Author Topic: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High  (Read 3772 times)

Offline KayBayRay

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #120 on: March 18, 2008, 01:54:30 PM »

I agree with some things you say and disagree with some.

I disagree that AH needs to be changes by High Tech. I think the game is just fine. It is a very challenging game and there is a protracted learning curve unlike most game out now days. Most game are like the first person shooter where my 6 year old can reign supreme after only a few hours of play. Lots of power ups and resurrections to be had. Not in this game. I don’t want that to change.

I do strongly agree with you on how “newbs” are treated by some of the community in here. Of course it is not just AH that has this issue. I have been playing these Online Air Combat Sims for about 18 years now and they all are similar in that respect. I think you need to be aware that the population base in this community as with most communities in online games has a rather young component to it. So there is a proportion that is a bit immature yet to be polite. I will use the responses you are getting to this post as evidence of that proportion. Some people here are sharing some knowledge with you recalling what it was like in an effort to help you. Others are just ripping at you so they can pound their chest and howl. You need to develop the ability to tell the difference between the decent people in here that are willing to share with you and help you along and those that have… to put it bluntly…. “Never been anywhere, Never done anything and Don’t Know S##T”.

I believe there is a difference between a competitive relationship between players where a bit of teasing and razzing and poking fun is done all in good sport and the “Verbal Vomiting” done by those that just don’t know any better.

Some advice, if you want to have fun in here or any Air Combat Sim that is played online you need to learn to just flat out ignore the jerks and listen only to those that are willing to talk to you, share some things and take the time to show you how its done or how you could improve your game and fun doing it. This is a very humbling game, learn to like getting your rear end shot off because it will happen a lot and for a long time until you develop the skill to hold your own. Don’t quit, be persistent and it will pay off. You will find a lot of people along the way in both categories.

Here is something to read that is as relative in AHII today as it has ever been with any flight simm that has ever been. It was written long ago about Air Warrior. I have kept it all these years because it is one of those “Truths” that just never goes away. Please read it and enjoy. See if you can figure out who is whom in AHII.


Air Warrior is like the Empire State building. And Air Warriors are like monkeys.

When ya first start you're a little, organ-grinder size monkey standing on the street outside. Looking up you see a building swarming with hostile monkeys of all different shapes and sizes. Monkeys are born to climb, and there ain't no Fay Wrays standing on the street, so instinct takes over and soon you're jousting for a handhold and making yer way up the wall.

Some are Fast Monkeys. A bit of natural ability combined with an in depth knowledge of climbing. They become familiar with the cracks and crevices of the particular building and begin to apply their knowledge within those parameters. Soon they are climbing, dodging, or scrambling right over some of the bigger monkeys and snatching bananas from the slower ones, growing bigger.

Others are Scrappy Monkeys. These monkeys spend extra time practicing. They ask lots of questions and live for the chance to go toe to toe with the bigger monkeys. They punch, kick, bite, claw, and spit at the monkeys above them. Scarred, bloody, and with big ol'chunks of fur ripped out they monkey butts they keep hammering. Occasionally they land a good blow, right in the monkey 'nards, and topple a bigger monkey. This inspires them to fight even harder. Soon they learn where to hit and when to duck. They begin to take their share of bananas.

Then there's the Hungry Monkeys. "Mo'nanas!, mo'nanas!" they chant as they cling to the wall from 6:01pm til 7:59 am. Calculating that mo'nanas go to the monkeys with mo hangtime they know that if they hang long enough they will get mo then their share of the 'nanas. Of course they need deep pockets to sustain this frenzy, can't eat all them 'nanas at once, and are prone to the dreaded "Banana Split". They must be very careful, lest they wind up another furry puddle of monkey guts in some alley off 34th street.

Also, ya got yer Techno Monkeys. Bumpy FrankenSchwanz in each paw, electrode catheters up their tails, anti-lock stainless steel vine swingers attached to their feet, gold plated groin clamps feeding g-inducing jugular valves hooked into the fastest system available, with the biggest monitor, tuned to peak performance and cranking out thru a megagigawatt, 3D, multi-usual Krakatoa Banana Blaster, these monkeys spend alot of time diddlin with their gadgets and tweaking their way up the wall.

