Author Topic: Radar...  (Read 6831 times)

Offline RMrider

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #30 on: June 14, 2008, 09:24:48 AM »
That's Genius.  :aok

« Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 09:50:42 AM by RMrider »
MDStampf - JG11 'Sonderstaffel'
Sgt Stampfli, USMC

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #31 on: June 14, 2008, 09:50:34 AM »
Nice Work Mr. Fork. Awsome idea!! :aok

Offline oceans11

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #32 on: June 14, 2008, 10:12:57 AM »
Is there a setting that puts range on dar bar?  Say a 75 or 100 mile range from tower?  This would allow bombers to form up over their own territory without triggering dar bar, but would show up as they approached target giving interceptors a chance to respond AND allow players to find each other instead of logging in ... seeing no one to fight.. then logging out.

If range dar bar can't be used, I vote for dar bar anyway.  It is better then each side hiding from the other.  Yes it sucks to have your bomber mission spotted the minute it rolls of the field but this is better than no players due to lack of activity in the arena.

Think of it as spies relaying heavy enemy activity.  In wwII both sides knew when something big was coming.  Both in BOB and in the defense of western europe.  It is hard to hide the activity of 100+ bomber formations.
For the next round, I'll make radar options availabe for purchase - no different than in a real war. If a commander wants to spend the coin on newer radar eqpt - they can pay for it. 

I whole heartily disagree.
I do not think in WWII you where able to log onto a com screen see 5-10 red dots coming your way ,knowing they are going to attack XYC ,realizing it will be about 40 mins till they get there, GO have dinner,cigar beer come back just in time to POP up and go after you opponent .
History shows (PEARL HARBOR, BATTLE OF MIDWAY two fine examples) that some bases got hit without even realizing the enemy was coming (PEARL) and AIR CRAFT carriers had to be found by RECON aircraft (PB Y's) MIDWAY..

I would rather have the money to be spent on good recon aircraft. Let these be purchased so squads can go and do there own recon .
Obviously a squad that does the better recon will get the better results ,locate enemy bombers, incoming jabots etc etc

Seems like no matter what is attempted to present in the AVA there are those that just want to shoot ,destroy and put the markings on the side of there plane (Somehow).
I for one like the calculated hits and systematic attacks.

That is much more realistic IMO.

God Bless America::: :salute

Offline Easyscor

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #33 on: June 14, 2008, 10:21:47 AM »
That works well in an SEA event, not so well in the AvA.
Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001

Offline oceans11

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #34 on: June 14, 2008, 10:26:30 AM »
That works well in an SEA event, not so well in the AvA.

So Radar works different over water out at sea than on land ?
I didnt think so...

I forgot Pearl HArbor was on an aircraft carrier :rolleyes:

Offline RMrider

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #35 on: June 14, 2008, 10:33:27 AM »
I whole heartily disagree.
I do not think in WWII you where able to log onto a com screen see 5-10 red dots coming your way ,knowing they are going to attack XYC ,realizing it will be about 40 mins till they get there, GO have dinner,cigar beer come back just in time to POP up and go after you opponent .
History shows (PEARL HARBOR, BATTLE OF MIDWAY two fine examples) that some bases got hit without even realizing the enemy was coming (PEARL) and AIR CRAFT carriers had to be found by RECON aircraft (PB Y's) MIDWAY..

I would rather have the money to be spent on good recon aircraft. Let these be purchased so squads can go and do there own recon .
Obviously a squad that does the better recon will get the better results ,locate enemy bombers, incoming jabots etc etc

Seems like no matter what is attempted to present in the AVA there are those that just want to shoot ,destroy and put the markings on the side of there plane (Somehow).
I for one like the calculated hits and systematic attacks.

That is much more realistic IMO.

God Bless America::: :salute

First off,

In WW II the sides had ground controllers vectoring A/C to the fight.

SEA means special events arena, not the fish pond.

MDStampf - JG11 'Sonderstaffel'
Sgt Stampfli, USMC

Offline 33Vortex

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #36 on: June 14, 2008, 10:35:16 AM »
I whole heartily disagree.
I do not think in WWII you where able to log onto a com screen see 5-10 red dots coming your way ,knowing they are going to attack XYC ,realizing it will be about 40 mins till they get there, GO have dinner,cigar beer come back just in time to POP up and go after you opponent .
History shows (PEARL HARBOR, BATTLE OF MIDWAY two fine examples) that some bases got hit without even realizing the enemy was coming (PEARL) and AIR CRAFT carriers had to be found by RECON aircraft (PB Y's) MIDWAY..

I would rather have the money to be spent on good recon aircraft. Let these be purchased so squads can go and do there own recon .
Obviously a squad that does the better recon will get the better results ,locate enemy bombers, incoming jabots etc etc

Seems like no matter what is attempted to present in the AVA there are those that just want to shoot ,destroy and put the markings on the side of there plane (Somehow).
I for one like the calculated hits and systematic attacks.

That is much more realistic IMO.

God Bless America::: :salute

So... in essence you want to re-create Pearl Harbor every 2 hrs? Sorry bud, not gonna happen.  :lol

GameID: Turner
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Offline Stampf

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #37 on: June 14, 2008, 10:50:35 AM »
I whole heartily disagree.
I do not think in WWII you where able to log onto a com screen see 5-10 red dots coming your way ,knowing they are going to attack XYC ,realizing it will be about 40 mins till they get there, GO have dinner,cigar beer come back just in time to POP up and go after you opponent .
History shows (PEARL HARBOR, BATTLE OF MIDWAY two fine examples) that some bases got hit without even realizing the enemy was coming (PEARL) and AIR CRAFT carriers had to be found by RECON aircraft (PB Y's) MIDWAY..

