Author Topic: Perk the WiberlWind!!  (Read 7014 times)

Offline BaDkaRmA158Th

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Re: Perk the WiberlWind!!
« Reply #30 on: March 21, 2008, 06:43:03 PM »
Anyone who says those 20mm cant reach out to 1.3k

You jus' keep on thinkin' that.

I killed 3 b17's who would say otherwise.
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Offline whiteman

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Re: Perk the WiberlWind!!
« Reply #31 on: March 21, 2008, 06:58:30 PM »
i was able to hit low lancs at 1.5, of course the first one didn't go down till 1k out after it lobbed all it's ord at me.

Offline nimble

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Re: Perk the WiberlWind!!
« Reply #32 on: March 22, 2008, 04:51:49 AM »
Love the WW. I don't even use it that much. I like seeing it kill countrymen just as much as I like seeing it kill enemies. Reason? The people it kills are low and slow hanging over a runway, doing nothing other than waiting for a plane to appear.

Just kill the VH. Then cleanup with bombs. If you want to attack a base, use bombs to kill the leftover gvs, then move onto vulching with your 20mm cannons on the magically appearing airplanes.  I mean seriously are people really that dense? Or is it just laziness? Or is it they are realizing they can't land kills unless it's against stationary targets, on the ground, that they don't even need to actually score a direct hit on to kill. Can you not adapt to a new situation? And it's not even that big of a change.

Thank you HTC for raising the bar. Tired of seeing scrubs who think they are awesome because they can vulch (prior to patch) with impunity. Please do not perk the WW.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 05:03:48 AM by nimble »
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Offline Xasthur

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Re: Perk the WiberlWind!!
« Reply #33 on: March 22, 2008, 11:33:44 AM »
There's no need to perk the WW. It does nothing other than stop the dweeby side of the game.... i.e vulching aircraft on a field that still has defences up.

If you get pegged doing that.... too bad.

If I get clipped by a WW I know I messed up. If you mess up you deserve what you get.

It has been said several times already... The WW is no harder to disable than the Ostwind. Kill the VH or simply work the GV with two aircraft.

Aircraft one feigns and attack, the second comes in from behind the firing line and pops a few round into the top of the turret. Flak Panzer neuterd, job done.

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Offline Coog03

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Re: Perk the WiberlWind!!
« Reply #34 on: March 22, 2008, 12:06:42 PM »
The Wiberlwind prevents the lancstuka's from being a pest. Great add but not a perk point tank.
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Offline DaddyAck

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Re: Perk the WiberlWind!!
« Reply #35 on: March 22, 2008, 02:11:38 PM »
Why do people want this perked exactly? because vulching is harder? Because they can't just take a V-base from the air with 2 guys anymore? I don't know, if one lacks the foresight to knock down the VH before hand that is on them and the hail of 20mm is rightly deserved.
Leave this vehicle un-perked.

Offline moot

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Re: Perk the WiberlWind!!
« Reply #36 on: March 22, 2008, 02:48:29 PM »
Because they do not have what it takes (brains or willpower or discipline, or whatever) to use proper tactics, even minimal.  AH is meant to be a combat sim, which inevitably means tactics, and they want that dumbed down.
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Offline hubsonfire

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Re: Perk the WiberlWind!!
« Reply #37 on: March 22, 2008, 06:55:40 PM »
That's pretty much it. Water flows downhill.
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Offline FrodeMk3

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Re: Perk the WiberlWind!!
« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2008, 07:34:48 PM »
Don't perk it; Hell, I'll go one better. You know the Quad 20mm's you see on the fields'? The auto-ack guns? Those are called Flakvierling 38's. They are essentially the gun and mounting of a Wirbelwind, on a stand-alone field platform. I'd like to see a couple of those made mannable.

Offline DaddyAck

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Re: Perk the WiberlWind!!
« Reply #39 on: March 22, 2008, 09:44:22 PM »
That would be a great idea.  Maby one day there can actually be a reduced vulching utopia.  :aok

Offline Blammo

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Re: Perk the WiberlWind!!
« Reply #40 on: March 23, 2008, 01:17:25 AM »
Why perk it?  Because now rolling into a field and trying to use "tactics" is a loosing affair.  We aren't seeing 2 or 3 of these roll out.  I generally see 6+ roll out at every field.  Tonight at a VH there were 7 WW and 1 lone little Panzer...LOL.  They don't even have to try and aim.  All of them just point there little guns in one direction and fill it with 20mm.  They spray the skies and with the volume of fire are able to get hits without even putting much effort.  I know, because I have upped them.  In a few seconds tonight I killed 3 enemy planes without doing much more than pointing in their general direction.  One of them was out about 1.5K.