And, we got MacGyver Monkeys. Riding systems that time forgot with nothing more than a handful of Froot Loops and a pile of bat guano they use every trick in the book, and plenty that ain't, to squirm their way heavenward. Always heavy, uncovering obscure and hidden bananas, they invent their way along using every micro-ounce of every banana that they managed to ensnare, even to the point of using the peels for clothing and shelter.

Advancing their altitudinous aspirations, AW Monkeys invariably encounter the various denizens of the virtual Jungle.

Most encounter the Hurler Monkeys first. Kinda like chimps, these sociable chaps gather in large communal halls, spending their time practicing monkey yells and poking each other in the navel. Once in awhile they venture out for a climb but are much happier chillin' with their mates on the middle floors, flingin' monkey turds and grinnin' at all what pass by.

Out on the wall a common first encounter is with a Sumo Monkey. These are the veteran Hungry Monkeys. They've been there twice, done that backwards. All the nonessential flotsam has been skimmed and the essence of the climb congealed to a Zen like "See monkey, knock monkey down" philosophy. When ya hear "Monkey X took my 'nanas 16 times in a row one day", Monkey X is most likely a Sumo.

No avoiding it, eventually every climber crosses ledges with Tribal monkeys. Wearing the skins of dead monkeys, gathering in private branches painted in various warlike colors, they belch, fart, thump 'n headbutt their way around looking for others to belch, fart, thump 'n headbutt with. An astute climber can get a good belly full a slightly bruised 'nanas by finding an area where 2 or more groups of tribal monkeys have been thump 'n headbuttin'.

Look way up there, see that fuzzy li'l dot? That there's a Vulcher Monkey. High above the crowd, with a 10k alt advantage on next week, they float. Looking for the unsuspecting or hurtin climber, sporting k/ds over 8000 and k/ss round .0125, their motto is, "where there's smoke...we fire! (but only after the monkey what caused the smoke has been kilt first.)"

Legend has it that in the penthouses are the Wrinkled Monkeys. Rarely climbing, (hey yer in the penthouse, why climb more?) they only venture out under dark glasses. They have the rare and exotic 'nanas. Highly sought but useless to but a few climbers that are twisted enough to understand their full meaning, the Wrinks are content to live on past glory. They enjoy tossing an occasional 'nana out the window just to see how many climbers fall off trying to grab it.

AND, of course, The Kong Monkeys. At the peak of prosperity, clinging to the radio tower, chest pounding, Fay grabbin', teeth gnashing, flicking planes away as tho they were insects, we find the Kings. Keelin', scorin', the anchors of their respective tribal units, when a climber sees a Kong Monkey on the wall he heads for another country. Whole tribal units have been de-'nana-ed by single Kong Monkeys.

Just when Joe Average Monkey thinks he's seen everything, along comes a Kong Monkey and gives that girl a twirl and makes her whole wurl swirl. Clashes between Kongs can sometimes alter the entire shape of the wall, cause the climb to take a whole nuther direction, provide lotsa ammo for the Hurlers...


See ya in the Sky !!

Offline MajIssue

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #121 on: March 18, 2008, 02:16:50 PM »
hi moot,

 Yes, I do appreciate and understand that there are trainers and even members on their own that help new people, which is good, but that doesn't lessen the fact that new members feel like they don't belong here.

I read that as: YOU locoweed, were made to feel that YOU didn't belong

 Anyhow, it it just my opinion, that new members could be handled better than what it is now, nothing more.

You WERE in the wrong place to get an ego boost if you were expecting a plethora of WTG's for a couple of 5" gun kills off a CV... As many have stated (usually from having BEEN newbs themselves at some point in the "distant" past) Most players won't acknowledge new guys until they have seen them around a while. This is because of the countless questions like "how do I fire my guns" (for example) from 2 week free trial "numbers guys". These questions usually occur when you are engaged in a furball or on the bomb run.

