given this
definition do we really care?
We have no right to be annoyed by others game play tactics but it happens anyway.......
for me it the suiciders that I get most annoyed with ...... to get some satisfaction out of a kill its nice to know that the opponent was actually trying to survive rather than just land a bomb on a ammo bunker or toss a coin in the HO.
unlike many I am not that concerned over so called timid players....they just take more time and its less about the fine motor skills with stick and rudder and more about the manouvering at distance to set them up in some thing they cant get away from or tempting them into a mistake that causes them to lose such caution.
Funnily looking at the above definition I find that "ineptitude" is very much a definition of comparison. I know that my gunnery stinks....
I would like to think that it is some sort of system fault but must be ready to admit I just cannot shoot in AHII. Only yesterday I had a SpitIX turning in front of me at 200 range (speed matched, ball centred)my La5 was part flapped and was able to sustain and lead his turn for 3 times during which t I let out repeated short burts whilst he was under my nose.
Nothing hit him! I ended up using most of the clip over the next minutes to find that when a freindly finally did despatch him I did not even get an assist.
Convergence is set at 200.
Yet I was glued to his tail through out the encounter.........ineptitude indeed!
It is instances such as this that makes me realise that the good shots I do pull from time to time are just luck. But then thats not always what I tell my self at the time