Author Topic: Bomber Points  (Read 2286 times)

Offline The Fugitive

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« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2008, 10:31:09 AM »
its all bases on how much damage you can cause with 1 bomb.

1 bomb on 1 building=100% and "X" amount of points

1 bomb on 4 buildings=400% and 4 times the points

3 bombs on 1 fighter hanger= 33% and "x" amount of points

So looking for the biggest concentration of targets, and put the smallest number of bombs on it will give you the best points/score.

My targets are VHs and towns. I can't hit a CV to save my life, and I only do the other to help out when Im getting especially hammered in fighters, and my bomber scores show me as a pretty darn good buff pilot :rolleyes:

I agree there must be a better way to score and rank buffs.

Offline BaldEagl

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« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2008, 12:00:59 PM »
There is no difference in value between a town building and a city building.  A building is a building.  The key is to get as many as possible with the fewest bombs possible.  

Obviously, bigger bombs take more buildings at a time than smaller bombs, although sometimes, with the right concentration of buildings, dropping 2 or more bombs is actually beneficial as the proximity damage area between the bombs seems to be intensified, dropping more buildings with, say, two bombs spaced than you could with one, then another in another area.

Buildings and hangers work differently.  If you drop 1 1000 lb bomb and take out 4 buildings you get a 400% damage ratio.  If you drop 3 1000 lb bombs and take out a hanger, it's closer to 100% due to the hardness of the hanger.

So, in conclusion, to maximize your bomber score, hit targets with high concentrations of soft targets with as big of bombs as you can carry and space them properly for maximum proximity damage.

[EDIT]  BTW, points work differently between buildings and hangers also.  As an example, I used to fly Lancs against VB's a lot.  I could take out 9-12 hangers (on the old VB layout) with 14x1000 lb bombs x3 for ~400,000 points (we'll average a bit and say ~38000 points per hanger or 2040 points per bomb).  Now I usually fly AR234's against strats taking ~21 buildings at 250,000 points with 3x500 Kg (slightly greater than 1000 lbs) bombs x3 (~12,000 points per building or 2800 points per bomb).  

These are just estimates but as you can see, the points per 1000 lbs of bombs remain relatively stable (within range due to estimations) while the points per object do not, so, you need to kill several (3-4) buildings to equal one hanger from a points perspective but hitting the buildings adds the benefit of a higher hit %.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 12:23:34 PM by BaldEagl »
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Offline Lusche

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« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2008, 02:09:50 PM »
Originally posted by Yarbles
Please let me know the result.

Ok, killing one single City building gave me 1585 damage points. A single town building resulted in 1360 damage points. I used P47 guns to ensure that i did get only a single building each time.
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Offline BaldEagl

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« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2008, 02:29:55 PM »
Originally posted by Lusche
Ok, killing one single City building gave me 1585 damage points. A single town building resulted in 1360 damage points. I used P47 guns to ensure that i did get only a single building each time.

You should have used 1 bomb, seen how many buildings it takes down and divide points by buildings.  Damage points are dependent on how many rounds you put into the target and using machine guns may have influenced the result (possible over-spray into another structure?).  You may have also caused proximity damage to another structure without actually dropping it, which would also influence your result using either method.
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Offline Lusche

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« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2008, 02:39:44 PM »
Originally posted by BaldEagl
You should have used 1 bomb, seen how many buildings it takes down and divide points by buildings.  Damage points are dependent on how many rounds you put into the target and using machine guns may have influenced the result (possible over-spray into another structure?).  You may have also caused proximity damage to another structure without actually dropping it, which would also influence your result using either method.

Shooting with .50 cals doesn't damage structures not hit, as they don't have a blast radius. And actually I did not take a bomb for that very reason: I would most probably have damaged other structures without knowing by proximity, thus skewing the damage points even more.

