Originally posted by Vulcan
So what is your view on the disparate data from other USN ships in the area at the time such as the Sides which correctly identified the airliner (including its squawk #) before it was shot down?
It should also be taken into account the Vincennces was the only Aegis Cruiser operating in the group, and Sides is a Perry Class FFG.
There is a big difference in the tactical picture that was Rodgers saw versus what was saw as it played out in the CIC of the Sides.
Granted Vincennes was known in the theater as "RoboCruiser" but, you need to understand the whole dynamic of the battlefield of the Arabian Gulf during 87-89.
It was a common tactic for the three pack (one P-3 and two F-4's of the IIAF) to shadow commercial flights in the corridor and bounce the convoys. Also, understand the geography of the area. Where it occured was the Silkworm choke point, where the gulf is at its narrowest. Up north is a fairly open enviroment but, the transit to the I/O is a mass of Dhow's, Commercial Traffic, plus IIN Boghamers and IIAF aircraft running weapons profiles and painiting shipping in the choke point.
The common story of the CIC crew mistaking the aircon for an F-14 is an utter lie. Everyone knew the Tomcats the IIAF had are Unicorns. Meaning everyone hears about them but, no one has ever seen them.
Had we not pulled the bodies out of the water bound and tied to their seats, it might of been a different story.
Also, the crew of the Vinncenes was award multiple medals and merits for the action of that day.
Not a common USN practice for a crew that dropped the ball and killed 248 some odd civilians.
Like I said, sometimes things are changed for Poltical Reasons.
If anyone is really interested, I could scan and post some photos of the operations of the time. We used to have alot of fun with the Soviet warships also operating in theater.