I thought it was suppose to be a somewhat true to history Battle....
Hmmm .... "hooky" as that smells (a little more elaboration could possibly be effective, though) let's give this a shot:
Setting more than "battle." The players determine the nature of the battles and how much they mimic history. Staffers can only setup the arena and adjust settings to suit the players. And even then, it can't always be "true to history" due to the following:
- Gaps in the aircraft/gv lists.
- Gaps in the terrain maps.
- Gamey play by whatever percentage of players feel it's justified on any given hour/day/week/month.
- Actual need for balance adjustment to provide a level playing field (even the most dedicated champion of the underdog can get their fill, at times).
Besides, players don't necessarily want to "relive history." At least not all of them, on any given side of the battle. History is set in stone. Outcomes having already came and went and recorded for posterity. AvA is evolving toward offering players an enviroment to virtually rewrite history .... in as much of a realistic and historical setting as possible in the AHII world. That means - adjusting the chemistry of the arena to discourage anything less immersive and encourage anything more immersive. Plain and simple. Player opinion on what's individually more or less immersive ... as well as more or less practical regarding (which, btw, not only varies from player to player but from the same player, at times), is taken into account and factored into what's been tried before, how it can be tried differently (whether to a large degree or small) and what has or hasn't had a good track record so far. (Hell, Fork is running a poll right now. Brave soul.)
The game has parameters, themselves, that were designed to make AHII more
practical as an online MMPACS/G (massively multiplayer air combat sim/game). Unfortunately, the need to make the game more practical while trying to keep the simulation immersive is a balancing act, itself. I've yet to run across one WWII example of a C-47 dropping ten troops who captured a town. If I missed an instance, I can still assure you it was rare. Carrier taskforces running circles a thousand yards offshore while LVTs spawn? Nope, not much of an historic recreation there, either. But the game is coded the way it's coded. It's the community, more than anything, that'll determine how much
they want to take the tools of the game and use them to even come close to mimicking the experiences of WWII in it. (No ... not "anti-HO" legislation .... actual attempts to give the AvA more of an event/scenario enviroment feel.)
Add to the above that players often claim they want one thing then mope/complain/whine/throw a hissy/disappear when they get it ... (they certainly must be related to my ex somewhere close to their family branch) ... and well .... there ya go. Hell, someone just complained recently in this thread that the Okinawa setup just wasn't their cup-o-tea, even after having claimed all they wanted was a setting in which they could have some good historically matched air-to-air fights. Go figure. Sometimes the staff really is forced to ignore personality flaws, move on and deal with the practicality of the arena.
So ... your rather terse and simple criticism noted. How about a followup with a helpful suggestion or two?