Author Topic: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them  (Read 2001 times)


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Re: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them
« Reply #45 on: June 29, 2008, 09:55:58 PM »
I Found INK!

Hey Ink.
I didnt know you played quarterback LOL

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Re: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them
« Reply #46 on: June 29, 2008, 10:17:37 PM »
If 9/11 was a government conspiracy, it would be so big that too many people would have been involved too have not said something to someone by now.  But, maybe the people that planned it, just killed them all. <heavy sarcasm>

That's why you have the conspiracy theory for the conspiracy theory then another and another till nobody knows which way is up or down, right or wrong, true or false. We are all one big conspiracy..... why are we here.

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Re: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them
« Reply #47 on: June 30, 2008, 03:25:43 AM »
I Found INK!

Hey Ink.
I didnt know you played quarterback LOL


you are quite wrong i don't play football this is INK

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Re: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them
« Reply #48 on: June 30, 2008, 03:57:52 AM »
i guess i am a conspiracy theorist, because i do believe the towers where done by the "government"

Don't do yourself a dis-service. On a good day you are at least an idiot.  :salute
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Re: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them
« Reply #49 on: June 30, 2008, 04:02:06 AM »
Don't do yourself a dis-service. On a good day you are at least an idiot.  :salute

LOL  your so right, why do i bother trying to talk to people like you. i am an idiot.

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Re: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them
« Reply #50 on: June 30, 2008, 07:43:10 AM »
These are some of the comments of publicly known people on the movie "The Money Masters".

If you see this movie for what it is, it is not a conspiracy theory but plain presentation of facts that are otherwise hard to come by. I will not argue with anyone about this, for your opinion is yours and I have given up on people who aren't open minded enough to think for themselves. Regardless, everyone are entiteled to their own opinion. I just wanted to post this to perhaps give some more people the opportunity to see the film, to make up their own minds about it.



"What you have shown in the scenario is what we are constantly doing at the personal level as well as the public level. It is the policy of exploitation that the rich employ against the poor. This is why grandfather [Mahatma Gandhi] said 'Materialism and morality have an inverse relationship - when one increases the other decreases.' If I may, I would like to keep the videos as resource material to teach students about economic violence in the world. With good wishes. Yours sincerely, Arun Gandhi, M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence"

"As you know, I am entirely sympathetic with the objectives of your Monetary Reform Act...You deserve a great deal of credit for carrying through so thoroughly on your own conception…I am impressed by your persistence and attention to detail in your successive revisions... Best wishes. Milton Friedman," Nobel Laureate in Economics; Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace

 "Compelling! Excellently produced and impressively documented. If you want to learn what our Founding Fathers and Presidents have to say about money and its control, you will want to see [The Money Masters]…"- Dr. D. James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries, FL
 "I endorse the video because people should know what is happening." - Malachi Martin, late Professor at the Pontifical Biblical Institute and a close associate of Pope John XXIII; author of: The Windswept House; Vatican; The Keys of the Blood, and numerous other books
 I appreciate and applaud your efforts to accomplish something specific in the area of monetary reform. . . I do not hesitate to recommend that people view The Money Masters for the excellent overview of fraudulent banking which it presents. . .
G. Edward Griffin," author of THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND; A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
 "This is undoubtedly the most comprehensive presentation of the history of our money system and who is responsible for the disastrous consequences that has left us with an unconstitutional money system and multi-trillion dollar debt."
- Dr. W. Cleon Skousen, author of The Naked Capitalist and The Naked Communist

"This 3 ˝ hour video is professionally produced in the style of A&E Biography and covers the history of monetary reform from Roman times to the present. It is packed with great quotations which make for a powerful argument for the need to reform the money system. A MUST for serious activists."- Ian Woods, publisher of Monetary Reform Magazine

"At last somebody has put together a video on the Fed that the average person can understand."- Betty Faulk, Huntington House Publishers

"The Money Masters is by far the best and most complete production on the subject of money that we have seen. We are pleased to endorse it... Special thanks for your efforts on the most important subject that we face."- Robert Carroll, Humane World Community, Inc.

