Author Topic: Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights  (Read 1003 times)

Offline Frodo

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Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights
« on: March 08, 2008, 07:56:28 AM »
The last 2 Fridays I have logged from a/h, and taken over the wifes T.V. I wanted to watch the Battle 360 series and dogfights. My wife watched them with me as she had nothing better to do. Much to my surprise she became interested! Even asked questions, and comments such as wow I never knew that, and that is amazing.
So after all these years of putting up with my passion, and rolling her eyes and saying yes dear. :O) I think she finally gets it! I don't think she will be flying a/h anytime soon, but still cool. These 2 series have given her an understanding that I could not.
Try it with your wife, but mileage may vary.   :D




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Re: Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2008, 08:02:56 AM »
 My wife watches those types of shows with me, but only because I watch Rock of Love and Flavor of Love with her. She knows I can't stand VH1 or Mtv. My wife ask's questions too when I watch dog fights or shows along those lines. I think it is more about her trying to fill in the blanks and trying to understand what is going on more so than her really being interested.

Offline BTMe62

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Re: Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2008, 08:06:11 AM »
I caught the first show last Friday, but missed it last night.  My wife dos'nt like to stay up that late
cause she goes into work early on Saturdays.  But she does watch Dogfights with me.  

Next weeks show should be a real barn burner.

Mike Callahan

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Re: Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2008, 08:09:09 AM »
Tried the same thing watching "Insatiable Coeds" and "Backdoor Vixens" the other night.

She still doesn't get it.

Guess I'll have to keep the training program going till she does.
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Re: Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2008, 08:25:14 AM »
The Wife watched Dogfights with me last night and asked if that is what AH is like.  I said yes but the good guys seem to win quite often.   Has anyone seen one of these shows that show the enemy side?  Is it that the producers don't have access to the other sides stories? I don't remember anything but movies that portray the allies losses or shortcomings. It always seems to be the good guys getting pounded and overcoming the enemy. Of course no one wants to see the good guys loose but we all know it happened here and there. There has to be something out there. What was it like for the Japanese pilots at Pearl Harbor? (Can't ask the Kamakazies) Are there any German pilots stories. I do think it would be interesting.
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Re: Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2008, 09:37:33 AM »
The Wife watched Dogfights with me last night and asked if that is what AH is like.  I said yes but the good guys seem to win quite often.   Has anyone seen one of these shows that show the enemy side?  Is it that the producers don't have access to the other sides stories? I don't remember anything but movies that portray the allies losses or shortcomings. It always seems to be the good guys getting pounded and overcoming the enemy. Of course no one wants to see the good guys loose but we all know it happened here and there. There has to be something out there. What was it like for the Japanese pilots at Pearl Harbor? (Can't ask the Kamakazies) Are there any German pilots stories. I do think it would be interesting.

I agree, about all I have seen is the good guy side. Were are the german and Japanese side of the stories. They went through the same things we Americans did. I thought the movie Letters from Iwo Jima went in the right direction telling the story from the Jap side. Kinda hard to follow with the subtitles, but none the less a good movie.
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Offline Choda

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Re: Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2008, 09:39:29 AM »
I actually saw an episode the other day about a german squad of 109s last ditch effort to slow down allied bombing by not shooting the bombers down, but by ramming the bombers with the intent of still surviving. They stripped down the armor off the 109s and were only left with 60 rounds of ammo. it showed both the american's and german's perspective of it all with interviews from both sides.

Offline wrongwayric

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Re: Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2008, 10:25:58 AM »
I know they did some interviews with some japanese kamikazi pilots that had been shot down before actually completeing there missions. It's funny the slant we put on that as americans. We considered them fanatical and suicidal however when an american did an act that was going to get him killed for sure but he did it anyway because it was war, we called him a hero and gave him medals and such. I like to watch those shows and try to look at it from both viewpoints and really love it when they throw in the interviews and logs from both sides. Now if someone can just explain why history ch has monster hunter and ufo hunter on? :rolleyes:

Offline KooLBreeZ

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Re: Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2008, 12:12:29 PM »
Why Monster and UFO Hunter on History Channel, believe they have a longer History than WWII. I find all these shows interesting. As far as wife Ack mine watches these shows with me an has even started playing the game. She tried the 2 week trial as MsBreez an liked it now she is a full member an plays as MiSTiQ. I think its pretty cool an now I never get nagged at. Told me now she sees how I am hooked on the game.

Offline shegotya

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Re: Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2008, 12:19:19 PM »
Why Monster and UFO Hunter on History Channel, believe they have a longer History than WWII. I find all these shows interesting. As far as wife Ack mine watches these shows with me an has even started playing the game. She tried the 2 week trial as MsBreez an liked it now she is a full member an plays as MiSTiQ. I think its pretty cool an now I never get nagged at. Told me now she sees how I am hooked on the game.

<S> MiSTiQ  ... cool name!! Welcome to the addicting world of AH. I was wife ack for 12 years before I joined (gave in ) 4 years ago.

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Re: Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2008, 12:56:42 PM »
b25s taken off from carriers is crazy
 shows are cool as heck

<S> to all the AHers

Offline Gowan

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Re: Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2008, 12:58:45 PM »
i've tried this with my girlfriend, made her watch a WWII aircraft movie from my own private library, and she was like um.... wtf? lets cuddle instead...

i started crying and she wondered what was wrong

Offline WWhiskey

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Re: Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2008, 01:17:42 PM »
The Wife watched Dogfights with me last night and asked if that is what AH is like.  I said yes but the good guys seem to win quite often.   Has anyone seen one of these shows that show the enemy side?  Is it that the producers don't have access to the other sides stories? I don't remember anything but movies that portray the allies losses or shortcomings. It always seems to be the good guys getting pounded and overcoming the enemy. Of course no one wants to see the good guys loose but we all know it happened here and there. There has to be something out there. What was it like for the Japanese pilots at Pearl Harbor? (Can't ask the Kamakazies) Are there any German pilots stories. I do think it would be interesting.
dogfights episode about the german pilots that rammed the bombers
das boot was a german war movie
i cant think of them all but there are many german and jap. movies about the war
also enemy at the gates is a very good story about the russians agains the germans
not very many jap movies got translated to english tho
Flying since tour 71.

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Re: Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2008, 02:04:42 PM »
dogfights episode about the german pilots that rammed the bombers
But, in that episode, the Americans were still more or less the 'heroes', with the Germans just being secondary characters-or at least thats how the episode came off to me. An episode about Guenther Rall, who is the only of the 'big three' German pilots (Hartmann, 352, Barkhorn, 301, and Rall with 275) still alive, would be very cool. He flew the Me-262 as well as the Bf.109. Of course, they would have to spew propaganda about the Luftwaffe and not interview any of the Russian pilots, giving Rall the same liberties as the USAAF pilots they base the shows on.

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Re: Wives, Battle 360, Dogfights
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2008, 04:39:16 PM »
Tried the same thing watching "Insatiable Coeds" and "Backdoor Vixens" the other night.

She still doesn't get it.

Guess I'll have to keep the training program going till she does.

 :rofl sometimes the best jokes just slide by unseen :aok
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