Originally posted by Motherland
Just out of curiosity, how old are you? Im not trying to insult you or anything, Im just wondering. It seems that past generations haven't gotten past the novelty stage (one reason so many women are voting for Hillary Clinton), but, out of all honesty, the majority of those in my peer group (that I know, obviously I cant speak for everyone) see the two candidates as, well, candidates, not as a woman candidate and a black candidate. Obviously the majority of the voters are older, and will based on race/sex, but I honestly dont think the younger generation(s) will.
Unfortunately in certain sectors he is right.
And beleive me I dont mean this as a slight toward blacks.
But thee are certain sectors of the black population that are going ot vote for him simply because he is black.
There are alot of blacks where my wife works.
Perhaps I shoudl rephrase to a more accurate term.
there are alot of racial blacks where my wife works where race with them always seems to be an issue.
Example. We know several interracial couples who have obviously interracial children.
some of the people my wife works with will forget about the white half (not that it should matter) and say " If they have black skin they are black"
Often offending the white half of the couple who do not see them as black or white but simply as children
anyway. these same people she tells me tonight are "already at it with Obama and We gonna have a BLACK president."
These same people less then a year ago claimed " He might have black skin but he isnt no black man."
Now because he's made it so far they are jumping on the bandwagon and he is now suddenly "black".
Now me personally I dont care if we have a black president a white president or a green and purple president with orange stripes.
so long as we have a good president.
Having a president "of color" (whatever that means) might be a good thing inasmuch as maybe it will finally stop some of the "because im black" cop out excuses I tend to hear alot of around here.
If nothing else that whine needs to stop. Fore their own good and everyone elses sanity