Same as right wingers against a women's rights to choose..
Just where in the Constitution did the Founder's put that one? The
right to own a firearm has its very own amendment that specifically addresses the issue. Just where exactly is the word "abortion" or "woman's right to choose" in our Constitution? I have not been able to find them yet.
or right wingers trying to push the bible to be taught in schools ect..ect..
Push or allow? I think on that issue it's the question of being allowed to have the bible taught in their schools. Not to the exclusion of all else, simply that it be allowed IF desired by those choosing to take that class.
Sure liberals tend to be anti gun, but it's the so called conservatives that are out their taking away your rights. Then again this is the O Clulb and the only right anyone cares about is guns..
You must be referring to our Democratically controlled House and Senate renewing/expanding the Patriot Act?
I'm a conservative for sure but I'm a libertarian even more.
There can be NO DOUBT that the liberals promote more nanny government rules/laws than any other US group taken as a whole.