Author Topic: The War is offically over. Now what?  (Read 1789 times)

Offline KONG1

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The War is offically over. Now what?
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2008, 01:44:52 PM »
Hope you never do it again. I've had 2 dog fights in 5 weeks of flying the AvA and they were during the first week with the early planes. What little ability I had to fight has deteriorated.

Used to get 7 or so fights per hour some nights in the AvA. With the goals the way they are now there is no reason to engage, no reason to land, no reason to stay out of someone else's fight, and actively encourages vulching, porking, ganging, milking, and assorted forms of dweebery.

You have increased the population by about 15 to 20 during Us prime time but the caliber and character of these players is such that quality of the arena has actually decreased.
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Offline 1redrum

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The War is offically over. Now what?
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2008, 01:48:47 PM »
I for one really enjoyed it no matter what side i was on , Mostly  for the historical aspect of it ,which is what the AvA is supposed to be .I am sure the next one can only get better . thanks for a great time staff

GV battles were essentially meaningless this round. Perhaps a GV only day or two? We used to do this in the past in the AvA. I'm not sure how to get more GV action, but it would be interesting at least now and then.

in a Pacific campaign GV would be essential for amphibious operations  

More squad participation. Individuals are great, but it's squad vs squad that really makes the game intense

i agree
Major EaglePoo

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Offline heythere

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The War is offically over. Now what?
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2008, 02:16:30 PM »
Originally posted by Easyscor
My point has been proved, concerning inflammatory or disruptive posts.
I'm going to guess you were addressing me.  point out what you consider inflammatory and disruptive.  

I disagree with your view and I expressed that sentiment.  you can (and have) disagree with me and you will find that I'm neither incensed by or even concerned with your perspective beyond acknowledging that we don't share the same opinion.  I don't feel dimished in any way by your disagreement.  your opinion is valid but so is everyone else's.  my point is that if you keep this type of post from the BBS because it offends someone's sensibilities you stifle an important element of the game itself, namely communication between the active participants.  dialog is necessary and where there is dialog people will have differences in opinions, likes and so forth.

Offline bustr

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The War is offically over. Now what?
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2008, 02:30:06 PM »
This was an excellent experiment. Many more GOOD things were learned about the AH community than bad.

1. My admiration goes to TrueKill for his leadership and the loyalty he personaly receives from those who follow him. This was one of the primary reasons the axis won this war. His leadership and game play was so obviously superior even I wanted to change sides. If you have another war, please make being there a few hours every night contigent on being the allied or axis commander. Our commander had valid personal issues that caused him to lead us by proxy. Things kinda dried up for the allies when Jolly and VanScrew were unable to attend the war. They have similare qualities as TrueKill.

2. During week one or "AH Relaxed Realism" week we learned that you can get hoards of inexperienced players to try out new things. They feel more confident that they can land a few in easy mode rides. After all, you don't fall in love with full contact Karate if they call you "cannon fodder". For the rest of the weeks we learned that a hand full of well trained dedicated pilots in high performance fighters can keep mostly average pilots running in circles while taking their candy from them. Team work was the gold standard for winning the war.

3. We learned why HiTech introduced a new bomb site into the MA. My hat's off to those who still gave strategic bombing a go in the face of it.

4. We learned that "air starts" might be more apropriate to moderated special events rather then left up to personal interpritation.

5. This thread in itself has made it obvious that you need to change the name of the arena from AvA to:

By Invitation ONLY from JG54!!!
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline heythere

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The War is offically over. Now what?
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2008, 02:33:24 PM »
what makes you feel that way bustr?

Offline KONG1

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The War is offically over. Now what?
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2008, 02:35:54 PM »
Originally posted by Easyscor
My point has been proved, concerning inflammatory or disruptive posts.
Hey Easy, your post could be considered inflammatory.

It never ceases to amaze me how many feel that their preferences define the universal truth of what is good and bad.

