Author Topic: Why not use more Mosquitos  (Read 5253 times)

Offline MiloMorai

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Re: Why not use more Mosquitos
« Reply #90 on: April 18, 2008, 08:16:38 AM »
Tell me gScholtz, what design on world conquest did Franco or the other fascist states you mention have?

Offline Yarbles

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Re: Why not use more Mosquitos
« Reply #91 on: April 18, 2008, 08:19:29 AM »
Lumpy your positions involve some logic but are meaningless in the context of the real world. Agreed a war against Facism in absolute terms in the light of events and history is irreconcileable with the facts but based on the combined evidence ww2 stands out as one of the trully just conflicts.

You can point to isolated inconsitencies but Iam affraid it takes wisdom more than just logic to interpret history meaningfully.

I would like to say Britain and France's decision to declare war on Germany in defence of Poland towers abve all else in terms of moral courage.

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Re: Why not use more Mosquitos
« Reply #92 on: April 18, 2008, 08:22:44 AM »
Yes mother.  ;)

I am affraid you probably do need the patient tolerance of a parent to bring you up to speed on some of the issues you have raised. I dont imagine anyone else would have the time.

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Re: Why not use more Mosquitos
« Reply #93 on: April 18, 2008, 08:23:10 AM »
Tell me gScholtz, what design on world conquest did Franco or the other fascist states you mention have?

Thank you for supporting my argument that Germany being fascist wasn't the reason the UK went to war on Germany. Nor was "defeating fascism" a goal of the western allies during WWII (or after for that matter).
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Re: Why not use more Mosquitos
« Reply #94 on: April 18, 2008, 08:25:43 AM »
Lumpy your positions involve some logic but are meaningless in the context of the real world. Agreed a war against Facism in absolute terms in the light of events and history is irreconcileable with the facts but based on the combined evidence ww2 stands out as one of the trully just conflicts.

You can point to isolated inconsitencies but Iam affraid it takes wisdom more than just logic to interpret history meaningfully.

I would like to say Britain and France's decision to declare war on Germany in defence of Poland towers abve all else in terms of moral courage.

When did I ever say that WWII and the fight against Germany wasn't a just conflict? Please don't put words in my mouth. And I must also thank you for supporting my argument.
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Re: Why not use more Mosquitos
« Reply #95 on: April 18, 2008, 08:27:13 AM »
I am affraid you probably do need the patient tolerance of a parent to bring you up to speed on some of the issues you have raised. I dont imagine anyone else would have the time.

Awww ... You've had a Humorectomy. :)
“I’m an angel. I kill first borns while their mommas watch. I turn cities into salt. I even – when I feel like it – rip the souls from little girls and now until kingdom come the only thing you can count on, in your existence, is never ever understanding why.”

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Re: Why not use more Mosquitos
« Reply #96 on: April 18, 2008, 08:32:55 AM »

Who knows? Perhaps the same as what happened with Spain?

This is where you completely lost it.

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Re: Why not use more Mosquitos
« Reply #97 on: April 18, 2008, 08:39:19 AM »
Awww ... You've had a Humorectomy. :)

Please Lumpy tell me do you really think you are funny?

Does anyone else on here think there is anything funny about Lumpy?

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Offline MiloMorai

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Re: Why not use more Mosquitos
« Reply #98 on: April 18, 2008, 08:40:43 AM »
Thank you for supporting my argument that Germany being fascist wasn't the reason the UK went to war on Germany. Nor was "defeating fascism" a goal of the western allies during WWII (or after for that matter).
Agh?  :rolleyes:

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Re: Why not use more Mosquitos
« Reply #99 on: April 18, 2008, 08:52:36 AM »
Please Lumpy tell me do you really think you are funny?

Does anyone else on here think there is anything funny about Lumpy?

There's something sad about him.
now posting as SirNuke

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Re: Why not use more Mosquitos
« Reply #100 on: April 18, 2008, 08:55:47 AM »
This thread is about the Mosquito. Let's not continue to hijack this thread.,233787.0.html
“I’m an angel. I kill first borns while their mommas watch. I turn cities into salt. I even – when I feel like it – rip the souls from little girls and now until kingdom come the only thing you can count on, in your existence, is never ever understanding why.”

