Author Topic: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**  (Read 18210 times)

Offline bongaroo

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Re: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**
« Reply #240 on: July 16, 2008, 10:31:41 PM »

You are always right Mr Hippie Lettuce man...Bragging rights means absolutely nothing, as do 25 free perkies in every category for taking up a perk ride every now and again...It' all means nothing....please feel free to return to your bong.

EDIT:  BTW: We knights don't win resets very often, about as often as lunar eclipses, so when we do it's a nice surprise.


Wow.  Mr Hippie Lettuce man?  No offense but we need to get you an insult book or something because that is just weak.

Bragging rights?  It's a cartoon game, bragging over it is like bragging about picking a big booger outta your nose.
25 free perks?  Anyone taking the time to learn a little about how to dogfight or bomb properly can earn that in 2 flights

I'm surprised with how awesome you always tell us that the alliance is that knits aren't resetting more often.  Isn't that what you guys are all about?  Guess you can't do too much bragging in that case either.

-ninja edit-
man, I really am being a jerk aren't I?  ROX, your just too easy to troll.  Have a nice night, maybe we'll see you in the MA?
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 10:37:16 PM by bongaroo »
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Re: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**
« Reply #241 on: July 16, 2008, 10:38:19 PM »
I wonder how many resets it will take for people to realize that you don't really "win" anything?

Your a little slow on the uptake so i'll type S-L-O-W-L-Y.

I've been playing since 1995...started with air warrior and been online ever since.  Have been the C.O. of Birds Of Prey since about 1998.  My main ride in AW AOL thru AW3 was the p38 because it was the best turnfiter in the game.  In AW we had tournaments and 2v2s and ladders and I excelled in all those.  Now here is the rub...I never "won anything" from being a l33t fyter pilot.  Zippo! Nada!  In 13 years i will estimate I averaged about 500 kills/month x 12 months x 13 years = 78,000 "kills".  And when i was a "furballer" i probably averaged closer to 1000 kills/month so im guessing im way over 100,000 virtual kills in my "career".  I still have no plaques or trophies to show for that.

So the truth here is NOBODY wins anything no matter how they play...the ONLY reason to play therefore is FUN.  

Self righteous "bozos" or "fun nazis" (my preferred term) who enjoy posting in here dont realize that their kind has existed in every flight sim and every online game.  They act like they are mavericks when in fact often they are too lazy to invest in or too undisciplined to want to belong to a team.  I'll give you an example.  I used to play TRIBEs when i needed a break from AW/AH.  I could log onto any server and load up a heavy bot or a sniper and go plunging into action.  I didn't join a "Clan" or stick with any server because i didnt want to feel any obligation.  I just wanted to have fun.  Now sometimes i had a blast and there were times when the other team were all "clan members" and i got my butt handed to me by guys working together.  Now i guess i could have been a "fun nazi" and gone on the TRIBE bbs and told them how sorry they were to HAVE to work together to kill me.  I guess I could have gone on their ch 200 and told them how they suck because it took 3 of them to kill me.  But I had the INSIGHT to get the SIMPLE concept that they had taken the game to a different level and unless i was willing to invest more time and effort I would be at a disadvantage against more organized play.  Now this isnt just a game concept..its a LIFE concept......

I will never understand people who 1) handicap themselves and 2) boast about handicapping themselves??   It seems like a desperate cry for attention....If you want to fly a f4u or p38...GREAT!!!  Knock yourself out but dont expect any extra "respect" points for it.  It doesn't work that way in real life and it makes NO sense in a game.  I'm all about folks quietly challenging themselves but when they boast about it constantly then I begin to believe they are making excuses for being mediocre.  To me it shows bad decision making and low self esteem.

I've never met a guy at a party who sees my smart beautiful wife and goes "sure it was easy to have a great family if you marry someone great.  You should have married a stupid hag and then i would be impressed if you were successful!!"  I've never played tournament chess against someone who removes his queen and then when he loses goes "well thats because you kept your queen you loser."  Makes no sense?

I could care less if someone switches sides.  Its their $15.  But if they are doing it to grief you then it should be addressed.  Virtual game play should be taken as seriously as RL game play.  Noone would put up with cheating in a pickup basketball game or friday night poker table.  I dont see why that is hard concept for people to grasp.  In order for a GAME to be fun and relaxing it has to be fair.

