If you're an honorable person who is interested in joining a squad like The Haze, then drop us a note using the e-mail address above.
If you would like to contact the Haze send an email to