Author Topic: Respect  (Read 3106 times)

Offline hrdhrd

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« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2008, 10:26:20 AM »
Originally posted by The Fugitive

Do we need to be baby sat 24/7? right now I'd have to say yes. Once things got back under control, most likely not.
If the penalty is strong enough, and given out consistently eventually people, even the kids, would learn what is acceptable.
 If it were me, I'd wipe the membership clean and have everyone subscribe with their Call sign as there ID. This way people could be held "accountable" for their conduct.
Strict? maybe, but how many people leave the game due to running into the same "A" holes night after night? How many more people would sign up after their 2 weeks if there wasn't any "crap" spilling over on 200?

I couldn't agree more with the above comments by The Fugitive.

I know this will go down like a lead balloon but I'll say it anyway:-
I play iL2 as well as AH and in iL2 the majority play in squads - I know not all, but most.
The squads self monitor each other for behavior while online. It's very rare to see or hear insults. One reason, we do not have a ch200 to abuse.
Maybe we should have a squad only arena in here where you do register your call-sign to get in or have to be invited in as a solo player by a squad. Like the way you have to invite someone on board your plane.
The arena could be set up for squad play and missions.

Okay! Now stand by for the abuse for suggesting such a thing :-)
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Offline Yeager

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« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2008, 10:32:57 AM »
would rather I had towed the line and given a disingenuous "Sorry".
Is your heart so damaged and cold that you cannot feel sorry and pass along your regrets when someone loses one of their parents?
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline Adonai

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Re: Respect ?
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2008, 10:52:12 AM »
Originally posted by Phil

Always the same guys stiring up the pot:lol

Phil / OPP7755:aok [/B]

or some guys like VansCrew that SMOKE pot.

Anyhow I tend to be little rowdy on 200 for kicks sometimes, mainly just for kicks. This is a game remember that and I do respect people around me esp elders (Hello Shawk Sir) anyhow kids like Dextur and Axer arn't showing "Younger" means they are the problem, I find both these kids to be superb pilots and pretty mature, same For VansCrew as well as RYNO From Screaming devils, all 4 are under 18 and proved time and time again they are just kids having fun at a game.

Makes you wonder, why would someone come on a forum to insult someone after a loved one died? I can understand a "kid" Fabricated a death once, but thats one in I dont know how many. Anyhow enough on this topic, Anything said really isn't going to change ones causing problems.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 10:55:24 AM by Adonai »

Offline scottydawg

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« Reply #48 on: January 23, 2008, 11:20:56 AM »
Originally posted by hrdhrd
I couldn't agree more with the above comments by The Fugitive.

I know this will go down like a lead balloon but I'll say it anyway:-
I play iL2 as well as AH and in iL2 the majority play in squads - I know not all, but most.
The squads self monitor each other for behavior while online. It's very rare to see or hear insults. One reason, we do not have a ch200 to abuse.
Maybe we should have a squad only arena in here where you do register your call-sign to get in or have to be invited in as a solo player by a squad. Like the way you have to invite someone on board your plane.
The arena could be set up for squad play and missions.

Okay! Now stand by for the abuse for suggesting such a thing :-)

Actually hrdhrd there is an arena called Special Events Arena that hosts Squad ops and other structured events. Civil behavior is a requirement and things are much more fun in there.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 01:10:07 PM by scottydawg »

Offline BMathis

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« Reply #49 on: January 23, 2008, 11:21:52 AM »
Originally posted by Stampf
It's been my experience (with the few exceptions), you get pretty much what you give.

