Author Topic: Corsair Training  (Read 2812 times)

Offline Xasthur

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Re: Corsair Training
« Reply #30 on: April 11, 2008, 10:45:30 AM »
Be careful what you try that against, any 109 (except the Emil, perhaps) will maul you in that sort of manuever. (in reference to a spiral climb... or most climbing manuevers for that matter. Even the 4-Hog....I caught one in a K4 in a climb, E states equal, 4 Hog had alt on me and I still caught it in a climb. Alt was 18k+)

For my .50 cal convergence I set the guns to 325/350/375 inside/outside.

I used to have them all at 400 but I found that this varied convergence had a bit more of a buzz saw effect than the all-in-one-spot set up.

I suck with .50 cal and I find that this helps. I'm no good at hosing a target down, I learnt this game in the 109 and the 190 so I started on a diet of cannon and shorter convergence distances. I'm more dangerous with a single 30mm cannon than I am with 6 .50s. The 8 .50s on the Jug are nice though, that's a hard hitting combo with that same set-up of 325-400 yards.

C-hog.....300 seems to work the best. Any shorter and I struggle hitting targets at 400+ in a convincing manner. Any longer than 300 and I start shooting around my targets.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2008, 10:48:33 AM by Xasthur »
Raw Prawns

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Offline mtnman

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Re: Corsair Training
« Reply #31 on: April 11, 2008, 11:22:38 AM »
Alright, here's a film posting "attempt".  I've never posted one before, so hopefully this works...  This one was one I quickly found using zoom climbs against Lancs.  If it works ok I'll find some fighter examples to post as well.

Watch it using my recorded views, to see how I'm always watching and adjusting for my opponents position.  In this case I actually had too much altitude and speed, so adjusted by keeping my zooms shallower.  This also puts me far out in front of the bombers, denying any shots as I climb, and allowing me to set up for another dive.  Also notice how I avoid sitting behind the bombers, and only give them a fairly brief shot as I pass them.

Watch it using "trails" to see the flightpath easier, especially from the "fixed" position (not using my recorded views for that...)

All my convergences are set at 275.  I set all wing mounted .50's that way.  I have my 20mms set for 400 in the Chog.  275 works fine for bombers as you can see, and works even better for fighters.



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Offline mtnman

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Re: Corsair Training
« Reply #32 on: April 11, 2008, 11:31:28 AM »
Be careful what you try that against, any 109 (except the Emil, perhaps) will maul you in that sort of manuever. (in reference to a spiral climb... or most climbing manuevers for that matter. Even the 4-Hog....I caught one in a K4 in a climb, E states equal, 4 Hog had alt on me and I still caught it in a climb. Alt was 18k+)

The zoom / spiral works fine for me vs ANY plane type.  It all depends on the situation. We're all using the same manuevers, they're just adjusted depending on the various plane types, speeds, alt, skill levels, etc, etc, etc...

For example, I use the same manuevers to kill Zekes in my F4U as I do to kill F4U's, P51's, B17's, M3's or whatever.  I simply ADJUST speed, size, angle, etc, of the manuevers to fit the situation. 

I often get asked to help people with the F4U's.  There are no "kung-foo super-secret F4U manuevers".  You'll generally use the same ACM's to kill a 109 as you do anything else, you just need to read the situation and adjust accordingly.


"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson

Offline Void56

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Re: Corsair Training
« Reply #33 on: April 11, 2008, 11:59:12 AM »
well said on that last post mtnman :aok

however that manuever pulled on zekes that you briefly talked about interests me for i see no way of manuevering with a zeke except pulling an immelman when past an h2h encounter. i heard trickery works but then Turning with a zeke is really hard(depending on the pilot too of course) and after the zeke is on ones tail the options are limited (either a. force an overshoot, or b. outrun if possible). i know you said there are no kung fu tricks with te hog but i would like you to ellaborate on using manuevers on zekes.

