I've been questioning death lately, and quite frankly, it scares me.
I can't believe in heaven, no matter how hard I try... I find it impossible, that when we die, we go to a place where we're constantly happy... forever, and ever, and ever.
God is the same way for me. There is NO way that some being, figure, or whatever you want to call him, could have created everything we see today.
Plus, there are many different faiths and religious beliefs all over the place. The Indians, for example, believe in many gods, along with reincarnation. The Christians believe in only one god, and when we die, we go to Heaven with a fresh body.
But, if all religions believe they are right, then all but one of them are wrong, if not all of them. Because they can't all exist.
In my opinion, God, Heaven, and every other religion to date, was made up so that life would have meaning. The Greeks had a god for allot of things. A goddess of love and beauty. A god of the sky, and a god of the sea. But today, we somehow have discarded all that information, and we all somehow "know" that it doesn't exist.
If you ask multiple people what heaven is like, they will always have a different oppinion, and it's always some ridiculous story of how we "dematerialize" and end up naked in heaven...
If you ask a christian if god exists, they will say "yes". But ask them what proof of his existence is there, they will probably say "because he is in our souls." or something like that.
So, in summary, as much as it pains me to say it, I don't believe in heaven or god.
So, when we die... we die, forever, and when our loved ones die, we will never see them again.
Please, someone, help me change my mind. I want to believe, but I just can't.