If America could make its own cars, own computers, or anything that didn't say Made in China, Japan, Mexico, Germany, Mongolia, etc.... and be able to run itself without the help of other countries then hell yes, lets just stay out of everyones problems and solve are owns, but really we can't. America needs other countries so that we can have things we use or need everyday like, food, sugar, salts, cars, computers, ipods, cellphones, fruits, oil, natural gas, wood, fish, rubber, metals, etc.ect... Without these countries we couldn't survive as a state. The reason why we need to be in everyones buisness is because if one of these countries destroyes itself cuz of a tyrannt government or economic disaster then it affects us. There is just no way America can just sit and watch the world destroy and rebuild and destroy itself over and over for us not to get effected.
I really hate it when people say we went to Iraq for oil. If we went to Iraq for oil then why isn't my gas a $1.34 a gallon. Please tell me then why I'm paying over $4.00 a gallon for gas?? Then people ask, 'is there a way we can lower gas prices'?? Will how about we invade a oil rich nation and take their oil? Then our prices will be lower wouldn't it? But wait no it wouldn't cuz why? We are in an oil rich country and my gas is still over $4.00 a gallon.
Then again if we fix things in Iraq and trade with them and our gas prices go down and a once dictatorship nation turns to a democracy that can handle itself, then damn I think this war was for a good cause cuz now I'm paying $2.00 a gallon.