Me after my first solo a few months ago..
You've got the look in your eyes brother!!!! WTG!
Haha yeah.. Notice the wicked awesome aviators.. I decided after I soloed I was worthy of wearing them in public.
Do not get caught up in the country-centric thinking.
Here's my dead animal picture.... (Image removed from quote.)
(Image removed from quote.)this is me half asleep holding the first shark i ever caught.
BiPolar / XBrit Thank you my friends and thank you for many years of fun game play. Now you know who really is on the stick !! My 4 year old and 14 year old fly circles around me The AAngelZ have been together for 10 years now and have enjoyed every minute of it with all you great guys and gals !! This is a great network family and to you all (Image removed from quote.) (Image removed from quote.) (Image removed from quote.) (Image removed from quote.) (Image removed from quote.) (Image removed from quote.) (Image removed from quote.) <<----FIGURES MY SON WOULD PICK THE BIGGEST DANG PUMPKIN THEY HAD !! (Image removed from quote.) (Image removed from quote.) (Image removed from quote.) (Image removed from quote.)