Author Topic: An Idea - Campaign Series  (Read 7789 times)

Offline TheBug

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An Idea - Campaign Series
« on: June 30, 2008, 10:40:26 AM »
Campaign Series- North Africa

Aircraft/vehicles with a rarity of 1.0 will be available at all fields.  Aircraft with a rarity factor less than one will be assigned to that percentage of airbases (rounded down) by the Side CO.  For example an aircraft with a rarity of .5 will be limited to ½ the starting bases.

               Bf109e – 1.0
     Bf109f - .25
               Mc202- 1.0
               Ju87- 1.0
               Ju88- .33
                P40e- 1.0
                Hurri I – 1.0
                Spit V - .25
                M3 -1.0

                     ….. and so on.   

For the next three weeks the time line will advance.  Planes like the 109f will become less rare, new planes with an appropriate rarity factor will be introduced ( Fw190a-5, F4f, and P38G for example).  At the same time the older models will begin to become rarer due to their being phased out.

Base Capture will be on and will require 60 troops to take a base.  The only tool provided for capture will be the M3.   There will be no C47s.   (** Although this may prove to be too limiting**)

Each base will be assigned victory points based upon their historical significance and also in-game strategic value.  All rear bases will require a specified path of front bases to be captured in order for a side to gain their victory points.   (Although they can still be captured in any order)

Down times will start out at 30 mins for hangars, fuel, Ord, radar, troops and town.  Strats will have a fixed down time of 24  hrs.  Destruction of strats will effect the down times of other buildings.  Each day at a specific time (let’s say 11pm EST) an average will be calculated for each strat’s destruction and then at the end of the week a total average will be calculated from all days combined.   For each respective strat the corresponding building’s down time will be increased by two minutes for each 10% of destruction.  (** Think this will be have to be calculated off the base 30 mins each week to keep it from getting too far out of hand)

Each side CO may also place 3 supply depots at a base no further than 2 sectors from an enemy base.  These are placed at the start of each week to allow for adjusting of the front lines.  For each supply depot captured the losing side has a +5 min downtime addition to troops, ord and fuel.  The capturing side gains a -5 min decrease to troops, ord and fuel down time.

Radar will match current Arena settings.

The winning side will be the one with the most victory points at the end of four weeks.


This is just a very rough framework of something I was thinking of.  I am not certain if there are some setup limitations imposed by the game that will prevent some of the things I’ve mentioned above.  Nor am I claiming that it is very polished.  Just wanted to throw it out there for something to chew on.  I am shooting for the best blend of action and the ability to “impact” the war.  The series can then be used to apply to different fronts/timeframes. Open to any and all constructive criticisms. :)
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Offline Shifty

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Re: An Idea - Campaign Series
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2008, 10:42:19 AM »
Excellent idea.  :aok

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Offline Stampf

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Re: An Idea - Campaign Series
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2008, 10:43:02 AM »
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Offline fudgums

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Re: An Idea - Campaign Series
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2008, 10:44:14 AM »
 :aok looks fun
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Offline oakranger

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Re: An Idea - Campaign Series
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2008, 10:49:49 AM »

Like the sound of that.

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Offline Damionte

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Re: An Idea - Campaign Series
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2008, 11:53:01 AM »
I like the rolling plane set idea. But except for the higher number of troops to capture the base, I don' tlike any of your base capture changes. Neither using just M3's or having a particular route to capture.

Allied Commander: AvA / Campaign Series: North Africa / Italy

Offline a4944

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Re: An Idea - Campaign Series
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2008, 11:55:27 AM »
I really like the rarity factor in available aircraft.  Excellent idea.  Also like the rolling plane set.  :aok

I think any system needs to work automatically on a day-to-day basis.  It sounds like your plan needs an admin to do a bunch of calculations and update settings.  I don't think this would be maintainable and perhaps too much of a burden on admins.

Not sure about the lack of C47s.  Some bases may be too far to drive and we probably don't want 8 players on a side in M3s to take a base.  It would take too much from the air combat side.

