Author Topic: Dweeb Pilots  (Read 1780 times)

Offline Yarbles

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« on: January 22, 2008, 07:55:49 AM »
In the Dweeb planes thread the only loose consensus was there is no such thing as a dweeb plane only dweeb pilots. So what are dweeb pilots?

Are they pilots who simply revel in shooting down planes that are less easy to fly well? Or are they simply those who shoot down the inarticulate and un self aware who are frustrated from overestimating there own abilities? Or is there more to it than that?

My own experience in spits is that if I catch poor turners low and slow they are quite easy kills. If that is a problem for them perhaps they should accept they shouldn t get low and slow. Up high its a different story and I think beware. It just so happens the maority of fights are low and slow but they arent necessarily the best ones.

I personaly would give the La7 and possibly the spit16 a very low perk because particulary the La7 crosses the frontier too well between fast and turn. The spit 16 is perhaps just too good down low but then it has the limitation on speed and fast planes can usually extend and return if they have there SA switched on which is not true of the La7.   :)

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Offline Bruv119

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« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 08:09:51 AM »
Guys who like to have all of the advantages up their sleeve and still can't produce a kill.  Alt, Speed, superior plane, number advantage etc etc.  

The timid style of running when things get even or they lose one of the above.  When they turn back only when you've started fighting someone else.

These weak people will tell themselves that they are "flying smart" but they aren't.  They just lack confidence in their own ability.  I like to have all of the things mentioned above but it doesn't always work out that way.  When I do have the advantage I will pressure the enemy until the cons dry up.  

Still the la7 or spit 16 shouldn't be perked in my opinion.  If they were people would jump to the next "free" fastest plane.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2008, 08:15:39 AM by Bruv119 »
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Offline Yarbles

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« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2008, 08:23:07 AM »
I see what you are saying but at the same time it only makes sense to enter the fight when it is at least to some extent in your favour. Unless it is to help a comrade I dont think any ww2 pilot would run into unessesary danger and for me it is the authenticy of the game which helps it correspond to the historical accounts of real pilots. The bold and brave probably didnt live to record their story but that is also revealed within the game.

What I dont understand is the need to denegrate other players for playing it their own way. If 3 or 4 Knights are chasing one Bishop in a fast plan and he runs away he is "a dweeb" or worse:confused:
If someone sneeks up under your six and shoots you down he is a bad sport yet if you read any of the accounts of real pilots they spen so much time checking all around :confused:

 I guess whatever game you play there will be bad losers and those who refuse to accept responsibility for their own skill level and performance :cry

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Offline Bruv119

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« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2008, 08:43:46 AM »
It's all down to perspective yarbles.  

Lets say your having a long drawn out fight hurri1 vs emil.  You've spent a few minutes going at it and have taken chunks off of each other.  Dweeb X in LA7 comes along at 450MPH and blows your enemy into smithereens just as you were going to pull the trigger.

Is X pilot a dweeb for stealing your kill and picking your prey from underneath your nose?

I would say yes if you didn't ask for help.

On the flip side you are RTB after a succesful run and have a few cannons left.  An enemy porker is in and out of your field ack being chased by 2 friendlies and has been for the last 5 minutes.  These friendlies couldn't hit the broadside of a barn and you want to land safely.  You proceed to dive on him and get the killer shot on him.  Do friendlies X and Y call you a kill stealing Dweeb or does the enemy porker who may think he is fighting outnumbered and winning call you a ganging Dweeb?

The bottom line is it doesn't matter.  Play the game how you want to and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.  There will be good and bad personalities that you may or may not agree with but so what.  Kill em all.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2008, 08:45:50 AM by Bruv119 »
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Offline Yarbles

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« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2008, 08:54:09 AM »
Originally posted by Bruv119
It's all down to perspective yarbles.  

 Kill em all.


Thats it:aok

The game should be a release from frustration not a source of it. It supposed to be war not cricket.