There are countless "veterans" who will help new guys with kindness and courtesy... myself included, but the truth is that if you REALLY want to see what the Aces High community is all about, SUBSCRIBE! Spend a couple of days in the training arena (aptly named as the primary resource for "getting it"), and read the help file. Then jump in the Main Arenas, join a squad and REALLY see what the game is all about. A couple of sorties on a two week free trial WILL NOT give you an accurate picture of the game OR the community at large. Everybody in the game was a newb once, and you will discover (as I did) that you won't get kudos until you've developed some friendships and earned a little respect.
X.O. False Prophets
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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #122 on: March 18, 2008, 02:22:32 PM »
You WERE in the wrong place to get an ego boost if you were expecting a plethora of WTG's for a couple of 5" gun kills off a CV... As many have stated (usually from having BEEN newbs themselves at some point in the "distant" past) Most players won't acknowledge new guys until they have seen them around a while. This is because of the countless questions like "how do I fire my guns" (for example) from 2 week free trial "numbers guys". These questions usually occur when you are engaged in a furball or on the bomb run.

There are countless "veterans" who will help new guys with kindness and courtesy... myself included, but the truth is that if you REALLY want to see what the Aces High community is all about, SUBSCRIBE! Spend a couple of days in the training arena (aptly named as the primary resource for "getting it"), and read the help file. Then jump in the Main Arenas, join a squad and REALLY see what the game is all about. A couple of sorties on a two week free trial WILL NOT give you an accurate picture of the game OR the community at large. Everybody in the game was a newb once, and you will discover (as I did) that you won't get kudos until you've developed some friendships and earned a little respect.

Well put.
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Offline 2fly

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #123 on: March 18, 2008, 03:05:09 PM »
Kudos to Kaybay for that Monkey analogy,  It is so true and hilarious to boot!

As for the OP, I can only echo others.  AH has an incredibly steep learning curve.  Noone knows who the red guy on the other side of the reticle is and nobody will ever, ever, EVER cut you any slack.  There are plenty of more mature players who will be helpfull on country chat or ch6. 

The absolute best advice I can give you is to avoid ch 200 and dont ask questions over ranged.  That and find  a squad.

Good Luck

Offline KayBayRay

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #124 on: March 18, 2008, 03:11:32 PM »
I did not write that. I found it back in the early 90's when I was flyin AW. Here is a link to a page that currently has it.

I dont know who the original author is, I am not that bright nor insightful to produce such an awesome document. Wish I was, I wouldn't be working where I am.  :O

See ya in the Sky !!

Offline SPKmes

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #125 on: March 18, 2008, 03:32:56 PM »
what's the issue, been there........ still there, sticks and stones man. Get better and get noticed. how do you americans say....oh yeah, hoo harrr.

Offline hitech

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #126 on: March 18, 2008, 03:34:24 PM »
KayBayRay, what years, and what number?

4244 & 4100


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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #127 on: March 18, 2008, 03:35:49 PM »
867 & 5309?
Hitting trees since tour 78

Offline DaddyAck

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #128 on: March 18, 2008, 04:08:09 PM »
Bah! the only newbs that get ripped on are the ones that put their squeakey selves out there reliving every moment of what happened at shool today over ranged channel  :eek: , or as was said above engage in some form of dweedery in their ride of choice.  I have no problem helping those whoom want to help themselves and learn  :aok , but I do hold distain for the ones that feel entitled to a "lets all hug an sing koombahya, hold me Im a noob"  :cry attitude from those whoom have been here some time. When I was new I acted respectful, tried my best to LEARN wich in this game means alot of flying and dieing.  I also did not fill the vox and text with any "waaa how do I do......" fill in the blank I'm sure we all have heard it.  What I DID do was first I read any AHII online documents I could find along with any generic ACM literature then I found a great group of guys to fly with and learned the ropes through them  :cool: , so I shared in their experience and got none of the noobish tyraids like would have come from acting all "ooh Im new, pity me" on range vox or country channel.

To HTC, y'all got a fine sim here and you are dooing a great job.  Keep it up!  :aok

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #129 on: March 18, 2008, 04:20:05 PM »
hi moot,

 Yes, I do appreciate and understand that there are trainers and even members on their own that help new people, which is good, but that doesn't lessen the fact that new members feel like they don't belong here.