I would rather have the money to be spent on good recon aircraft. Let these be purchased so squads can go and do there own recon .
Obviously a squad that does the better recon will get the better results ,locate enemy bombers, incoming jabots etc etc

Seems like no matter what is attempted to present in the AVA there are those that just want to shoot ,destroy and put the markings on the side of there plane (Somehow).

 I for one like the calculated hits and systematic attacks.

That is much more realistic IMO.

God Bless America::: :salute

- Der Wander Zirkus -
- La Fabrica de Exitos -

Offline Stampf

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #38 on: June 14, 2008, 10:51:45 AM »
Is there a setting that puts range on dar bar?  Say a 75 or 100 mile range from tower?  This would allow bombers to form up over their own territory without triggering dar bar, but would show up as they approached target giving interceptors a chance to respond AND allow players to find each other instead of logging in ... seeing no one to fight.. then logging out.

If range dar bar can't be used, I vote for dar bar anyway.  It is better then each side hiding from the other.  Yes it sucks to have your bomber mission spotted the minute it rolls of the field but this is better than no players due to lack of activity in the arena.

Think of it as spies relaying heavy enemy activity.  In wwII both sides knew when something big was coming.  Both in BOB and in the defense of western europe.  It is hard to hide the activity of 100+ bomber formations.

Post of the Year.

For the next round, I'll make radar options availabe for purchase - no different than in a real war. If a commander wants to spend the coin on newer radar eqpt - they can pay for it. 


Hide and seek will lead to guys leaving the Arena...The opposite of our goals.  Good call sir.  :salute
- Der Wander Zirkus -
- La Fabrica de Exitos -

Offline thrila

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #39 on: June 14, 2008, 10:53:39 AM »
I believe radar does indeed work differently over water due to sea clutter.

Ocean, I don't believe it is realistic for bombers at 20k+ to go into enemy territory without being noticed, it rarely happened.  Observers on the ground would have seen the bombers and relayed the information to the relevant authority.  In addition to observers, radar coverage in Germany was far more extensive than the 25 miles radius currently around fields.  Indeed during the battle of britain the british radar sets were able to detect enemy bombers forming over france before their trip over the channel. 

Recon just isn't a viable option.  How many people do think will enjoy scouting for the enemy?

I see nothing wrong with people wishing to engage and attempt to shoot down the enemy.  It is a massively multiplayer game after all.

"Willy's gone and made another,
Something like it's elder brother-
Wing tips rounded, spinner's bigger.
Unbraced tailplane ends it's figure.
One-O-nine F is it's name-
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Offline lutrel

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #40 on: June 14, 2008, 10:54:54 AM »
I believe that Mr. Fork has found the only fair answer to the issue at hand, as there is just about no middle ground to be found between the guys that want a quick fight and the guys that want a chance at a successful mission.

I fully understand where the fast fight folks are coming from, but I also know how bad it was the first day of the war with all of the Axis fighters hitting our bomber formations before we were even formed up good for climb out. :salute
Lutrel AkA "Lut"
CO ~Avengers~

Offline oceans11

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #41 on: June 14, 2008, 10:58:42 AM »

So... in essence you want to re-create Pearl Harbor every 2 hrs? Sorry bud, not gonna happen.  :lol

HOW many more examples do you want me to post that showed radar was not a person looking at a COMP term and seeing red dots coming his way .

That is all I am trying to say . IT simply was not there and did not happen that way .
I gave two examples and now they are being used as verbatim.

Technically if you want to get down to facts all radar in WWII was developed by the NAVY.

SEE link

I'm just trying to take advantages away from couch potatoes logging in and then popping up and hitting opponents without even puttting any effort into it

BUT i digress
what will be will be

Offline Stampf

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #42 on: June 14, 2008, 11:03:26 AM »
I believe that Mr. Fork has found the only fair answer to the issue at hand, as there is just about no middle ground to be found between the guys that want a quick fight and the guys that want a chance at a successful mission.

I fully understand where the fast fight folks are coming from, but I also know how bad it was the first day of the war with all of the Axis fighters hitting our bomber formations before we were even formed up good for climb out. :salute

- Der Wander Zirkus -
- La Fabrica de Exitos -

Offline 33Vortex

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #43 on: June 14, 2008, 11:06:31 AM »
That's funny, because you still managed to hit our strats significantly harder than we managed to hit yours, on the first day. That was because we were all busy intercepting your bombers, leaving little time for us to hit back. We were somewhat successful intercepting allied bombers, but by no means did we prevent you from hitting intended targets. If a bad day for you is to have 50% of your bombers destroyed before reaching the target, feel free to look at the axis conditions where whole units get annihilated trying to take down your stratosphere cruising bomb haulers.

Please realize that there are two sides in this fight, and that the axis are not here just to satisfy the allies' needs of opposition. By design the allies already hold many advantages, it's just the way it is because that's how it was. So a fair fight is really hard to achieve. Radar bars within friendly territory, but not in enemy territory, would be the answer, as previously posted. Lacking that feature, what MrFork is offering is perhaps the best alternative.

Respectfully <S>

GameID: Turner
Truth has no agenda.

Offline thrila

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #44 on: June 14, 2008, 11:08:51 AM »
Oh, i forgot to mention that the radar at Pearly harbour detected the Japanese at a range of 132 miles.
"Willy's gone and made another,
Something like it's elder brother-
Wing tips rounded, spinner's bigger.
Unbraced tailplane ends it's figure.
One-O-nine F is it's name-
F is for futile, not for fame."