I'm trying to figure out how a hit roughly 200ft away (the fuel dump) from the Wirbelwind is suppose to show a hit and destroy it?
I don't get why you even typed that, you know it's stupid.
You were under 1000ft AGL. If I recall correctly, you must be at least 1000ft for bombs to arm.
yesterday I hit a WW from about 150ft out in side once 2 times in front turret and once in the front with a pnzr he then landed (he was on concrete at his v base) without his turret even being smoked.
Wrong. There is no minimum altitude. A bomb will arm if it traveled at least 1000 feet. Depending on your speed at time of drop, the minimum altitude required for this can be considerable less than 1000ft.
M8s pop WWs easy.
doesnt it say in the hints and tips on the start up screen say 800 feet? pretty shure it did.