ok who won?
All the P-38's were heavy
A gentleman pilot never brags. They had alt on our formation heading to our airfield. We dropped our DT's, and turned underneath them following and climbing waiting for them to drop down with their ords. All the P-38's were heavy and did exactly would I would have done being heavy with an alt advantage. They ignored our formation underneath them and continued to target, dropped ord on targets then began dogfighting the 39's. Maybe two of the 38's jettisoned ord to make passes through our formation to try to discourage us from following the heavies. In the ensuing dogfight several P-39's were shot down(myself included), and I believe all except maybe one or two of the P-38's were shot down. Again it was a fun fight, win or lose. Kudos to you twin engine guys!
It definitely wasn't the 80th Headhunters then, we are strictly 'War Losers' and never carry ord in our P38s.
What's a bomber without ord?
del prefers to use his plane to take out ground targets
Good to hear a few more upping the P-39Q, its a fun little ride.