The others are just ignored.
Amen to that.
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Offline Delirium

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« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2008, 11:44:11 AM »
AH has changed, in the old days vets used to show the rank and file within AH the way to act, people listened and respected them,

Those vets are gone and instead are replaced by channel 200 'I PWNZ U' individuals that are more interested in having their names on the score board than giving anything back to AH.
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Offline Nisky

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« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2008, 12:56:32 PM »
Respect is something thats earned and not given lightly. Remembering back to when i started i played for about 3mths and then i asked on country channel if any squads were recruiting and all i got back in return were smart comments and rude statements. I got mad switched countries and asked the same question got picked up by Redrusky aka redroses. After a couple of squads crashed and burned i helped start up with the Aces and 8's and one of the first rules we instated was no trash talk on 200. I understand that im only human and this game gets the best of me sometimes, but i try to uphold our squad motto "Honor, Respect, Teamwork". I have a lot of respect for a lot of people in here and i try to contribute to the community as much as it has to me.
just talk about random stuff but please stay on topic

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Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Respect
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2008, 01:20:09 PM »

I'm curious, how long have you been doing this? I would hazard to guess that it's not a very long time...relatively speaking. This stuff has been going on since the Al Gore created the internet. The same "disrespect" you are complaining about was evident 17 years ago (when I started doing this stuff) in Air Warrior, both the game and the boards.

Bottom line, if you stick your head up above the crowd....someone will hammer it back down. Yes, it has something to do with "RESPECT". No one gets automatic respect. If you enter these virtual halls expecting respect by virtue of the fact that you are a decent human being, you are in for a disappointment.

As for 'diss'in' noobs, the one's that have done the game the courtesy of bothering to read the available information get plenty of respect and offers of assistance. It is the ones that can't be bother to RTFM that catch the most crap and they deserve it because the disrespect the players in the game by demanding that those players explain what they can't be bothered to find out for themselves.

In my experience, those that respect others and earn the respect of others do just fine here. Those that don't, will be ostracized (meaning they will catch more than their ration of crap).
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline FrodeMk3

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« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2008, 01:35:56 PM »
As for 'diss'in' noobs, the one's that have done the game the courtesy of bothering to read the available information get plenty of respect and offers of assistance. It is the ones that can't be bother to RTFM that catch the most crap and they deserve it because the disrespect the players in the game by demanding that those players explain what they can't be bothered to find out for themselves.

NoBaddy, somewhere in here, I heard someone compare this community with that of Half-life and Counterstrike. Which is what it seems' to be, anymore. It is not the old flight-sim community it used to be-Mainly people who were aviation buffs already, or took a great interest in history. Now, it's being eclipsed by the 'gamer' generation. It's like the transformation of hot rodding; Ten or fifteen years' ago, people showed up to the drive-in in their mid-'60's Chevelle's, Camaro's, GTO's, Mustangs, Firebirds, and other '60's musclecars. They listened to their CCR, or Lynrd Skynrd, or Journey, or even '80's pop, Johnny Cash...

Now they drive up in their Honda Civics, Mitsubishi Eclipses', or whatever over-winged Fart-can exhaust LED lights-like-a-christmas-tree rice burner ride they prefer. They blast their Hip-Hop music...However, they want to play the same game as the older crowd. The older guys, who used to break the same laws, street-racing their older muscle cars, were just as guilty of breaking laws' as the younger kids' in their Ricers. They just went about it a different way. Same thing with the AH community today.

Oh, gamers' are a little more aligned than the example I posted. But their is a difference. And it get's bigger all the time. The real limiting factor in this, is how many of the older sticks' finally get fed up and hang up their joysticks', as opposed to staying on, and trying to pass down the values' that were instilled in them so long ago.

Offline NoBaddy

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« Reply #54 on: January 23, 2008, 01:46:05 PM »
Originally posted by FrodeMk3
The real limiting factor in this, is how many of the older sticks' finally get fed up and hang up their joysticks', as opposed to staying on, and trying to pass down the values' that were instilled in them so long ago.

Well, I've been passing it on for many years now (first in AW and now here). I've made a special effort with the arena split to do so. There are a number of "newer" folks that I have been sharing my limited knowledge with. The only thing I ever ask of any of them is that they pay it forward as well.

BTW, what you are talking about is the reason HT split the arenas in the first place.
NoBaddy (NB)

Flying since before there was virtual durt!!
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Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #55 on: January 23, 2008, 02:55:33 PM »
Originally posted by NoBaddy
BTW, what you are talking about is the reason HT split the arenas in the first place.

Amen to that ... The arena split is probably the decision HT and crew have made since I have played this game.