"Don't get into arguments with idiots, they drag you down to their level and then win from experience"
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Offline humble

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« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2008, 09:18:59 AM »
As Bruv said "dweebiness" is usually in the relative perspective, however their is a difference between "situational" dwebbishness and the behavioral variety...

Personally I dont consider either the la-7 or spit XVI to be dweeb rides. The spit is good but not uber (1a hog a much deadlier bird IMO) and the La-7 has very short legs and is less then uber at mid alts. They are just often flown by lesser pilots who are more plane dependent (obviously not always).

Here are a number of recent examples from flying over the 3 day weekend...

1) the hurricane/zeked driver who hangs 15k or more about 1/2 sector out from his field and pics kills from his countrymen defending. He never engages a target initially and never clears a 6 but either uses the "good guys" as bait or waited till the other guy forces a "hanging curve" evasive...

2) The "yes we all suck" tag team where 5 or 6 marginal pilots (usually in ponies, tiffies, 109K's and dora's) all buzzbomb a low con without ever really engaging or setting up a real shot. Inevitably after 6-7 minutes a guy gets lucky. Usually 30 seconds before friendlies arrive to find a handful of low, relatively slow buffet items...of course as your rolling out they're rtbing with a few kills apiece and the cycle continues:)

3) The "backstabbing" wingmen...

I love a good 1 on 2, or a good 1 on 1...and I dont mind where the wingie "stays out" then bails his partner out if he gets in trouble (afterall what are wingmen for). However, the wingie that extends out of icon range and then comes screaming back while the other guy had no real intention of engaging but is just trying to set up the pick...invariably these guys end up like #2 as cannon fodder for the cavalry if you dont get them.

None of these are situationally dependent, these are flying "styles"....

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Offline splitatom

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« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2008, 10:20:44 AM »
i hate it when someone hoe's you when you want to do an honerable one on one fight
snowey flying since tour 78

Offline humble

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« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2008, 11:09:54 AM »
If I'm low slow and in an inferior position/plane I'll take a FQ shot (or HO) if its appropriate. The reality is its a crapshoot with odds based more on luck then skill. Given a choice I'd rather fly the fight....but if my "odds" are alot less then 50/50 (in my mind) I'll roll the dice. Most of the time the guy complaining about a HO....wasnt. 90% of the time its a FQ shot created by a lazy manuever from a superior position where the other guy see's a shot window and takes it knowing he might not get another. A H0 is 99.98%+ your own fault (the %.02 is the occasional "golden BB")...

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Offline waystin2

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« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2008, 11:15:43 AM »
Originally posted by Bruv119

The bottom line is it doesn't matter.  Play the game how you want to and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.  There will be good and bad personalities that you may or may not agree with but so what.  Kill em all.


You hit the nail on the head Bruv.:aok

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Offline The Fugitive

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« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2008, 11:56:04 AM »
Originally posted by humble
If I'm low slow and in an inferior position/plane I'll take a FQ shot (or HO) if its appropriate. The reality is its a crapshoot with odds based more on luck then skill. Given a choice I'd rather fly the fight....but if my "odds" are alot less then 50/50 (in my mind) I'll roll the dice. Most of the time the guy complaining about a HO....wasnt. 90% of the time its a FQ shot created by a lazy manuever from a superior position where the other guy see's a shot window and takes it knowing he might not get another. A H0 is 99.98%+ your own fault (the %.02 is the occasional "golden BB")...

To me the dweeb pilot is the guy/girl that has no intentions of "fighting" mostly because they have no idea what fighting is all about. These are the people who jump in their ride...most often a fast cannon ride, hence the LAs, and spits.....and point their nose strait at the red con and come screaming in in with guns blasing away! They have no idea about maneuvers, or setting a guy up for the shot.

humble, I wouldn't begrudge you or anyone else who fights a HO.  In most cases a good fight can last a number of turns and there is always the chance that someone will jump in on one side of the other. You do what you have to do, but those that it's the only move they have are the dweebs.

