No I didn't forget anything. There's something up too, in one of the cold fusion schemes, and no one can explain that either. If it can't be explained, it can't be produced by anything else than groping in the dark, and everything else downstream of that, experimentaly and commercialy, is up to chance.
The amount of energy they're getting the last time I saw, was barely above noise. It wasn't exceptional.
What I did 10 years ago was notice someone saying something different, looked into it, and found that not only was there the usualy snubs and plain ignoring by the majority of specialists, there were also a few people (who are "smart" if that's your criteria) who pointed out some pretty ridiculous flaws in the math and physics behind his whole scheme.
Every teacher, high or low in academia, that I showed his papers to (everything but the actual meat of the paper removed from sight) was rolling his eyes either halfway thru it or after they skipped to the math.
So all I see is some guy with something acting funky but not producing any exceptional power, with no math nor physics to back up any of his explanations for it. He's gotten all this investment for at least 10 long years, and hasn't come up with anything but a "Grand unified theory of classical quantum physics" which not only fails to explain his experimental funkiness, but also fails to actualy unite classical and quantum physics. Which you DO realize is something of a holy grail, right?
There's a whole lot of people who are "punching holes" into accepted models, like the surfer guy a while back. These assertions take time to be proven true or false or something in between. So far Mills' "Grand unified theory" has racked up way more negative assessments than any other hypothesis does, in average.
I think you just got caught in the hopeful enthusiasm. That means nothing, scientificaly. What matters is for the actual theoretical and practical science to be flogged till it breaks.