This isn't about stopping the vulch to me.  Won't lie: when the vulch light in on, I am in like everyone else.  I don't think I have ever seen anyone turn away from a field with uppers  and no ack or flaks out.  But it is insane that these WW can through up that volume of fire, fairly accurately and, unlike the M16, are able to take down most planes with very few hits.  Not only that, but they can tear a town down in no time.  To me, the WW neuters anything but large "horde" type operations and helps to make sure we will see more suicide BUFFs against fields.

If this doesn't get perked then the whole perk system is pointless, nonsensical and arbitrary.  Not a heavy perk, but something in balance with the value of this vehicle.

And, to show the tactical value this vehicle is playing:

Kills since its release on Wednesday: 9430 Death: 5072
Osti Kills Tour to date: 17429 Deaths: 10971
M16 Kills Tour to date: 3134 Deaths: 5766

Notice the WW is over halfway to the Osti's tally in just 3-4 days and has a better K/D ratio.

New or not, it is having a serious impact.

But of course, the GVers love it because they can shred the fly boys.  And the furballers love it because, after all, they don't care about base capture and want the fight to go on and one.  So, I am not surprised these two factions want the WW to stay unperked.

Oh well, not my call but if it were it should be perked at the level of a F4U or Sherman.

Cheers  :aok

Offline EskimoJoe

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Re: Perk the WiberlWind!!
« Reply #41 on: March 23, 2008, 01:18:51 AM »
Perk it, and the vulch-fest will continue. Please, don't perk the WW, the vulchers will attack.  :(
Put a +1 on your geekness atribute  :aok

Offline chrish483

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Re: Perk the WiberlWind!!
« Reply #42 on: March 23, 2008, 01:35:34 AM »
I would agree with you on this one. :salute

The 15000 Werbies on the field even when the VH is down would be kinda bad for the team that is trying to cap it.

Maybe 5 perks, because the turret is still very killable.

But still ROCK ON WITH THE IDEA! :rock

so youve seen 15,000 Werbies on a field?

ive seen maby 10-15 at most on a single field.

Offline chrish483

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Re: Perk the WiberlWind!!
« Reply #43 on: March 23, 2008, 02:00:19 AM »
the people that want it perked are like this:

The WW is a uber killing machine tho,  the range that it has is out to 1.5K and thats with the plane at the edge on my screen leading it.

It is 10 times better then the M-16,  and id say 5 times better the osty in some ways, it takes a good marksman to hit a small target out to 3K in the osty.

being perked or not,  id say no as theres only one VH on a airfield  but on a airfield take out one single hanger and you dont have to worry about it any WW's or GV's.
On a VB all you have to worry about is the GV's,  and taking down 3 VH's,   i still think airfields need the same amount of VH's as the fighters and bombers.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2008, 02:07:34 AM by chrish483 »

Offline Rich46yo

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Re: Perk the WiberlWind!!
« Reply #44 on: March 23, 2008, 03:00:57 AM »

                     Perking it like a Sherman would do nothing because nobody worries about getting shot out of a Sherman. Even undedicated GV's like me have hundreds of GV perks, or thousands, and nobody would care about losing 15 of them. Not when you can make so many points shooting a 20 eny GV at 5 eny airplanes.

                    Its true the Whirbel will cause an adjustment in tactics. But is that so bad? Since when was vulching helpless planes on a runway skilled gameplay?

                    I haven't seen one Ostie since the Whirbel was released. Thats no surprise cause everyone wants to try it out and get some trigger time in it. I dont see much change in base captures. Most bases are grabbed when well coordinated missions surprise the enemy. Or, when an opposing team just lets it go out of non-interest. Since the Whirbels release Ive seen the same kinds of dumb gameplay/skilled gameplay both ruin and achieve base captures.

                 The biggest thing Im seeing is the vulchers have to take on more airplanes that have their wheels up. Today I watched a pile of Nits fly up and down runways trying to pick off planes while the nearby town went unscathed. Yesterday I watched a bunch of our mission fighters chase one spit leaving the 110s and goons unprotected. What has really changed?

               There are some killing machines in this game in M-16s and Osties too. The Whirbel is just another tool. A great tool yes but deflection shots are not that easy in it and most guys are getting killed trying to HO it with guns and rockets.

              I think its a great GV and is going to improve the game. Perking it would be meaningless. Certainly its way to early to even consider it. <S>
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