For the "fun nazis" who HAVE to have cross-country vox because the 200 guys on the green team and the ch 200 aren't enough for them to talk too in order to have fun....then i guess YOUR fun is more important then a level playing field.  Enough said...your commitment to the game is perfectly expresssed.   :cool:

Offline bongaroo

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Re: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**
« Reply #242 on: July 16, 2008, 10:43:06 PM »
I'm going to be honest.  I didn't read a word of that past your SLOWLY insult because I couldn't care either way.  But thanks for being so nice about it  :rolleyes:
Callsign: Bongaroo
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Re: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**
« Reply #243 on: July 16, 2008, 10:52:08 PM »
A rather large assumption on your part, which is more likely a "poke in the eye" statement to generate a response ... and with that I will respond.

When ever I switch countries, I always have camaraderie with the team that I am flying with. Over the years, and from switching sides, I have built up friendships on all countries, so that when I join a side ... people who I have killed or have been killed by ... will wing up and have a blast.

Had I had a myopic one country attitude ... I probably wouldn't have met at least 66% of the people that I know and enjoy flying with. So, those who don't switch are only realizing 33% of the camaraderie that is available to them.

I don't think that I have ever been shunned after switching to a different side ... it is the "smack" talkers that usually will not be greeted with open arms when switching. Once you take this game to a personal level ... as a lot do ... you limit yourself to making new friends .. regardless of which chess piece they fly for.

If you play an online video game to increase your stable of "virtual friends" then I can see why you would feel the need to jump all over the place in order to make more pretend friends.  I am a more limited individual I guess and the 15-20 guys on my squad channel each night are more than enough to take up my hour.  I guess i could pursue your example in real life and join the ELKS and the Knights of Columbus AND the Moose AND the Business League AND the Chamber of Commerce AND the Hospital Board so I can have an endless supply of "comraderie", but i choose to limit  :O my relationships to those that i can provide a consistent level of friendship too.  See I only have so many free nights for dinners and free weeknds for parties so i have to limit myself somehow.

Even better though I wil suggest to my daughter that she join Travel Soccer teams in the surrounding counties as well so she can make more friends!  Then come Saturday she can jump sides during the game because darnit its just more fun that way!  Or maybe the next time my buddies ask me to play pickup basketball with them if we start winning I'll start playing for the other team (i'm sure they would be cool with that)

I only type this because of your "myopic" comment to illustrate that perhaps some folks are not myopic but "purposefully" play in a certain way that provides the level of stability they want to relax in :O

The most myopic ones to me are the ones who ignore the multi-faceted gameplay this game provides and insist on flying 1-2 planes over and over again while telling the world how wonderful they are for doing it.  Hitech and gang have created an almost unlimited number of scenarios in which to spend your free time...maybe its time for some of these folks to step outside their box AND QUIT TRYING TO CRAM THE REST OF US INTO IT :rock
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 11:00:46 PM by FALCONWING »


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Re: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**
« Reply #244 on: July 16, 2008, 10:53:57 PM »
See Rules #4, #5
« Last Edit: July 17, 2008, 04:13:30 PM by Skuzzy »

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**
« Reply #245 on: July 16, 2008, 10:59:12 PM »
Falc you serious about all that?  Do you really believe there is a problem right now with spies and the like that needs to be stopped?  For the very reasons which you posted, you should know better.

Yep, folks want a level playing field, absolutely.  When it's 120 on 1 country 85 on another and 70 on another, it's not level, so going to the team with 70 helps level the playing field.  That's my commitment to the game.  A fair fight.

Kill that opportunity for 24 hours to stop a few if any 'spies' and you stop any number of squads and individual players from helping to level the playing field for a fair fight.

And yes real life is about fair.  I never ever played any game where my team had less players then the other and I played ball all through high school,  Did I some time belong to the team with better players? Yep, and there were days where I was on the team that got beat, but in the end, and it was hammered home by my father, it was about being a good sport and playing fair.  

