Hi Hlbly,
What Saxman and others point out are all true, but another thing worth remembering is that a Corsair, 190, Jug, Mustang, [insert other plane that *can't do that*] can all put up one heck of a knife fight (and I mean KNIFE fight) with a Spitfire IF (and this is key), there is some altitude below both parties to work with. This allows for nose-low manuevering to maintain speed, the use of all flight manuevers, and such. It's pretty common to mistakenly think of "vertical" as simply "UP." It's also "down."
Really, the closer you get to the deck in a Spitfire vs. Corsair knife fight, the better the Spitfire's chances get, for the basic reason that the number of options each party has begin to equalize. At 10k, or even 3k, the Corsair has many more options than at < 1k.
It is also worth noting that, should you run into a Corsair pilot that knows their bird, you're almost *never* going to start a fight on equal E terms. There are simply too many tricks for a good Corsair pilot to allow this to happen. He's either going to have much more E (hopefully, from his perspective, hidden), or commit at once to beating you with less. There are many variables, but two of the most common situations you'll find are as follows:
1. Corsair pilot performs power dive before icon range, you don't notice, he's below you, "easy kill," you think, and all of a sudden you're roped; or
2. Corsair pilot merges extremely hard and is all of a sudden shooting you. You are left wondering, "how did he do that?" he is left smiling at gear, loving his flaps, and ingratiated to all the runners in the MA who made it possible for you to think he'd just ho and run away on the merge

That last little point (jab, depending on perspective) is key. There are an awful lot of people who will eat me alive in a fair Spitfire vs. Corsair duel, that I can suprise just enough to beat in a MA "fog of war" knife fight.
But, the bottom line is, if you really want to learn how to do it, you have to go out there and try it. I know that we've run into each other in the DA furball area. I'm not sure if I picked you, you picked me, or we had a good clean one or not (little hectic in there), but I do know that I'm more than willing to up any Corsair you want over and over against any Spit you want for some 1v1's in there to try and help ya out. If you're doing something blatantly wrong I should be able to recognize it and help you out.
If (when) you see me in there, just give me a holler.