The Corsair's distinctive sound, which earned it among the Japanese the nick-name of "Whistling Death", partly because of the engine sound, that was caused by the wing-root inlets for engine air.
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Offline Patches1

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Re: Corsair Training
« Reply #34 on: April 11, 2008, 12:22:24 PM »
Listen to MtnMan, he flies a mean Corsair!

As for convergence of .50 cals....mine are all set at ALL .50 cal aircraft.

I tend to fly to my opponets' six...and 50's are buzzsaws close in.

I use the same convergence for Bombers, no matter their altitude...and I kill lots of Bombers.

I'm not known for killing fighters.

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Offline mtnman

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Re: Corsair Training
« Reply #35 on: April 11, 2008, 02:05:19 PM »
The Zeke, Hurri, and N1K are planes I lump into the "get 'em too fast for their own good and then quickly get behind them while I can turn better than they can" category, as opposed to planes like the 109's, P51's, 190's which I lump into the "get 'em slow enough so they can't get away from me" category.

I don't dare try to get too low and slow with the Zekes, Hurris, or N1K's.  That doesn't mean I woun't get low or slow with them, I just want to be able to get my speed back if I need it.  Very slow is fine, as long as I can kill them right away, or else make an option to extend.  Trying to do sustained slow turns with them doesn't work.

I lump ALL planes into the category of "if it's really slow, or really fast, it can't do too much".  So anytime I can I will let a guy get really slow, and then capitolize on that.  If he's really fast I may dodge easily, but then I may need to get creative after that to end up getting him slow.

As far as adjusting the fight to the better turners, I fly a more "loose" fight with them.  Where against a P51 or 109 I will fly a "tight" fight, trying to force them to commit to turning, I don't do that with Zekes, N1K's etc, unless I know I can kill him in the first few seconds.  I still do rolls, immelmanns, yo-yo's, etc, but I fly them looser to try to conserve my E, and make them fly fast trying to stay with me.  The best way to keep them fast is to put them on your tail, and then let them barely keep up.  When he's too fast to manuever well, I do a reversal which puts me at a decent speed to turn, but hopefully with him too fast to turn as well.  I need to kill him quick, or start over.

Here's a clip with me against a high fast N1K.  The fight that develops could be against a Zeke, Hurri, or Spit, with slight adjustments.  It starts by letting him get behind me, and I appear to run.  So he chases, and thinks he's barely gonna catch me but he's gotta go fast so i don't get away...  Note that at any point in this fight I could simply dive slightly and run away, he wouldn't be able to keep up.  He knows that, so helps me by staying fast...

So, as he gets close enough (I'm letting him...) I pull a reversal, and get behind him.  I missed my shot on the reversal (barrel roll)  :cry  but I'm behind him now.  I miss him again as he realizes things aren't looking so hot anymore, and he then dives out.  Now- I'm behind him, he's in a slower plane-type than me (can't get away), and he dives so as to be too fast to turn so hot (and gives up all his altitude)- what could be better? 

I chase him down and realizing he can't outrun me, tries for a barrel roll defense or a rolling scissors.  Had I tried to follow him through that I probably would have ended up overshooting, or slow with him on the deck.  So, I simply keep me speed and zoom, without presenting him with a shot.  This puts me in a very advantaged position over him.  He can't get me since he's lower and slower.  My instinct is to roll back onto him and kill him.  He knows this, and pulls up at me. (1:55)  If I dive at him, he can HO me, if I dodge (or he misses) I'll be below him, scrubbing E hard to pull out. (Read that- I'm lower, scrubbing E, while he's above me, a recipe for disaster, IMO)(Remember the idea of being low and slow with a better turning, better accelerating plane armed with cannons is usually bad).  So what do I do when I roll over to dive in and see him coming up???  I hesitate!  And even go up a bit!  This sets me up to drop on him as he tops out, and gives me another kill shot (which I also flub on  :rolleyes:)  After that I keep the pressure on him and he pulls up giving me the kill.  Had I missed that one I might have been close to starting the whole thing over.

