So that's just "most" of the troops that got sick but not "all" of the troops that got sick?
Then that means that the rest of those that wern't the most either got sick from something else and never washed their clothes or used that water for the toilets.
Would that be correct?
Mac, don't nitpick me for using the word "most". I don't have the medical reports, I have the story I linked you to.
LePaul, I'm not the victim. The troops are. Don't you support the troops?
Yeager, in a nutshell...yes.
Bodhi, let me just waltz into Blair House and rummage thru Cheney's private stuff and I'd be glad to show you.
NUKE, not to get off subject, but have you seen the documentary "The Smartest Guys in the Room"? It has ENRON traders on tape telling power plants to shut down and make up a reason for it. It was stuff like that that caused the power rates to jump.