Stale Game Play:
I think this is a function, partly mind you, of how long you have been playing the game. It went very stale for me a couple of years ago. But I never canceled my account so HTCreations has no reason to pay attention to the problem. Still there are some things that would make the game more interesting, or just more complicated, I'm not sure which.
I used to be very interested in the performance of the AH planes vs the real ones. So much so that I spent about a week in D.C. checking out the archives at Air and Space, and at the Air and Space restoration section at the Garber Facility. In my discussions with those folks they kind of giggled at the idea of being concerned with, say, the top speed of an FW190A1 at whatever altitude. They said that to try to nail it down to an exact "Mile Per Hour" was just silly if you are simulating a WWII environment.
That kind of blew me away so I asked why. They said that in field conditions in WWII there were so many variables involved that aircraft performance could vary from the "paper" capabilities MINUS or PLUS! 20%!!! That means that while whatever plane you pick might have a top speed of 400MPH at 20K on paper, in reality the same airplane, not just type but the very same plane, might be able to do 480 on one day and only hit 320 the NEXT!
Variables to any give machine's performance could be anything from contaminated fuel to a mechanic with a hangover. Dirt on the under side of a Cessna 150 can cost you 10 MPH off your top speed. That's an 8% drop right there. Or maybe you have a hot dog mechanic who really knows how to up the compression ratio on your engine or tweak the supercharger and suddenly your 190A type can out run a P-51.
I think it would be a very "interesting" idea to have a random setting of that goes into effect each time you change airfields that scales the performance of the next plane you fly on a percentage scale +2, +1 0 -1 -2, with +2 = 20% +1=10% etc. The fun part is you don't know exactly what you get untill you fly. This would also end a lot of the arguments about "uber" planes. Hmmm, There could be ONE way for players to effect that variable, spend perk points. 20 perks to guaranty top performance. EW this could get fun.
I think it would even be cool to have a "crew chief" who dialogs with you somehow who has mood swings that effect this variable. So you have to negotiate with your crew chief to get him/her (imagine some greezy babe giving you smack about wrecking HER plane!) to work longer hours on your ride to keep the performance up. Or, you get saddled with a doofus who cant turn a wrench. Imagine quality of your ground crew depending on the % of the missions you land. This would at least do something to emphasize survival as a game objective. (sorry I'm free associating here. Still it could be a lot of fun.)
Interesting, but oh gawd what a hilarious pain in the butt.