Lumpy, with all due respect, the allusion to Spain holds no valid grouds.
Franco was not fascist. In fact there were so many differences between Franquism as a regime and Mussolini's than they could be whole different worlds. The basic ideology was not the same to start with (Franco's dictatorship was right winged...that's about the only thing comparable with fascism/Nazism...and even that is not completely true if you keep in mind both the Fascist and Nazi parties started with Socialist influences, Mussolini himself being a socialist in the late 10's/early 20s, and the NSDAP having the "Socialist" term in it's name for a good reason)
Franquism relationship with Fascism/Nazism was reduced to the fact that both ITaly and Germany actively helped the Nationalist side during the Spanish Civil war (and so Franco had to dance their tune for the following years. Even more knowing the Germans were at the other side of the Pyrenees), and that they all three were dictatorships. The spanish dictatorship's ideology (there was not an official one, BTW, another difference between Franco and Mussolini/Hitler) changed a lot during Franco's life, but initially it was based (or so you could say) in the falangist ones. I won't enter into this here because of the huge off-topic this message is, but I'll just say Falangists and Fascist were quite different political moves with quite different ideologies and motivations. You're mixing apples with oranges here.
So, no, Spain was not a fascist country during WWII. And just for the record, I'm far from being a franco admirer, but truth is truth.