Thanks to All that attended, those of you that went to the Airshow but didn't show up at the party, Booooooooo!!!! Really I mean Booooooooooooo!!!!!!
Special thanks to:
4xtch for helping so much with trash clean up ect....
Karaya for showing up early and helping with set-up ect.
Nghtmare, SGY and RacrX for the game contributions.
Forker for his generosity and great personality, really added alot to the party.
Betty for all the help in Set-up, Organizing and much much more.
Bob Shaw for puttin up with a bunch crazy online dweebs buggin him all night and signing books.
SkyRock for the Guitar entertainment, absolutely Hilarious!!
All the Monetary Contributors making it about a break even for Tent Rental, Food ect ect.
And again, Thanks to HTC for the generous contribution of Hats, T-Shirts and Mouse Pads for Everyone.
Everyone was great, No Cops and Not one neighbor complained.
I'm sure I'm forgetting someone, but you didn't go unnoticed.
Hopefully we can make this an annual event everyone can enjoy for years to come.
Thanks a TON,