"Outstanding! The best video yet on the history of the Federal Reserve and the mysterious disappearance of America's gold reserves. Fast-paced and riveting."
- Larry Bates, former bank CEO, former Chair of the Tennessee House Banking Committee, author of The New Economic Disorder, Chief Economist FAMC

"As you know, this material is vital for an understanding of our sovereignty's transition into the U.N. You are to be commended for the video."- George S. Gabric, GSG Publishers

"We highly recommend that every American watch The Money Masters."
- Zeldon Nelson, CEO National Center for Constitutional Studies

"The Money Masters is a great video. " - Bryon Dale, The Coalition to Reform Money

"Absorbing and very enlightening! There was not a boring minute in the whole thing."
- Marilyn Brannan, Associate Editor, Monetary and Economic Review

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Re: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them
« Reply #51 on: June 30, 2008, 07:57:52 AM »
Ink..  I may have to upgrade you from "not too bright" to "seriously disturbed".

You claim to not be into fads then you show a picture of yourself with a nose ring..  a freeking pony tail, sleeved out in full color just like everyone else these days from goth to painters..

You watched planes hit the twin towers on TV and then said "I can't believe our government just killed all those people."?   What, did you get a revelation or something?


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Re: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them
« Reply #52 on: June 30, 2008, 08:00:23 AM »
As for the JFK thing..  I don't know if anyone else fired a shot but a guy who looked just like oswald fired at kennedy from the depository window with a carcano rifle and hit him several times.   It may be that someone else fired a shot but every shot that was recovered could be attributed to the rifle oswald owned and fired that day.


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Re: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them
« Reply #53 on: June 30, 2008, 08:46:52 AM »
You watched planes hit the twin towers on TV and then said "I can't believe our government just killed all those people."?   What, did you get a revelation or something?

Lazs - didn't you see Satan's face in the fireball, like everyone else? That's how you could tell. I have it on good authority.
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Offline Serenity

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Re: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them
« Reply #54 on: June 30, 2008, 09:27:25 AM »
Don't do yourself a dis-service. On a good day you are at least an idiot.  :salute

Hey, everyone has their theories. I don't agree with the whole 911 thing personally, but do either of us REALLY know?

I DO agree about pearl harbor. I absolutely think we saw it was coming, and we let it happen. And I absolutely think it was the RIGHT THING TO DO! There were absolute horrors going on in the world, and we needed to help stop them. However, our nation was fed up with war. If the president simply decided to declare war, the people would immidiately be outraged, and it wouldn't happen. And imagine how things might have turned out. However, if we were attacked, then there would be MUCH more support to go to war. After all, WE didn't start it, we were simply avenging those lost!

Offline lasersailor184

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Re: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them
« Reply #55 on: June 30, 2008, 09:36:39 AM »
Hey, everyone has their theories. I don't agree with the whole 911 thing personally, but do either of us REALLY know?

I do.  I am an engineer.  I'll get you in on a little secret of ours.  Don't tell anyone else this, else we'll get in trouble.

The two towers, and all the subsequent WTC minor buildings and pentagon...  They all fell exactly in line with the damage caused by planes hitting their structures.

Don't tell nobody!
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Re: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them
« Reply #56 on: June 30, 2008, 09:47:51 AM »
I do.  I am an engineer.  I'll get you in on a little secret of ours.  Don't tell anyone else this, else we'll get in trouble.

The two towers, and all the subsequent WTC minor buildings and pentagon...  They all fell exactly in line with the damage caused by planes hitting their structures.

Don't tell nobody!

Laser, I am not saying I think it was an inside job, I think it was a terroristic act. I do however accept the fact that I may be wrong and the government may have had a hand in it. To play the devil's advocate, whos to say the "terrorists" weren't payed by us? I don't believe it, im simply saying its possible, and as mere citizens who werent even "there" we cannot be 100% certain.

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Re: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them
« Reply #57 on: June 30, 2008, 10:35:40 AM »
Laser, I am not saying I think it was an inside job, I think it was a terroristic act. I do however accept the fact that I may be wrong and the government may have had a hand in it. To play the devil's advocate, whos to say the "terrorists" weren't payed by us? I don't believe it, im simply saying its possible, and as mere citizens who werent even "there" we cannot be 100% certain.
Serenity, that "maybe" uncertainty factor applies to any and all events. 
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Re: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them
« Reply #58 on: June 30, 2008, 12:54:32 PM »
Ink..  I may have to upgrade you from "not too bright" to "seriously disturbed".

You claim to not be into fads then you show a picture of yourself with a nose ring..  a freeking pony tail, sleeved out in full color just like everyone else these days from goth to painters..