 Anyhow, it it just my opinion, that new members could be handled better than what it is now, nothing more.

The more you post the more it sounds like a personal problem. The training arena has many great folks willing to help you. Offline you can fly and practice till your heart is content. In game you can fly the lower numbered early war arena to get a better feel. If on the other hand you need constant hand holding and prodding in the fighting arenas, you'll be disappointed.

My suggestion is go into an arena and just have fun.... die alot...(you get a new plane  :aok ) Don't try to think you'll be a pro in a short period. When you die take into account how many you took with you and smile.  :D

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #130 on: March 18, 2008, 05:33:04 PM »
I have been playing since 2000, and no one likes me, either. I think it's because I am so old my voice is kinda squeaky. It gets drunk too fast.

Offline redman555

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #131 on: March 18, 2008, 07:13:12 PM »
Ok, here is the thing i think HTC should do.... to solve the noob problem.. make the noobs go to the TA for 24 hours or somtin, so they dont go into main arena spammin the channel sayin "how do u start the engine", problem solved

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Offline B@tfinkV

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Re: so here is the one issue
« Reply #132 on: March 18, 2008, 11:27:10 PM »
for one issue it sure is taking along time to get nowhere
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Offline twoandup

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #133 on: March 19, 2008, 01:01:30 AM »
It's all OK.
I'm a newb (2nd time around). If you don't want conflict or to be made to feel foolish play solitaire. Otherwise fly, drive, sail and get killed. At the end of the day take criticism and use it to your advantage, digest it, decide if it's valid and use it if you can. Unless you can do that you won't go any further than nowhere. If Aces High caused me that much grief I would pull the plug. My only stress is from my own inability against others who battle me, but with each panoramic view from my chute I try and work out where I failed and think of ways not to repeat the performance.
As for getting talk from older crew (that's older in terms of experience, not age), it's just a part of life in the virtual world. There are many occasions where I'm hassled for not giving a check 6 or I'm not given a check 6 so some "bad guy" can whip mine but in turn get his own whipped by the crafty individual sneaking up on him. It's all part of the game. The only thing that matters is that for a small time you are over a foreign shore locked in a life and death struggle.
My only $0.02 thoughts are;
I am 8 hours ahead of GMT meaning 14 hours ahead of USA east, so most of my sessions at 18.00 are at your 04.00 - get up earlier so the sky is more full.
Because of where I am, it's great hearing radio chatter. I either feel I'm in the Dukes of Hazzard, on Jerry Springer or in OC depending on the voice (that's a joke "Land of the Free, Home of the Brave" - learn to take it as such).
That's it - no complaints.
As Roy Rogers often said "Happy Trails"
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Offline EskimoJoe

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Re: Ok, so here is the one issue with Aces High
« Reply #134 on: March 19, 2008, 01:04:02 AM »
As a game programmer I like to check out and play other games every now and again. Aces High is an excellent MMO game that I could easily get additted to if I had the time. The realism is awesome and it seems like the Aces High team is adding more content to the game all the time to make the game better.

 Here is the one rub I have with the game playing it, and it is a very important aspect I don't think the Aces High team has planned into the game. I have played and help write some MMO games and never have I seen a MMO game with more distain for new members then this one. Even though I enjoyed the overall gameplay from the beginning, as a new member I found myself with nothing to do but practice some and then when I felt like joining in the fun all I ever got was grief.

 I would practice flying planes, then join in only to be rediculed. I would play 5" gunner on a CV and shoot down many attacking planes, never once to be congratulated by anyone. Actually, it almost felt like people were pissed that there was a newbie on the
CV gun. Whether or not that is true, that is how it felt to me as a new member.

 The hatred for newbies in this game is unbelievable and it has more to do with the game design itself then anything else. The game designers need to add game content for new members where they can be respected and not be dished on from the day they join game. It is really rediculous in a way.

 Other than that, the gameplay is awesome.

 Please gamedev team lessen the hate on the newbies. I really don't see how you can increase your membership much with what they have to go through.


It's to keep the squeakers away  :noid
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