Mid-War, even with it's "lower" numbers, reminds me of AH in days past. Yes it has it moments with hot heads, but overall, the regulars in that arena have kept it a pretty civil community and a joy to fly and fight in.

If MW were to ever digress to the cesspool level that I see in LW, I would probably be forced to "hang it up".
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Offline shiningpathb4me

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« Reply #56 on: January 23, 2008, 03:21:03 PM »
Manners and etiquette have degraded in the general population and this game is but a subset.  You see it with cell phones in restaurants, strangers on a plane, and all online games.

We have:

The people who won't return a salute, even after a hard fought a2a battle. With some it doesn't matter who shot who down, they don't return any of them.

The people who deack a base just to circle and pick off uppers with their tempest, and send each a salute as they do so.

The people who fly in a gang just out of ack range (town untouched) then snivel about being HO'd on 200 when the 1 guy who opposes them shoots one of them down.

The people who ditch or crash out of range so you won't know who they are.

The people who hit alt-f4 when they get into a fix

The people who PM you with insults when you shoot them down

The people who have a million excuses on 200 for why they got shot down

The people who seem to think that everyone in a furball should know that a certain plane is "theirs" and not to be engaged by someone else.

The people who don't seem to realize we don't all have perfect SA in a furball, and can't see a missing wing when we're pulling a hard lead turn. {Heck sometimes we're shooting out front of plane we can't even see, and guessing where he is} They immediately scream about shooting at their downed plane.

The people who continue to follow a downed plane all the way to the ground blasting away (the plane shot down by someone else) [One guy last night told me he was "returning the favor" because I'd apparently shot down a spit he was trying to kill earlier - the spit was in perfect flying shape when he flew in front of me]

Then there are the guys who seem to  purposefully force killshoots. They are also the guys who will get behind you and give you a check six so they can get by and kill the guy you're after.

One guy last week made some comment about me shooting the flaming N1k he'd gunned.  He seemed oblivious to the fact the N1k was was still flying and trying to kill an M-3 and some troops in the air over the town. We're all supposed to let that happen to keep him from losing his kill.

On and on and on . . . .

Offline WMLute

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« Reply #57 on: January 23, 2008, 03:26:02 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
Everything I needed to know in life I learned in Kindergarten. Perhaps we should make some people repeat the low level schooling.


What's funny about this quote is early this morning while replying to a now locked thread, I was using quotes from that book.

I think it needs to be required reading.

(I deleted my post 5min after typing it.  the whole "pearls and swine" bit)
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Offline 68ROX

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« Reply #58 on: January 23, 2008, 03:31:27 PM »
Ya forgot one shiningpath...

*The Me262 tard who thinks it's REALLY FUNNY when your whacking buffs to fly directly through you and you end up dying in a kill-shooter and he steals your kill.

Happened again today.

No names will be named.

Yes.  I don't know if "respect" is the right word, but simple courtesy and manners in American Society are pretty much dead.

People won't even use the basic manners unless they want something from you.

The drivers I have seen in AR, TX, TN, KY, OH, NC, MS, AL, GA, and OK seem to have never heard of manners or courtesy.

Same as in the game.

Offline shiningpathb4me

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The commercials
« Reply #59 on: January 23, 2008, 03:34:04 PM »
The commercials on the military channel appear to be working.  We have a lot of new players showing up daily. But there is a limit to what you can do on country channel! 3 new players / hour asking about how to turn on their engine or how to make their tank go. The incidence of "alt-F4" responses is appalling.  We try to steer them to the TA, but you should really log into the TA some time to see just what the new player really finds when he gets there.

When I first joined AHII I think it was Casca? that took me me into the tower somewhere and helped me get my VOX working. Then he took me on a bomber flight to teach me what to do from take off thru calibration, bomb drop, and landing. It was someone in "Most Wanted" because that was my first squad. If I'm getting the name wrong I'm sorry -- it was a long time ago.

Too bad we don't have more people around like that these days.  I've hopped into the TA several times over the last year to try and help some new guys get started. Nobody has ever responded to my offers.  I've offered to give bombing or dive bombing lessons in the MA, few ever respond. I guess I should just keep at it, maybe a couple of guys will take me up on it.