Author Topic: list enemy names  (Read 2517 times)

Offline NEARY

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list enemy names
« on: July 05, 2008, 02:15:31 PM »
I think that when you see an enemy pilot it should list the pilots name under the icon of which plane they are flying. that way if someone is warping everywhere and you want to report them to ah, ah will be able to find out who it is and then possibly send them an e-mail telling them to stop or ah will freeze thier account. Plus, sometimes you just want to know who you are flying against.
The 18th FG Killer Chihuahuas.since tour 97.        CO: KCTHUNDR(me)
 ( NEARY tours 96- 107) 2nd in command: Penguin.   in game i.d.: KCTHUNDR

OBey Teh ChIHuaHUa!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!11!!!1

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Re: list enemy names
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2008, 02:19:03 PM »
Hit Alt + R to begin filming. You can then see there name when you review the film.
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Offline ian5440

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Re: list enemy names
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2008, 03:17:21 PM »
I think that when you see an enemy pilot it should list the pilots name under the icon of which plane they are flying. that way if someone is warping everywhere and you want to report them to ah, ah will be able to find out who it is and then possibly send them an e-mail telling them to stop or ah will freeze thier account. Plus, sometimes you just want to know who you are flying against.

that ruins it. we have the luxury of having icons period, in RL No Icons
also in RL, you didnt know the skill of the pilot you were going against.

if this were to hapen, the second Paccerr or Snailman or a high skill player shows up, many will leave
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: list enemy names
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2008, 03:29:34 PM »
I think that when you see an enemy pilot it should list the pilots name under the icon of which plane they are flying. that way if someone is warping everywhere and you want to report them to ah, ah will be able to find out who it is and then possibly send them an e-mail telling them to stop or ah will freeze thier account. Plus, sometimes you just want to know who you are flying against.

Play longer, you'll know WHO or WHAT SQUAD you're going up against.  Personally, I'd rather have icons eliminated altogether.   Just send the films in.
FSO Squad 412th FNVG
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Offline SD67

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Re: list enemy names
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2008, 07:32:56 PM »
If you really really want to know, just shoot them down :aok
K is right though, once you've been about for a while, you get to know who's in what... it's like the force :lol :noid
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Offline uptown

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Re: list enemy names
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2008, 08:04:35 PM »
bad idea    :salute
Lighten up Francis

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Re: list enemy names
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2008, 09:30:10 PM »
Personally, I'd rather have icons eliminated altogether.

The MA's would become completely unplayable then. You could get away with that in AvA but in the MA's how am I supposed to know if that's a friendly Spit or unfriendly since all three sides can fly them.
Tours: Airflyer to 69 - 77 | Dustin57 92 - 100 | Spinnich 100 - ?
"You'll always get exactly what you deserve." Neil

Offline BnZ

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Re: list enemy names
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2008, 09:56:59 PM »
Play longer, you'll know WHO or WHAT SQUAD you're going up against.  Personally, I'd rather have icons eliminated altogether.   Just send the films in.

Eliminating icons in flight sims just isn't practically possible.

I wear glasses, and I can still identify individual aircraft a mile (5,500 feet) away. In AH, I couldn't tell the difference between a Jug and a 109 at 1K without icons. I can't imagine the level of monitor size and graphic quality that would render icons superfulous, but there would have to be some titanic screens and some unreal resolutions,  and thus would probably be impractical.

Although, I've suggested before, if I we wanted to add a more realistic "surprise" element, we might consider making icons fade to a neutral background color beyond a certain distance.

Offline kvuo75

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Re: list enemy names
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2008, 11:44:22 PM »
If you really really want to know, just shoot them down :aok

or....... get shot down by them as is my method :)


Kill the manned ack.

Offline SD67

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Re: list enemy names
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2008, 11:45:04 PM »

or....... get shot down by them as is my method :)

Yeah, that's the way I usually end up doing it too...:lol
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Offline Husky01

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Re: list enemy names
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2008, 12:33:43 AM »
I'm not sure I like this idea it would either go one of two ways for me. One, everyone would run because they see its Bearkats! Two, they would all gang and HO me because they see Bearkats!

Please note the obvious joking tone to my post. :D

Offline trotter

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Re: list enemy names
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2008, 02:22:10 AM »
Enemy names would be awful. There's already so much discrimination in target selection based on AC type and E state (not bad tactics at all, mind you). Imagine if we had names visible to go along with that.

Turn off ch 200, like I do, and you'll see that the game is much more fun. There should be that fog of war, that divide between friend and foe, otherwise you are just playing another Battlefield game.

Offline h338

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Re: list enemy names
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2008, 07:39:38 AM »
naw cuz then every time they see pacerr, SHawk, VansCrew (Vandetta), or me  :rofl no i fricken suck, anyways when they see those names 90% of them will be running home with their tail tucked between their legs  :lol

and yes, after about a year you see a certain type of plane and start going through a list of who it could be

1.Rogentx  :salute
2.Uptown4  :salute
3. some noob who doesnt know how to fly it

3.any various guy in a squad starting with JG or jagdgeschwader or JV
« Last Edit: July 06, 2008, 07:50:19 AM by h338 »
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Offline SlapShot

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Re: list enemy names
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2008, 11:36:19 AM »
I think that when you see an enemy pilot it should list the pilots name under the icon of which plane they are flying. that way if someone is warping everywhere and you want to report them to ah, ah will be able to find out who it is and then possibly send them an e-mail telling them to stop or ah will freeze thier account. Plus, sometimes you just want to know who you are flying against.

And why would HTC "freeze" their account ? ... because they "warped" ?

In the course of a Tour, I can encounter hundreds of enemy planes ... and I can count on 1 hand, if at all, the amount of people that have a "warping" problem ... and their problem is most likely due to the internet service that is available to them.

What some don't realize is that when you see someone warp ... it could very well be YOUR connection that is causing the warp and not theirs.

This request smacks of insinuating people are warping on purpose ... if you think that is the case ... start film and send it in. Just knowing their "name" and then sending in an email crying that so-and-so was warping and expecting a resulting action from HTC just isn't going to happen.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: list enemy names
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2008, 11:54:18 AM »
Eliminating icons in flight sims just isn't practically possible.

I wear glasses, and I can still identify individual aircraft a mile (5,500 feet) away. In AH, I couldn't tell the difference between a Jug and a 109 at 1K without icons. I can't imagine the level of monitor size and graphic quality that would render icons superfulous, but there would have to be some titanic screens and some unreal resolutions,  and thus would probably be impractical.

Although, I've suggested before, if I we wanted to add a more realistic "surprise" element, we might consider making icons fade to a neutral background color beyond a certain distance.

I wear glasses. 
FSO Squad 412th FNVG
Co-Founder of DFC