So, IMO the key points to that fight were- getting him too fast for his own good (while not doing the same to myself), reversing while I have the turn advantage, not getting greedy and trying to rush the kill when he evades low, hesitating when I recognize the HO possiblity (patience is a virtue), taking the shots I was offered (without forcing them and scrubbing too much E) all the while keeping enough speed and altitude to reset the fight (or get away) if I needed to.  You could also add that although I started with an altitude and angles disadvantage, I was able to reverse that, and didn't allow him any decent shot opportunities.  Apart from his opening shots I was never in any real danger.  The fight against a Zeke or Hurri is similar, but I have no film (I can try for some tonight).  I consider the N1K to be the most dangerous of the three, since the other two are so slow as to only be a threat if I let them, or if I'm not paying attention...

To his credit (IMO) my opponent tried to bring the fight back up when he realized I wasn't going to drop onto the deck and turn with him.  He kept his speed, and therefore some options of his own.  He never gave in, even when he was down on the deck in a bad position.  I've had a lot of decent fights with him in the past as well.

Hopefully this link works- I can't get the buff one to work.  Anyone have any luck?  Let me know, I may try the Lanc film with this server instead...


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Offline mtnman

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Re: Corsair Training
« Reply #36 on: April 11, 2008, 02:26:43 PM »
Here's another link to the first film, it may work better-


"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson

Offline uberslet

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Re: Corsair Training
« Reply #37 on: April 11, 2008, 08:13:19 PM »
does BluKitty have a BBS name? if so what is it? might PM her/him/it (also confused because of name) and see if him/her/it can help me learn it
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Offline Xasthur

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Re: Corsair Training
« Reply #38 on: April 11, 2008, 08:21:35 PM »
The zoom / spiral works fine for me vs ANY plane type.  It all depends on the situation. We're all using the same manuevers, they're just adjusted depending on the various plane types, speeds, alt, skill levels, etc, etc, etc...

For example, I use the same manuevers to kill Zekes in my F4U as I do to kill F4U's, P51's, B17's, M3's or whatever.  I simply ADJUST speed, size, angle, etc, of the manuevers to fit the situation. 

I often get asked to help people with the F4U's.  There are no "kung-foo super-secret F4U manuevers".  You'll generally use the same ACM's to kill a 109 as you do anything else, you just need to read the situation and adjust accordingly.


Of course, mate, the mental image I got was a F4u v a 109 duel that had gone through a few turns and produced no result so the Corsair tries to spiral climb the 109. Given equal or even similar e-states the 109 will run pretty much everything down in a climb.
Raw Prawns

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Re: Corsair Training
« Reply #39 on: April 11, 2008, 09:14:33 PM »
good tips mtman i have come to like the f4u1a its a nice plane very versitile. good film too

media fire is a pretty good one ot use thats the one i use
flying as Marvin57
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Offline Messiah

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Re: Corsair Training
« Reply #40 on: April 15, 2008, 01:57:07 PM »
does BluKitty have a BBS name? if so what is it? might PM her/him/it (also confused because of name) and see if him/her/it can help me learn it

I actually am not sure if blukitty still plays, but maybe you can get blu to post some films.   
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Re: Corsair Training
« Reply #41 on: April 15, 2008, 03:34:54 PM »
I actually am not sure if blukitty still plays, but maybe you can get blu to post some films.   
does blu have a BBS account i could PM him on?
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Re: Corsair Training
« Reply #42 on: April 15, 2008, 09:53:54 PM »
mtnman just using the word "raindrop" made a nice visual for me and was able to reverse Spit 16's twice tonight, thanks for the advice.

Offline Void56

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Re: Corsair Training
« Reply #43 on: April 16, 2008, 02:11:05 AM »
just so you guys know blukitty does still play. encountered him in the MA and my friend took him down and saw the name on the radio. you know when it says "you shot down ...".
The Corsair's distinctive sound, which earned it among the Japanese the nick-name of "Whistling Death", partly because of the engine sound, that was caused by the wing-root inlets for engine air.
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Re: Corsair Training
« Reply #44 on: April 16, 2008, 03:49:43 AM »
For the record blukitty is a female 

She is a former squadmate and a great jug and corsair pilot    :aok

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