You watched planes hit the twin towers on TV and then said "I can't believe our government just killed all those people."?  What, did you get a revelation or something?


well LAZS,

maybe you are not as bright as i thought you where, for 1 : i have had both my nostrils pierced for about 15 years, and Ive been doing tattoos for twenty,i got my sleeve while in prison with a guitar string and a walkman motor.  i was sleeved long before it was an "in thing"  my hair has been long since 1989 i grew my hair because  every time a screw ( for those of  you who don't know what a screw is its a corrections officer) in prison, walked by me they said "get a hair cut" it wasn't even long my bangs went to my eyes, so i said oh you don't like long hair, so i never cut my hair while i was in prison, now tell me exactly where I'm following a fad.
   heck, wait you must be right because when i was 12(this is 1982) i loved Led Zeppelin, so much so that i would fight if you said Zepp, wasn't any good, now they are considered the greatest rock band ever,yup i followed that fad, LOL
 I've done things, and faced things that would make you piss your self in fear, curl up and hide under your bed crying for your mommy.
   don't try to understand me your mind seems to be to shallow.

seems to me you are the one that lets others dictate how you think.

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Re: Conspiracy theroys, your personal contact whit them
« Reply #59 on: June 30, 2008, 04:59:12 PM »
I do.  I am an engineer.  I'll get you in on a little secret of ours.  Don't tell anyone else this, else we'll get in trouble.

The two towers, and all the subsequent WTC minor buildings and pentagon...  They all fell exactly in line with the damage caused by planes hitting their structures.

Don't tell nobody!

if you do a search, you will find all kinds of videos, of people that where there, fireman, and bystanders that spoke about hearing explosions in the sub levels.

do you know that the towers where designed so that fire CANNOT move from floor to floor.

any body who says (engineer or not)  they where designed to fall strait down is fooling themselves, they where designed NOT to fall period.

the owner says himself they had building #7 pulled, " due to fire damage"   hey mr engineer, how long does it take to plan a demolition of a building that size?
four hours?   
because that is how long after the towers fell that they " pulled " building # 7.

it takes weeks if not months to plan a demolition that size.

here is a quote, im sure you people who believe the government, wont read this, but for those who think for themselves and want to know the TRUTH one way or the other, there are many points that this brings up.

for those who allow other people to think for them DO NOT READ FURTHER.

"How could those buildings fall at the speed of gravity - if you put a stopwatch on them both of those World Trade Center buildings were on the ground in ten seconds - how can that be?" asked Ventura.

"If you took a billiard ball and dropped it from the height of the World Trade Center in a vacuum it would hit the ground in 9.3 seconds and if you took that same billiard ball and dropped it 10 stories at a time and merely stopped it and started it it would take 30 seconds - if you dropped it every floor of the World Trade Center to the ground, simply stopping and starting it on gravity it would take over 100 seconds to reach the ground," he surmised.

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The former wrestling star then questioned how low-temperature burning jet fuel could melt steel.

"Jet fuel is four fifths kerosene - which is not a hot burning fuel - and they wanted us to believe it melted these steel structured girders and caused these buildings to pancake collapse to the ground?" he stated.

"I was on the site within two weeks after it happened and I saw none of these pancakes - wouldn't they all be piled up in a huge mass on the ground and yet everything was blown into dust - when you look at it from that aspect none of it makes any sense," said Ventura.

"Never before in the annuls of history has a fire caused a steel structure building to fall to the ground like these two did," he concluded.

Having undergone Basic Underwater Demolition Seal training, Ventura is speaking from an experienced standpoint and he unequivocally stated that he thought the buildings were deliberately imploded.

"Upon looking at the film in super-slow motion and the way the buildings fell and comparing that to the way that they do like a controlled demolition of a hotel in Las Vegas, they both fell identical."

"I did watch the film of Building 7 going down and in my opinion there's no doubt that that building was brought down with demolition," said the former Governor.

Ventura also questioned the lack of wreckage outside of the Pentagon after Flight 77 allegedly struck the building.

"When I was watching Loose Change with a friend of mine - he happens to work for a company that helps build the Boeing airplanes and they said that when the engines completely disappeared and were destroyed, his response was, excuse my French - roadkill!," said Ventura.

"I turned to him and said why and he said because they're made of titanium steel - they can't disintegrate."

Ventura said that the corporate media were going to continue to cover-up the truth about 9/11, but that the number of credible people speaking out and increasing education and knowledge about the subject would eventually reap dividends.

"We don't want to lose our country, after all it's still our country and until they put us down we have the power," Ventura concluded.

The Governor's bold comments about 9/11 come on the heels of similar views expressed by American icon Willie Nelson during an interview on the same radio show in February.

oh wait he is just a stupid actor who knows nothing.