Author Topic: Respect  (Read 3107 times)

Offline 68bigtex

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« on: January 22, 2008, 09:47:18 PM »
Some of you my take this as a whine, a cry or however you want to put it, but this is something I have been observing in the game for quite sometime now.  I have been playing this game since August 2002.  When I was learning to play I was coached by folks in the game without a single “Go Somewhere Else”, “Why don’t you ask someone else”, no “STUPID NOOB” comments and defiantly no answer to a question was   “ALT F4”.  The first time I played the game after downloading it I got so frustrated I quit for a week because I didn’t want to bother anyone playing the game to ask for help, but as soon as I went back and asked for help everyone was more than happy to help someone joining their hobby. Now a day if someone asks for help they get jumped on like food to a bunch of starved jackals.  
    The lack of respect to one another in the boards is unbelievable.  As a lot of people have seen in a recent post, a member of the community was criticized about a post where he wanted to speak a piece about his late mother whom had just passed,  in my mind no matter where you post it,  a post like that is due the utmost respect.   Any other time you may say something about where a topic is posted, however the death of a loved one, come on, show a little compassion. This is not the only time someone has been disrespected in the boards and I kow it wont be the last. There are many others but this was the freshest incident in my mind.  
    Channel 200 is a joke. I stopped tuning to it because of the garbage and blatant disrespect to each other and to the fun of the game.  I understand we have a lot of the younger generation who bring negatives, but it is our duty to bring it to there attention of those involved that this is a game.  To me, this is a hobby, I have a wife in college full time, a 4month old daughter and I work a full time job plus over time.  I know a lot of other people in the game have the same or more obligations than I do that feel the same way.   I play when I can! In the hour it takes my wife to walk the dogs when my daughter is asleep, on squad night when my wife doesn’t have homework to do and the baby is asleep or being entertained by her.  I know I am not the only one who has to work around “real life” to enjoy my hobby, but why do the majority of the players in the game have to put up with the minorities disrespectfulness? Or is the question, Why DOES  the majority of the players put up with the minority disrespectfulness?   I know this is a long post but just something I thought I would bring up.


Offline SgtPappy

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« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 09:56:14 PM »
It's good it's been brought up but it's difficult well...almost impossible to change another's character.

Hopefully more people read this; I'm a strong supporter of the values behind your post  :aok
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Offline yanksfan

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« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2008, 10:01:23 PM »
Well put, "S" to you sir, I'm not sure there is an answer to your questions tho.

The thread you are refering to, well,,,, that dude is a wack job.
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Offline Masherbrum

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« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2008, 10:03:34 PM »
What happened to me last week was the most amazing thing that has happened to date.    

This Community started to fracture about 3 years ago.
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Offline JB73

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« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2008, 10:06:08 PM »
paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world paragraphs make sense in the internet world
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2008, 10:10:39 PM »
What was a small community of AW and WB dweebs in their own private paradise is now a very large community where the old timers are a minority. There is no mechanism to police, and no reason to modify behavior. That's pretty much it, we just became too large a group for simple peer pressure to have any real effect on behavior.
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Offline TheBug

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« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2008, 10:19:36 PM »

Overpopulation it is a destructive force in every environment.  Wish I had the answer.
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Offline Murdr

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« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2008, 10:31:00 PM »
Hence the reason for the arena split.  The problem is that the arena format they use is a matter of two identical arena's with the status quo, and 2 arenas with limited choices.  I said from the get go that I didn't think the result would be effective.  As long as there are arena's with unlimited planesets, that's where the herd will be.  

The only way to have smaller sub-communities is for every arena to have its own personality, which means no unlimited planeset arena unfortunately.  Something to make an arena a home for squads.  Early, Mid, and something like PTO, ETO, or even ETO west and east would do that.  I can just imagine the cries if anything like that were ever done.

Like was said.  Too many numbers and too much anonymity, for community policing/peer pressure to be effective.  That, and methinks the playerbase is getting younger than it has historically been.

Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2008, 10:32:25 PM »
Originally posted by Murdr
That, and methinks the playerbase is getting younger than it has historically been.

I'm not sure it's the youngsters who are the most recent problems.

- oldman

Offline John Curnutte

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I Agree 68Bigtex
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2008, 10:33:12 PM »
Your post is good , and I'm in agreement with you . respect is something that is not learned by everyone , and as sad to say as it is , is probably not going to change much . however as individuals and adults we can still behave as expected and do the right thing . I also recieved alot of help from very nice people on all sides of this game and I thank all of you for your kindness in putting up with me when I started . Kindness will hopefully rub off from one person to another and maybe a new trend will start , so you may possibly be suprised one day .:D
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Offline 2bighorn

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Re: Respect
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2008, 10:41:54 PM »
Originally posted by 68bigtex
but it is our duty to bring it to there attention of those involved that this is a game.
Duty-game, game-duty... Oxymoron

The only thing you're obliged in this game, is paying your $14.95 and play by the rules HTC set forth. All other goodies are icing on the cake.

Don't expect everyone to take online game as serious as you do, as such, do not demand moral obedience. It has nothing to do with respect.

In online game, respect is earned, it can not be forced.

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2008, 10:44:58 PM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
What happened to me last week was the most amazing thing that has happened to date.    

This Community started to fracture about 3 years ago.

Do tell? Shoot me a PM if you dont mind.

Offline 68bigtex

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Re: Re: Respect
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2008, 10:54:00 PM »
Originally posted by 2bighorn
Duty-game, game-duty... Oxymoron

The only thing you're obliged in this game, is paying your $14.95 and play by the rules HTC set forth. All other goodies are icing on the cake.

Don't expect everyone to take online game as serious as you do, as such, do not demand moral obedience. It has nothing to do with respect.

In online game, respect is earned, it can not be forced.

Earned in a game?  Respect is due as a common courtesy to everone.   Tell me the why the minority talks to the the majority with such disrespect.  I do not demand obedience from anyone. <> Thanks for you input

Offline RELIC

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« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2008, 11:12:08 PM »
Yep, the lack of civility and any meager form of respect in game and on the boards is getting very tiring.  
If only there was a an arena that muted and then ejected players who used profane and obnoxious language...
Look at me!!!  I'm 14 and can swear!!!  SWEET!!!  Perhaps we need an arena for just such individuals. :rolleyes:
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Offline 2bighorn

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Re: Re: Re: Respect
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2008, 11:21:48 PM »
Originally posted by 68bigtex
Respect is due as a common courtesy to everone.
Certain etiquette is required, by the law, HTC and the community. Anything beyond that is a choice.

Originally posted by 68bigtex
Tell me the why the minority talks to the the majority with such disrespect.
If I'd know that I'd be rich.
Originally posted by 68bigtex
I do not demand obedience from anyone.
Demanding, not only to be passionate but also about what and the way I suppose to be passionate IS demanding moral obedience. Unless you hold patent on morals, don't go there