I understand that in the primitive brain when someone says something you agree with it is a good thing and when someone says something you disagree with it is a bad or disruptive or inflammatory thing. Amazing how the intellectually challenged among us consistently believe that anyone that doesn't agree with them is stupid and wrong. If you can't grasp the irony of that you may be one of them.
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Offline republic

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The War is offically over. Now what?
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2008, 02:38:28 PM »
Originally posted by bustr

5. This thread in itself has made it obvious that you need to change the name of the arena from AvA to:

By Invitation ONLY from JG54!!!

You do know that JG54 is one of the oldest and at most times, and has been one of the most dedicated supporters of the AvA?

You can imagine when people invest so much time in keeping something alive that they could have somewhat intense emotions about it being fiddled with.

Players and squads have come and gone while JG54 has stayed.

It's almost a fashionable trend to hate JG54 these days.  That's ok, hop in your spitfires and come and get us!
P-47 pilot

Offline Redlegs

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The War is offically over. Now what?
« Reply #22 on: February 15, 2008, 02:43:39 PM »
I thought that JG54 were a good group of players. Their was only a couple of axis players that made me angry. (1 rhymes w/ torch) 2 were in JG54 but the rest of them I had no problem with and seemed like a nice bunch of players.
Resident Arizona Cardinals/Cincinnati Reds fan

Offline KONG1

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The War is offically over. Now what?
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2008, 02:46:23 PM »
Originally posted by heythere
what makes you feel that way bustr?
That's just a continuation of a straw man argument Burster submitted in a post yesterday. It's the deal where you put words into somebody's mouth then criticize them for things they've never said.
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Offline VonMessa

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The War is offically over. Now what?
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2008, 02:47:39 PM »
Originally posted by Easyscor
Nice post republic.

It makes me suggest that the AvA staff should remove the more inflammatory posts/thread as soon as they see them. Particularly over the next few months until things become more stable. IMO the multiple threads about the Allied squad logging after their squad night should have been removed and replaced with an AvA staff ruling thread (temporary sticky?) along with a notice that all threads on the subject would be locked or removed.

Quite frankly, there is a word for the arbitrary squelching of opinions. ....


Would it not be counterproductive to ask for opinions, or observations only to cull the ones that are "inflammatory"?  inflammatory to whom, and by which standards shall they jugded?

I think the CM's have done a fine job, so far.

Last I checked, the Skuzzenfuhrer has always been , and still is, very fair and unbiased with the PWN button.
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Offline bustr

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The War is offically over. Now what?
« Reply #25 on: February 15, 2008, 02:52:19 PM »
Originally posted by Larry
I would love to see our old "DA" AvA back for a while. I miss coming in with less then ten people on and having great fights. I remember when vulching, HOing, ganging, and picking were frowned upon. Now you cant even find a 1v1 wothout the other guy running to his ack or five of his buddies waiting for the no skill pick. The last five weeks have been just a mini MA with less planes to pick from.

I started playing the CT becuase it was nothing like the MA. Some may see the numbers that we had in the last five weeks and think the war was a good thing. But I for one would like better fighter then more people.


Because another quality I respect about TrueKill is his candor. JG54 is an excellent candidate to be given a 32 player HtoH arena of their own to serve a more elite clientel of Kong's caliber. During the CT/AvA days TrueKill is wishing for the arena never really got more than about 32 players unless a squad popped in or there was an event. But, it was like going to the DA with the Muppets..... That in itself probably thinned the herds and gave TrueKill and company the kind of arena they wanted for their vision of Aces High.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Grits

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The War is offically over. Now what?
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2008, 03:04:10 PM »
Originally posted by soda72
Or worse get PNG'd from the board after making comments and have to come back as a shades account...   not that anyone would do that though...


I would like to see dancing girls next time.

Offline MjTalon

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The War is offically over. Now what?
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2008, 03:04:57 PM »
It was awesome, flown there more hours than i flown in the MA. Great realism, LOVED the low vis range, that is what made it so intense.  

Couple things that could be changed? Add some GV action into the mix, the winter rhine map had no gv spawn points so the tigers were practically useless and hanger queens for the whole tour.

What can we do to improve the war?  Made it Themed please, yes it was axis vs allies, But i'd rather have USAF vs Luftwaffe, or Russian vs LW, etc.  Was still great overall war though!

