Why perk it? Because now rolling into a field and trying to use "tactics" is a loosing affair. We aren't seeing 2 or 3 of these roll out. I generally see 6+ roll out at every field. Tonight at a VH there were 7 WW and 1 lone little Panzer...LOL. They don't even have to try and aim. All of them just point there little guns in one direction and fill it with 20mm. They spray the skies and with the volume of fire are able to get hits without even putting much effort. I know, because I have upped them. In a few seconds tonight I killed 3 enemy planes without doing much more than pointing in their general direction. One of them was out about 1.5K.
This isn't about stopping the vulch to me. Won't lie: when the vulch light in on, I am in like everyone else. I don't think I have ever seen anyone turn away from a field with uppers and no ack or flaks out. But it is insane that these WW can through up that volume of fire, fairly accurately and, unlike the M16, are able to take down most planes with very few hits. Not only that, but they can tear a town down in no time. To me, the WW neuters anything but large "horde" type operations and helps to make sure we will see more suicide BUFFs against fields.
If this doesn't get perked then the whole perk system is pointless, nonsensical and arbitrary. Not a heavy perk, but something in balance with the value of this vehicle.
And, to show the tactical value this vehicle is playing:
Kills since its release on Wednesday: 9430 Death: 5072
Osti Kills Tour to date: 17429 Deaths: 10971
M16 Kills Tour to date: 3134 Deaths: 5766
Notice the WW is over halfway to the Osti's tally in just 3-4 days and has a better K/D ratio.New or not, it is having a serious impact.
But of course, the GVers love it because they can shred the fly boys. And the furballers love it because, after all, they don't care about base capture and want the fight to go on and one. So, I am not surprised these two factions want the WW to stay unperked.
Oh well, not my call but if it were it should be perked at the level of a F4U or Sherman.