Author Topic: birds eye view of a field  (Read 2440 times)

Offline thndregg

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birds eye view of a field
« Reply #45 on: March 03, 2008, 07:31:12 AM »
Originally posted by Larry

If this were a card game with you at the table, you would have embarrassed yourself so very much.
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Offline RTHolmes

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« Reply #46 on: March 03, 2008, 07:37:33 AM »
well like I said before its not a case of RTFM cus itn not in the FM.

also I dont think its that gamey as it only works from a home field/cv. all those autoacks, rearm pads, fuel depots, radars etc are "manned" by our tireless and invisible ground crews and support troops, each with comms running to the tower. so the base commander's view of the battle (and therefore intel passed to local planes and gvs) will be alot more than just what you can see from the tower. you could consider the F8 view as a substitute for being able to F3 view from every asset on the field.
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Offline The Fugitive

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birds eye view of a field
« Reply #47 on: March 03, 2008, 07:47:37 AM »

Using an extenal view from the tower gives the defending TEAM an advantage. In most GAMES the defending team has the advantage !!! Its just the way it works.

Next you'll be saying that being able to move your head around in the cockpit to be able to see around the frames is "gameing the game" and everyone with TrackIR is cheating. Get over it  !!!

Offline Max

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« Reply #48 on: March 03, 2008, 08:06:35 AM »
Originally posted by Larry
Um because its been around as long as I can remember and I bet everyone has known about it just as long.

its kinda like making a thread saying:

"Hey guys did you know you can fly planes in this game. I mean wow a plane. Its ganna be usefull when those enemy planes are attacking our fields."

Add me to the list of folks who didn't know the F3 view could be manipulated to a "birds eye".

Offline Shuffler

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« Reply #49 on: March 03, 2008, 09:05:14 AM »
Originally posted by Donzo
Um, you assume that everyone knows about it?  

Why?  Because you do and apparently have for some time?


Some folks, for lack of self esteem, consider themselves the lowest link in the chain... so if they know it then everyone does.

On the other hand some just lack class.

This person posted this thinking of helping the community, even though he is new to the community. I commend him for that. Sometimes we forget, there are alot of new folks on AH and they would appreciate this type info.

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Offline Rondar

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« Reply #50 on: March 03, 2008, 09:20:37 AM »
Didnt know all this either until a week or so ago.  Always wondered how I and others were spotted so quickly/easily in gv's.

It doesn't bother me if people post tips about gameplay.
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Offline Donzo

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« Reply #51 on: March 03, 2008, 09:22:07 AM »
Originally posted by Shuffler

This person posted this thinking of helping the community, even though he is new to the community. I commend him for that. Sometimes we forget, there are alot of new folks on AH and they would appreciate this type info.


Yes, I said exactly the same thing in the post you quoted from.  The part you quoted was directed at Larry for his lack of class.

Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #52 on: March 03, 2008, 10:27:45 AM »
From the help files. The wonders of the view system explained, for clueless noobs and clueless vets alike.  ;)

View System

The view system consists of 5 view modes and 3 direction modes. The view modes are internal, external, chase, fixed, and bombsight. The direction modes are snap, pan, and instant. Here's how they work:

Default View- This keypress always returns you to internal snap mode from whatever view mode or setting you were in.

Internal View Mode- This takes your view point back inside the plane without changing your direction mode.

External View- Moves the camera outside the plane and keeps its position relative to the plane.

Chase View- Like External View, but with a lag.

Fixed View- Takes you to an external view that is fixed in space.

Bomb sight- Moves you to the bombadier position on planes that have them. Looking down (keypad key 0) will then put you in the bomb sight.

Snap Mode- The camera quick-pans between each of your views.

Pan Mode- Camera pans using the view keys.

Instant- Views shift instantly without the pan of the snap mode.

[] Bracket keys control your camera distance in external view and allow you to change your field of view in zoom mode.

Left and right arrow keys move your head side to side.

Up and down arrow keys move your head forward and aft.

PageUp and PageDown keys move your head up and down.

saves your head position.

returns you to the default head position.

Example: I want to make it so my back view in the P-51 looks around the headrest. While holding down my backview I press the arrow keys and pageup/pagedown keys to achieve my desired viewpoint. Once I'm there, I hit F10 to save it. Now everytime I look in my back view, my head position will be in this new spot. This can be done separately to all 27 views.

Z - Zoom mode. Toggles you between the default 90 degree field of view and a narrower field of view. The exact field of view you want in the zoom mode can be controlled with the bracket keys.

Keypad views - A standard numeric keypad view system with as a down view. There are also two separate forward views. The normal one requires no keypress while the alternate forward view uses keypress 8. This lets you map two different head positions to a forward view.

Aces High also has a built-in keymapper that lets you reassign functions to whatever keys you want. Key assignments can even be changed while you're inflight.

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Offline Bruv119

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« Reply #53 on: March 03, 2008, 10:32:51 AM »
there ya go I learnt something.

When re-adjusting views sometimes your finger would slip off the hat before you could reach F10 and home would instantly cure some completely bodged saved head position all along.

Thanks Hub!
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Offline Spazzter

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« Reply #54 on: March 03, 2008, 02:45:00 PM »
Originally posted by Donzo
Um, you assume that everyone knows about it?  

Why?  Because you do and apparently have for some time?

As someone else pointed out, this is not something that is documented.  So knowing about it only becomes a reality if you stumble on it yourself or someone tells you.

I applaud cherish for sharing something he thinks everyone could benefit from.

Yet you laugh at him


I didn't know about it and i have playing for years.  That's not saying much though as I am an idiot.  :lol

Thanks for sharing cherish.


Offline Donzo

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« Reply #55 on: March 03, 2008, 03:01:19 PM »
Is it just me or is actually reading a post optional?

Offline Shuffler

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« Reply #56 on: March 03, 2008, 03:06:04 PM »
Originally posted by Donzo
Yes, I said exactly the same thing in the post you quoted from.  The part you quoted was directed at Larry for his lack of class.

I meant to quote your whole post..... I was in a hurry :aok

I was concurring with your point of view....
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Offline daddog

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« Reply #57 on: March 03, 2008, 03:15:56 PM »
I played for two years before someone told me after I bailed I had to hit 'O' to open my chute. I just figured the chute was modeled poorly.

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Offline elc7367b

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« Reply #58 on: March 03, 2008, 03:30:16 PM »
It is sad that certain individuals feel it is necessary to belittle someone here on the boards.  I was not aware of this feature until several months ago.  Ive been playing this game going on five years now.  So I must be noob too.  It doesnt bother me to be called a noob.  Others seem to throw it out like it should.  Again, very sad.  Salute to the original posting and for trying to be a help to the community.

Offline smokey23

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« Reply #59 on: March 03, 2008, 03:32:31 PM »
Good point chrish, Im sure those of us that have been around along time and even the newer members of the community will find this post helpfull.As far as all the criticism youve recieved from some on the BB their always trying to beat down a suggestion or helpfull tip.Or make the author of the post seem like a Tard, its a childish attempt for some to try and make a person feel bad for their post.I read all the criticisms about youre post on the 1st page of the post and , they all act like elitists  Dont pay them any attention ive splashed plenty of them in my years their all talk little action. They will come at me for this reply im sure, and start bashing me and my squad it doesnt bother me in the slightest .its always been  the high caliber of the members of a squad that makes it great not the sharpness of their tongues.

chrish, keep em flyin:aok
« Last Edit: March 03, 2008, 05:13:52 PM by smokey23 »