Also, we should invite as many squads as possible, as stated above, individual players are nice, but squad vs squad takes it too the max, since  squads will use team tactics, communication, etc.

Cavalier - 82nd F.G
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The War is offically over. Now what?
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2008, 03:11:38 PM »
Soooo.....Back on to topic.....

First off a big to the AvA custodians and thier hard work. Lots of good things, and I for one enjoyed myself immensely.

Secondly, about commanding in a tour such as this:

It's completely valid for anyone on the allied side or axis side to critique the job I did as allied commander, and I accept all opinions. In retrospect, it was a very enjoyable task and I'd do it again.

As for putting in 3-4 hours a night for 5 weeks, it ain't happening. Life comes before gaming and that's not a priority i'm willing to change. I don't appologize for the job I did, and hopefully it didn't ruin anyone elses fun in the process. I felt the time I invested was completely adequate and if someone else felt they could do better, they could have signed up to be a battle captain, XO or CO in the first place.

It was a pleasure serving as Allied CO this tour of duty, and I'll definately be back to the AvA if this setup continues!

Things I enjoyed:

1. Rolling plane set with choices as to next rounds. This was cool, put some choice into the commanders hands, and gave advantages/disadvantages in some respects that needed to be overcome.

2. Objectives: Having secret objectives was cool, and was fun.

3. Airstarts - I know a lot of people didn't like this, but for bomber groups I thought it made the bombsite a lot less of an issue. It wasn't terribly high, but it allowed pilots to take up bombers without spending 1hr getting to a safer altitude. I think a lot of Bomb n' Bailing occured because no one wanted to spend an hour getting to 15-20K in a Lanc/B-17. People just don't have 2 hrs to devote to 1 bombing sortie, only to be discouraged by low accuracy.

They also inserted themselves as "objectives" as to render the otherside crippled by not having one close by. 1 or 2 per side is more than adequate

4. High damage for hangers (5K) and 35 troops for capture. This took out the whining (well at least for some) of the "milkrun". War is war, and it doesn't run on a clock. People can only play certain hours sometimes and shouldn't be penalized and not be able to take part because of it. I think this helped out immensely.

5. Deployment - I thought this worked great for A/C, but not so well for GV's. Definately made bases valuable for defensive purposes. Pretty cool to NEED CAP to defend a valuable base.

6. Capture of a "Sector" - needing to take 3 bases next to each other made it tough, and worthwhile to defend an area. With Increased target toughness I think this pretty much eliminates milkrunning. Though some will likely still complain about it. Tough eh?

Things for Improvement:

1. Frame Loss - Not sure exactly how this could be achieved, but perhaps if you lose so many of your primier aircraft, they're removed and you only get the secondary aircraft to fly. Or perhaps once a certain number or percent of your high end A/C are shot down/lost, then they're only available from rear fields etc.

2. Map Size - While I don't feel its terribly an issue, perhaps organizing "objectives" so that it focus's the fight in a general area would be best. On the last map, the south had some fights, but wasn't really needed. I liked the italy fight, Finrus seemed to be all over, and the last map was concentrated mostly in the north. I thought it worked well being concentrated more.

3. Lack of GV's - One of the reasons we didn't take them in the middle phase, was because of limited useability. If I placed em at 1 VH, then that'd limit them to 1 fight or so. We chose the sherman in the 4th round, and deployed it in 1 spot, and it wasn't used. I mostly chose it so that in round 5 we'd have access. Unfortunately there weren't any spawn points without driving for an hour. If I'd have known, that I wouldn't have taken it at all. Perhaps instead of only deploying em for each point, allow GV's only to be deployed at all V bases for 1 point, and all small fields 1 point, all medium fields for 1 point, so on so forth.

Probably more to come when I think of it....
Rolling Thunder

Offline captain1ma

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The War is offically over. Now what?
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2008, 03:52:06 PM »
please note, there is now a 500 sheep bounty on bustr for being a "not so nice" person.

please inform the troops. he is to be beaten on sight with wet noodles. 500 sheep goes to the first one to spot him!!!

that is all!!................