I like your downtimes.

I like the concept of only have a subset of bases that can be captured but not all.  Assume each side starts with 20 bases.  Have the front 10 be capturable for each side.  It becomes a bit like capture the flag.  You need to catpure and hold as many of these that you can.  The team with the most capturable bases at the end wins.  This prevents steam rolling all of a sides bases.  This is the same as your suggestion except that the rear bases can't be captured to avoid an end-game issue like the last capture war.  You have the rare plane issue though.  I assume a captured base would get the 1.0 planes.  If you have a rare plane and the base gets catpured, then you recapture it, you lose the rare plane as there may not be a way to automatically track that.


Offline TheBug

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Re: An Idea - Campaign Series
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2008, 12:14:01 PM »
I like the rolling plane set idea. But except for the higher number of troops to capture the base, I don' tlike any of your base capture changes. Neither using just M3's or having a particular route to capture.

There is no particular route to capture, only the scoring of victory points.  A base captured in the enemy rear and completely surrounded is of no value to a capturing side historically.  That being said though you can capture any bases in any order, just by week's end you need to be able to trace a "supply line" to them to claim the victory points.  Although by capturing it you at least deny the enemy from claiming those points.  I myself question the feasiblity of just m3's for capture, but I worry about too fluid of a front line.  Maybe the 60 troops is the answer and c47s will be necessary.
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Offline TheBug

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Re: An Idea - Campaign Series
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2008, 12:26:47 PM »
I really like the rarity factor in available aircraft.  Excellent idea.  Also like the rolling plane set.  :aok

I think any system needs to work automatically on a day-to-day basis.  It sounds like your plan needs an admin to do a bunch of calculations and update settings.  I don't think this would be maintainable and perhaps too much of a burden on admins.

Not sure about the lack of C47s.  Some bases may be too far to drive and we probably don't want 8 players on a side in M3s to take a base.  It would take too much from the air combat side.

I like your downtimes.

I like the concept of only have a subset of bases that can be captured but not all.  Assume each side starts with 20 bases.  Have the front 10 be capturable for each side.  It becomes a bit like capture the flag.  You need to catpure and hold as many of these that you can.  The team with the most capturable bases at the end wins.  This prevents steam rolling all of a sides bases.  This is the same as your suggestion except that the rear bases can't be captured to avoid an end-game issue like the last capture war.  You have the rare plane issue though.  I assume a captured base would get the 1.0 planes.  If you have a rare plane and the base gets catpured, then you recapture it, you lose the rare plane as there may not be a way to automatically track that.


Settings will be updated weekly by the staff. A set of trusted moderators can assigned the task of taking screenshots each night at 11pm to register the destruction.  Actual arena setting will only change once each week.  The gathering of strat destruction daily is to keep from making targeting them for the first part of the week a useless venture.

All bases would be open for capture, I would prefer to limit steam-rolling by amount of troops.  But if some very rear bases could be fixed to one side that might be a good idea.  Again I am not certain of the setup limitations for an arena.  Which also applies to the capture and recapture of bases and their planesets.  I don't know how that works.  I would say best thing would be to just set them back to 1.0 planes.  Would need staff input for that.
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Offline a4944

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Re: An Idea - Campaign Series
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2008, 12:45:42 PM »
Having the rare plane in the rear fields might be a plus.  The deeper you push into enemy territory, the harder it gets as you will run into the better planes more.  We need a system which presents more challenges to the side doing well rather than making it easier for them.  This will help keep balanced game play and keep interest high. 

I also prefer shorter wars until a good system is worked out.  Based on past experience, it seems the first week is typically the best.  You can't correct issues if you are in a multiweek war.


Offline OldBull

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Re: An Idea - Campaign Series
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2008, 06:29:06 PM »
I share the same concerns as Venom, but I like the concept.
Maj OldBull
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Offline Jester

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Re: An Idea - Campaign Series
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2008, 09:54:27 PM »
Like the concept there Bugster.   :aok

A few opinions of mine:

1. With the 60 troop capture - you just about are going to have to be able to have the C-47. Still - disable it for the first week and see what happens. Might be more historical as the weeks go by you are going to get aircraft with a better ability to carry ord and have an easier time of taking bases.

