now you know how all the other people felt when they asked for a change in gameplay behavior of others. just saying...
IF i were to be flying Allied, I would understand the frustration here. But I dont. What I do know is that Every Okinawa map ive played in as IJN/A Ive had to put up with CV groups sitting right off shore within spitting distance of fields. As soon as you up your getting shot at by Flak and no matter where you are on the island your getting puffy acked. That really gets annoying after awhile. I mean i dig popcorn but gawd... So if the idea of letting a CV group sail undetered right off the coast in plain sight of SB is rather daft. Here's an idea, how about staging the CV a bit further out to sea so you can A: ge ta little Alt before going feet dry or B: give the IJN/A a break from the massive amounts of popcorn.
Well that's one way to rationalize whining rules into play/practice and suggesting banishment/ostrasizing as the method of enforcement. None of which had anything to do with me telling players on my own side they were playing stupid and suggesting they consider doing otherwise ... in a rather reasonable way. Reasonable being a key word.
calls 'em likes I sees 'em