Author Topic: Meltdowns  (Read 2325 times)

Offline DrDea

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Re: Meltdowns
« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2008, 08:28:12 PM »
 No he was toolin along not to long before this mess started and I blasted him.Spent alot of coin paying someone to watch his house and let me know when he ran to the bathroom.My evil plan worked.The scar on the wood is just iceing :)
 :salute :salute Animl :lol
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

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Offline RoGenT

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Re: Meltdowns
« Reply #31 on: March 26, 2008, 09:09:47 PM »
After last night interesting event that I was partly involved in, I'm just squelching from on  :D

For those who know what I'm talking, my apologizes once again for the distraction
:salute Your fellow pony dweeb today!
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Offline kamori

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Re: Meltdowns
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2008, 03:08:39 AM »
DRDEA...... :rofl

If you still have issues over that from last night I dont know what to tell ya.It was far from a blatent kill steal seeing as how I hit you before Skyrock even engaged you.A 1 on 1 in the middle of a furball is a bit much to expect.Regardless,see it as you wish.

You STILL have minimized what you were doing prior to the pick.....Let me clarify for you ONE LAST TIME : 

First We were on the edge of the furball any way.

The merge was at 10k im in F4u1 and You are the P-51...< You attempt the Ever so popular Ho Merge..I avoid And turn on Your 6...You, Ill be Nice here, Extended to 2.5 out..Then turned back for another dare I say it, YES The HO Merge, oops Failed Again..LMAO, So I turn on you shoot on the blow by and again you EXTENDED to 2K this time. A bit better, some guts there. Guess WHAT Another HO Merge..Thats It, enough of this, I kept goin and dove down to 7K and Turned twice w/ a NIKI and Blammo he went. I looked back and you were 5.0 on the Icon above with the + sign. I saw a Low F4u and a squaddie told me it was SkyRock.. so down I went. DID I pick? No, ask SkyRock..I slowed and saddled up for the kill.. Hell, we turned for quite a while Then out of the Blue you come in for the Pick..YOU CAME DOWN FROM 10K, there were no other cons in Icon Range, did you ask skyrock if he needed help ? Oh BTW Theses Pings on me were from Your many HO attempts...

Thats the Whole Story you have glossed over, by theses little Word Bites..

I rarely go to the DA and its sure not to swing schlong.

Next time dont denegrade the DA. It is the only bastion for Pilots to Duke it out, learn from their mistakes and fight better pilots in hopes to become better in the arena. Oh! and see how we measure up to the community of fighters we fly with friend and Foe....


Offline DrDea

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Re: Meltdowns
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2008, 09:01:53 AM »
 Well I must say you sure have a differing view on that engagement.I wouldnt say your lieing but I sure wish I filmed just to clear it all up.
 As far as busting on the DA?You should read that better.As far as Im concerned the DA is fine.Ive been there but it was to have fun.Not try to prove some l337 haxors fighting skillz.
 And like I said.Im sure your ver of this is set in stone and I know mine is.No reason to slop up the boards with it.
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

FSO 334 Flying Eagles. Fencers Heros.

Offline Jackal1

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Re: Meltdowns
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2008, 09:33:48 AM »
What do YOU know about "Fair"? Huh? Here I am, taking a nice long pee on your unprotected base (or so I thought), and you just WHIP in out of nowhere and blow my brains against the windsheild. That's so NOT fair. You could have at least allowed me to finish zipping up,  I caught my self in the zipper in a frenzy to get back to my seat,... you,.... you poopy butt. I think that was unfair and uncalled for and showed MUCH disrespect to my superior flying skills, much more superior then ANY one in the sim EVER. Look MAN I know you just did it because you know I am the gunfigther of the sim and I could OWN you ANYTIME I choose... so you took your chance at a free kill. To get that gold star above your bedroom door.