I think it's reasonable to say both city as well as town buildings give more or less the same bombing score points. be continued! ;)
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Offline The Fugitive

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« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2008, 02:51:10 PM »
Well if you shot all the builds around a building, THEN came back and hit the single with a bomb you would know.  :D

Offline Lusche

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« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2008, 02:58:10 PM »
Originally posted by The Fugitive
Well if you shot all the builds around a building, THEN came back and hit the single with a bomb you would know.  :D

Actually no bad idea, just hard to do in MA.. I rarely get the opportunity to do that unmolested at enemy cites :noid
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Offline Yarbles

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« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2008, 06:36:04 AM »
Is it then:

1)You get the best score by bombing Buildings.

2)This is best achived using large rather than small bombs as all are hits so to speak.

3)Best Results are achived where buildings are close together so you get several buildings in the blast radius.

4)Flying single bombers will be more accurate and more likely to give higher per sortie damage. The down side of this is your overall damage will be less.

First question is : Is the above correct?

Second Question: How is score related between the various ares i.e. do they all have the same waiting or is overall damage for example more important than accuracy. Is it in other words best to concentrate on you weakest area becuse all your rankings are simply added together and he with the least points (ranks) is ranked no 1. In this case it is easier and more productive to move from say 300 to 200 rank in one area than 10 to 8 in another.

Does anyone know the answer to this one?

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Offline Lusche

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« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2008, 06:59:56 AM »
Originally posted by Yarbles

Is it in other words best to concentrate on you weakest area becuse all your rankings are simply added together and he with the least points (ranks) is ranked no 1.

Yup, that's the way the ranking works.
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Offline Bruv119

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« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2008, 07:01:27 AM »
yes and yes.

As your overall bomber score is an average of all 5 categories the higest number is holding you back.  Looking at your bomber score at the moment indeed it is your hit %.  

Your strength is damage points.   Sometimes if you try hard at one category another will slip.  For example next month you adopt the points you have noted to improve your overall score.   You may find that your ranking in damage points will drop because you are doing it differently.

This applies to all the other scoring areas aswell.
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Offline Yarbles

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« Reply #25 on: February 13, 2008, 07:24:25 AM »
I am not going oo obsess about bomber scores next month if I get ranked no 1. Next month I will obsess about something else.

Seriously though I do enjoy understanding how the game works. It seems for me the way forward is to keep re-upping a single Lanc with big bombs and accurately hitting the nearest undefended town on the same sortie.

That way.

Damage per sortie, Damage per death and accuracy will increase. The only other thing is to capture some more bases in a goon.  

Is that right?

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Offline Lusche

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« Reply #26 on: February 13, 2008, 07:30:24 AM »
If you are really flying for rank, do not bomb towns. Buildings are spread out too far. Attack strategic targets only, most preferably cities.
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Offline Yarbles

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« Reply #27 on: February 13, 2008, 07:51:55 AM »
Originally posted by Lusche
If you are really flying for rank, do not bomb towns. Buildings are spread out too far. Attack strategic targets only, most preferably cities.

Agreed but Cities can be along way away and dangerous to reach, so its a judgement call. For example if you spend 2 hours doing the round trip thats only one sortie and you may get shot down. Multiple safe raids as long as you can see your score going up may be better as in damage per sotie you can take the same plane up more than once, damage per death as above so I beleive the only tangable benefit would be accuracy. Do you agree if the nearest city is deep in enemy territory you will only benefit from accuracy?

Do you get a better accuracy score by destroying 4 buildings with one bomb compared to one or are they the same. This would be the crucial factor in making cities attractive targets?

BTW if anyone thinks this is not in the spirit of the game I would challenge that as strategic bombing is about achiving the maximum effect from minnimum loss. To that end I would argue the game would be better served by making city buildings worth considerably more than town buildings. City workers are generally allot more productive as can be seen by higher wages paid in cities.

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Offline Lusche

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« Reply #28 on: February 13, 2008, 07:57:56 AM »
If you can't reach a city go for other strategic targets, but do not attack towns if scoring and ranking is your goal.
Steam: DrKalv
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Offline Yarbles

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« Reply #29 on: February 13, 2008, 08:01:05 AM »
Originally posted by Lusche
If you can't reach a city go for other strategic targets, but do not attack towns if scoring and ranking is your goal.

mmmmmmmmmmm but you said town buildings were worh nearly he same as City Buildings?

Are you suggesting I should not bomb towns as the game is unbalanced in this area?

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