Will any other aircraft (besides the 152) enter a tail slide if you zoom climb straight up and do your best to keep the nose vertical? After the 152 thread a week or two ago, I tried some offline maneuvers with some pretty funny results: lots of tail-spinning deaths in the 152, but I was unable to get any other aircraft to mimic the 'maneuver.':lol And I tried many, many times without success.
What seems clear is that the CoG is far behind the CoL. Without rudder input, every aircraft in the AH planeset yaws during a roll. What's different is that the 152 yaws much more violently, as if part of the v-stab were missing. This "fishtailing" effect is due to the CoG being too far aft, and not due to the lengthened wingspan, as some have suggested. But fishtailing is actually a bad description of the 152s behavior: what actually happens is that the heavy tail stays put during a roll, and it's the nose that wallows around (afterwards, the tail has to catch up to the pulling prop). In other aircraft, the CoL and CoG are much closer together, so even during an uncoordinated roll or turn, there is not so much ballast swinging from side to side.
To repeat the point, what I find remarkable is that I am unable to force any other aircraft into a tail-slide or tail-spin, and in the 152 this is accomplished without hard maneuvering. Either this aircraft was poorly designed to begin with, or it is not modeled correctly. One of the two has to stick.
I've seen online flight sims develop over many years, and no one can deny that errors do creep in from time to time, and eventually are found out. Yes, I'm saying HT isn't super-human, and I've seen enough of his fixes in the past not to be surprised if we see one in the future. There are always people who defend things as they are now until they're blue in the face, and then later they'll say they always knew "minor adjustments" would have to be made. A bunch of us have already gone on record in the previous thread with opinions about the 152 fm. We'll see who time vindicates.