I think it would have been more honorable to ask if I was done zipping up yet, now I have a scar, and and.. people now no I can lose. I will never forgive you for exposing me like that, making me your chump. I mean come on I was only peeing on your base.

you,.... you poopy butt. I will OWN you MAN!! *I* will OWN EVERYONE,.. soon. Even though I am flying with a mouse because my x45 is broke. You KNEW you could only kill me while I'm stickless. you ,.. you meanie poopy-butt



Yeah....but , but your just a big ole mean poopie head and , and, and everyone knows it. So there.
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline kamori

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Re: Meltdowns
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2008, 11:17:37 AM »

You offered no details about the fight...and this
Well I must say you sure have a differing view on that engagement. I wouldnt say your lieing but I sure wish I filmed just to clear it all up.
you stated is exactly that, an accusation of lieing. The details are what they are. You keep discountin the DA as a How you said it
I rarely go to the DA and its sure not to swing schlong.
. This Game is a COMPITITION. Its between Squads, individuals and Countries. So Yes, There are things to Prove to eachother, ourselves and the community. That is what a game of this caliber is.

Whenever I see someone doing the behavior as you have done as a flying style I will challenge them to the DA, For multiple reasons, to hopefully learn and teach. I have not once come back and bragged who owned who on CH 200. I am sorry that you are above The DA. By the way, most everyone I have ever fought in the DA has been a pretty decent person. Think of it this way, Its a chance to get away from the Perception Horde ( Channel 200) and get to know another player One on One in an otherwise enviroment that breeds the fantasy and aninimity the we can be anyone we want. I enjoy getting to know the opposing individulas by getting on same VOX, talkin about the last fight and learning other planes I would never get in.

Sad that you are missing out of that experience.


Offline 5PointOh

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Re: Meltdowns
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2008, 11:52:07 AM »
See,231185.90.html for meltdown.  Look for a post by ROX.
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Offline DrDea

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Re: Meltdowns
« Reply #37 on: March 27, 2008, 12:39:14 PM »
  Like I said.Im not dissing the DA.Ive been there several times.Last time with a squadie and the planes were Hogs with just rockets.To me thats fun.I have nothing to prove to anybody in the DA.Im not a top notch stick by any means but I still have fun playing the game.If someone kills me I normaly throw em a <S> because my ego isnt tied into this and I dont look for reasons as to how I got killed outside of I screwed up.Whats with this meet me in the DA after people get killed?If someone doesnt feel like going to the DA with someone just because they demand it so be it.Doesnt mean they are worried about said pilot.It just means they dont feel like they are obligated to play the way that person wants them to.
 Lets just agree to disagree on this whole overblown mess and leave it at that.
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

FSO 334 Flying Eagles. Fencers Heros.

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Meltdowns
« Reply #38 on: March 27, 2008, 12:44:44 PM »
I agree to disagree as agreeing with an agree is just so... well disagreeable.  Don't you agree?
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Offline DrDea

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Re: Meltdowns
« Reply #39 on: March 27, 2008, 12:47:34 PM »
 I concur
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

FSO 334 Flying Eagles. Fencers Heros.

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Meltdowns
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2008, 12:48:52 PM »
Now don't bring Cons into this curred or not....
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Offline MrSlim

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Re: Meltdowns
« Reply #41 on: March 27, 2008, 12:58:01 PM »
you know what I find amazing? That De Rea and Kamori are STILL arguing about a single engagement that happened 2 nights ago. . . :rolleyes:

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Meltdowns
« Reply #42 on: March 27, 2008, 01:17:23 PM »
Must have been a memorable fight........................ ....
80th FS "Headhunters"

S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)

Offline Halo46

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Re: Meltdowns
« Reply #43 on: March 27, 2008, 01:34:57 PM »
Sky......Face it we have to put up with.....err lets say: "Thoses who Das Not have The Skills" It kills me How Desperate theses Playstation Dweebs Interupt fights they only wish they could participate in... :lol :lol

 :rock Bro and  :salute


Well, it is not only dweebs and noobs who do this but some of the "vets" as well. Just ask first if they got it before engaging. I take forever to get my weekly kill because, though  I shoot straight, they keep moving the darn target. I will hit him eventually, be patient.
Used to fly as Halo46, GRHalo, Hobo and Punk at the end.

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Re: Meltdowns
« Reply #44 on: March 27, 2008, 07:17:35 PM »
I can feel the anger, finally some good 'Jerry Springer' style bickering on the BBS. Continue on.........