2. I think one of the big things people didn't like about the "WAR" was the lack of planes at most bases. One other option might be to REALLY crank up the hardness of FH & BH's where a really consorted effort would have to be put on to take them out but make it where having FUEL & ORD down at a field would come into play more. I player could get up an aircraft at a damaged field but might have to fly it to another field to fuel and load up before going to attack. Would be pretty historical I think.

3. Liked Fork's weather - would be cool if it could change every few hours or at least everyday. Got to keep the wind.   :aok

4.  I know I will catch it for saying this - but setting everyones "Perkies" to zero and then setting them for certain types of aircraft and vehicles might be a way to regulate them also.

5. Like your method of scoring.

6. If the map has any CV's - they need to stay in control of either the AVA Staff or Side CO's ONLY. They need to be there for the battle but we don't need them run up on the beach by the porkers. Make a penalty to bring it so close to the coast. IMHO, wouldn't hurt to let the "Blue Plane" pilots get in on the flying when there is a possibility for them to do so.

7. LASTLY... you spoke of having this go 4 weeks - nothing wrong there but IMHO while we are breaking new ground for the AVA would should also make room for new guys coming into the arena that want to fly "Historically" and not the mish-mash of the MA's. I would propose that we have a "BREAK" in between the two haves of anything like this or the current "BOA" as just a pressure relief or for the sides to do some planning, etc. A short one week historical set-up like we used to have in the CT/AVA would be good and fun for everyone involved on each side.

Again, good well thought out plan.   :salute
« Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 09:59:39 PM by Jester »


Offline Odee

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Re: An Idea - Campaign Series
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2008, 09:55:32 PM »
 :aok Overall a great idea!
I like the rolling plane set idea. But except for the higher number of troops to capture the base, I don' tlike any of your base capture changes. Neither using just M3's or having a particular route to capture.
 Using M3's makes intercepting them easier because of limited spawn points.  Toss a couple goons in at least to make it interesting.
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Offline TheBug

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Re: An Idea - Campaign Series
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2008, 10:40:09 PM »
Thanks for the feedback guys <S>

Seems adding the C47 is the way to go.  The number of troops at 60 is really just an example or a starting point and may need to be adjusted to get a front that will move with coordinated efforts but not be impregnable.

Agree with increased hardness of hangars, they can be destroyed but will take a strong effort.

Weather would hopefully be implemented, but since it takes a staffer to adjust I didn't want to impose.

Don't like perks, but that's just my opinion. 

CVs would stay under staff control.

I'm thinking, and maybe a little grandly, that this setup once polished and honed would become what the AvA is to be.  Maybe four weeks is too much, cut it back to three??  I'm not sure.  But the idea is to give the fun and well rounded action of the MA, coupled with the historical planesets of the AvA and a strategic flavor lacking in the MA.  So the setup will be fresh every 2-3-4 weeks???  We can fall back on Old school CT planesets, Finland, North Africa, Overlord/Cobra, Italy, etc..  But weave them into this new framework, that would generate a greater interest to support the larger numbers.  I'm not thinking this is to be a setup tried every now and then.  I'm thinking this will be(once polished by player input and actual testing of course) the AvA of the future.

But I've always been a little messed up.  :huh
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Offline Chemdawg

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Re: An Idea - Campaign Series
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2008, 07:17:15 AM »
I think that the 60 base capture is a good idea, it will take a concerted effort by the entire side to take a base.

Forgive my ignorance but I don't fly in the main alot and need some clarification of the "Perkies". I am...lets say, not of the highest caliber pilot, or enough of one to fly the better performing aircraft in the main, my perk points would not allow me to fly the plane of choice. Is that what you are suggesting here? I understand the theory behind it and agree with Venoms idea that the better crates would be towards the rear giving a "back against the wall" appearance for the winning side. If you could, please explain the perk point idea.