Offline Yarbles

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« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2008, 12:11:40 PM »
Originally posted by The Fugitive
To me the dweeb pilot is the guy/girl that has no intentions of "fighting" mostly because they have no idea what fighting is all about. These are the people who jump in their ride...most often a fast cannon ride, hence the LAs, and spits.....and point their nose strait at the red con and come screaming in in with guns blasing away! They have no idea about maneuvers, or setting a guy up for the shot.


Bless them if there were more like this it would help my kill death ratio:aok

For me the dweeb (allot of people wont like this) is the guy or girl who always has some excuse as to why he/she just got sent back to the tower.
"He Hoed me, they were all spit dweebs, no one gave me a check six, there all alt monkeys, they ganged me, he was warping," etc etc. In other words they didnt play the game exactly how I want so I can win

I am surprised how much whingeing goes on in this game and how weak so many peoples sense of personal responsibility is. When I get shot down which until recently is more often than not it has allways been my fault. I have never seen anyone cheat in this game. And even with my limited skills and experience I am not affraid of being shot down by newbies whatever they fly.

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Offline Tilt

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« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2008, 12:23:11 PM »
given this definition  do we really care?

We have no right to be annoyed by others game play tactics but it happens anyway.......

for me it the suiciders that I get most annoyed with ...... to get some satisfaction out of a kill its nice to know that the opponent was actually trying to survive rather than just land a bomb on a ammo bunker or  toss a coin in the HO.

unlike many I am not that concerned over so called timid players....they just take more time and its less about the fine motor skills with stick and rudder and more about the manouvering  at distance to set them up in some thing they cant get away from or tempting them into a mistake that causes them to lose such caution.

Funnily looking at the above definition I find that "ineptitude" is very much a definition of comparison. I know that my gunnery stinks....

I would like to think that it is some sort of system fault but must be ready to admit I just cannot shoot in AHII.  Only yesterday I had  a SpitIX  turning in front of me at 200 range (speed matched, ball centred)my La5 was part flapped  and was able to sustain and lead his turn for 3 times during which t I let out repeated short burts whilst he was under my nose.

Nothing hit him! I ended up using most of the clip over the next minutes to find that when a freindly finally did despatch him I did not even get an assist.

Convergence is set at 200.

Yet I was glued to his tail through out the encounter.........ineptitude indeed!  

It is instances such as this that makes me realise that the good shots I do pull from time to time are just luck. But then thats not always what I tell my self at the time   ;)
« Last Edit: January 22, 2008, 12:27:04 PM by Tilt »
Ludere Vincere

Offline Yarbles

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« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2008, 12:45:58 PM »
I am rubbish at convergence shots on La7's. My conclusion not that there dweeb planes but that they are going faster than I think they are.

Dweeb I think is an aspiring nerd without computer knowledge or nerdy friends to bring to party. In other words a social inadequate without compensating talents.

As a less fortunate they are of course best treated with derision (irony and sarcasm applies here) like tard's who are also lame. I think there is something to be said for political correctness because it prevents the most stupid insensitive people picking on those least able to defend themselves in the way that they do to make themselves feel good about their own inadequacies. Unfortunately the stupid and insensitive are vaguely aware otf their inadequacies as the more elite in society subtley remind them at every opportunity and so it goes on.

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Offline dedalos

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« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2008, 01:15:10 PM »
I think it is time I put an end to this :)

Dweeb ride = 190
Dweeb pilit =  Person in the 190

Reason?  They know they picked a plane that cannot fight.  They chose to get in a plane that all it could do is intercept buffs, vulch, HO, or run.  They call that flying smart.

Thank you,
Next thread please?  :lol
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline BlauK

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« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2008, 01:20:38 PM »
Surely the"Dweeb planes" exist. They are the planes used most often by the Dweebs :)

Originally posted by splitatom
i hate it when someone hoe's you when you want to do an honerable one on one fight

If you want "an honorable fight" (whatever that may be by each and everyone's definition), do not go HO with them yourself.
If you don't go HO with them, they are not coming HO at you. It is as easy as that. There is always two planes going towards each other in a HO. :p

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