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Offline Yarbles

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Re: Why not use more Mosquitos
« Reply #101 on: April 18, 2008, 09:06:58 AM »
This thread is about the Mosquito. Let's not continue to hijack this thread.,233787.0.html

Agreed lets stop all this moralising.

The basic premise is why werent Mossies used in place of the heavies and the best conclussion I can come to is that with hindsight they largely should have replaced Lancaster, Halifax, B17 and B24 in both area and precision bombing.

The next question is why werent they at the time?

There is no evidence the proposition was ever considered.

Was iit that the information to make the proposition was not available to challenge established dogma.

I do seem to remember when it comes to the US the Sherman Firefly wasnt adopted because it had a Brithish Gun!!!!

Anyway succinctly put I suspect it was a combination of short termism, vested interest and the innability to challenge an established dogma which too many already had too mich invested in.


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Re: Why not use more Mosquitos
« Reply #102 on: April 18, 2008, 09:40:01 AM »
My old friend who flew both Spitfires and then P51's and ended up doing escorts over Berlin (Escorting England based B-17's) had an opinion on that. RIDICULOUS. He said that they had to lob about for 6 hours at great altitude for dropping a weight of 2-4K per B17, because they were full of guns and ammo and people and so on.
He said the escorts alone, being jabos in the first place could have done the job twice over with even more accuracy, and in case intercepted, jettison and tackle with the inbounds.
As for Mossies, his remark was "simply amazing", "almost untouchable" and "outrunning us".
Anyway, good point!

This does it for me :aok

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Offline Martyn

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Re: Why not use more Mosquitos
« Reply #103 on: April 18, 2008, 12:52:09 PM »
Tooling up is an issue too...
Converting to Mosquitoes would have meant shutting down factories and re-training the workers. This would have reduced overall bomber production. In addition, although the mossie used mainly non-strategic materials, converting everything all at once to the one type would have put a strain on the supplies of appropriate wood/ laminates/ glue/jigs etc.

Maybe a more gradual change in manufacturing priorities would have been better - but the war was already reaching the end by the time opinion would have supported a change-over and new technologies (e.g. the jet) were already to outdate the mossie anyway.

Further more you need more quailified pilots/bomb with mossies - and that would have put a strain on the personnel supply side too.
Here we are, living on top of a molten ball of rock, spinning around at a 1,000mph, orbiting a nuclear fireball and whizzing through space at half-a-million miles per hour. Most of us believe in super-beings which for some reason need to be praised for setting this up. This, apparently, is normal.

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Re: Why not use more Mosquitos
« Reply #104 on: April 18, 2008, 01:01:54 PM »
Lumpy, with all due respect, the allusion to Spain holds no valid grouds.

Franco was not fascist. In fact there were so many differences between Franquism as a regime and Mussolini's than they could be whole different worlds. The basic ideology was not the same to start with (Franco's dictatorship was right winged...that's about the only thing comparable with fascism/Nazism...and even that is not completely true if you keep in mind both the Fascist and Nazi parties started with Socialist influences, Mussolini himself being a socialist in the late 10's/early 20s, and the NSDAP having the "Socialist" term in it's name for a good reason)

Franquism relationship with Fascism/Nazism was reduced to the fact that both ITaly and Germany actively helped the Nationalist side during the Spanish Civil war (and so Franco had to dance their tune for the following years. Even more knowing the Germans were at the other side of the Pyrenees), and that they all three were dictatorships. The spanish dictatorship's ideology (there was not an official one, BTW, another difference between Franco and Mussolini/Hitler) changed a lot during Franco's life, but initially it was based (or so you could say) in the falangist ones. I won't enter into this here because of the huge off-topic this message is, but I'll just say Falangists and Fascist were quite different political moves with quite different ideologies and motivations. You're mixing apples with oranges here.

So, no, Spain was not a fascist country during WWII. And just for the record, I'm far from being a franco admirer, but truth is truth.