This is a game, not a war so it's not about overpowering the other guy at any cost.  I don't condone some idiot taking this so seriously that he has to 'spy'.  But I surely don't agree that punishing the folks who want the game to be fair, because it is a game, is the way to solve it.  if anything threads like this one started by someone over reacting, will promote it not discourage it.
8th FS "Headhunters

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Re: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**
« Reply #246 on: July 16, 2008, 11:04:53 PM »

If you have only been around for a year or so, I can understand how you feel about side balancing and eny. Because that would mean you weren't here prior to HT's side balancing efforts. Back then, its wasn't 2 countrys in the 120s and 1 in the 90s. It was 2 countrys in the 120s and 1 country with 400+. Without some effort to balance the game, it might well be dead now (it was certainly heading that way). The 1 hour country change was implemented to facilitate the eny side balancing. Change that to 24 hours, the side balancing would be hosed.

As for Dan's question about what the arena is for, the creator (hallowed be his code!) added all of the strategic elements and win the war crap to enhance the combat aspects of the game. It has been stated more than once, the point of the game is not to "win the war" but to FIGHT the war. That being said, attempting to give a modicum of balance to the arena odds is essential to good game play. Players having the ability to change sides, relatively often is an integral part of that system.

BTW, contrary to what you want to believe, the community (here and in the MAs) doesn't have to be divided. It just needs to understand and agree that the point of the game is to fight. All too often for the last few years, folks have come here and found a haven where they can use shear numbers as a substitute for skill and strategy and THAT is where the chasm starts in the community.

In addition, your sarcastic remark about the players that you say "swore to keep the balance in the arena" is out of line. Quite a few of those fellows were doing that sort of thing long before there was an Aces High and have much better reputations than yours when it comes to how much they care about the game and its community. FYI, while in many cases they are skilled enough that a few of them can make a difference (well...meybe not Mensa), they are only a small percentage of the over all number in any of the LW arenas. So, for you...or anyone else to expect them to balance the arena for you is foolish. However, the do at least attempt to fight the tyranny of the Horde Monkeys.

I will close now. It is getting late for me.  :D
NoBaddy (NB)

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Re: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**
« Reply #247 on: July 16, 2008, 11:06:50 PM »
Honestly Dan I dont believe that you and the handful of other guys who actually swap sides to even out things make a hill of beans difference.  Thats no disrepect towards you or them, im just saying that since Hitech put in the large maps and changed the "win the war" rules the game has been fine.  Best balanced i have ever seen it.  My hats off to them.

But the things that allow you few guys to move freely from country to country and communicate have been exploited by "cheats" and "hacks".  So for every honest one of you there is 1-2 folks who are using it to pad score or grief someone.  The best thing for the game and its integrity is for the loopholes to be closed down.  I know i have never used cross-country vox and I don't see why at least a 4-6 hour delay to rejump countries doesnt make sense?

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Re: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**
« Reply #248 on: July 16, 2008, 11:09:12 PM »
If I remember this correct, when I first started playing back in 05(took a break after about 6 months of play) there was a 24 hour wait in between side switching back then, I think it was a good idea back then & it should be reinstated 
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Offline moot

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Re: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**
« Reply #249 on: July 16, 2008, 11:12:08 PM »
Rox, what's with all the anger towards Lusche?  Did he fail to spend several hours of his personal time trying to help you out with whatever problem you had in the Help/Training forum or something?
Lusche is lucid and frank, bad news for rox.  The only difference between rox and mrblack and voss is that rox is too helpless to make anything of his raving lunacy.  He could probably make nothing out of something tho, like he does in the game.  Ironicaly enough, Lusche used to defend ROX, till he saw how off his rocker he got.
1) your being a little defensive dude...
2)unfortunately many of the smaller strokes seem all pointed at ROX and im not sure that is fair either.
1) Wrong, he's calling it like it is
2) Double wrong, it's fortunate and fair that the majority of the players aren't stupid enough to not see rox for the mini-voss he is.  Pure crap through and through.  He can't fly, can't argue, can't recognize when he's got his head into a mobius loop, etc.  All he can do is blabber on and on about his stupid horde missions, his stupid "HEART OF A NAVY SEAL" pixel squad, etc.  And yet the guy is 40+ from the pic I saw..  And that pic pretty much mirrors what you can infer from all his crap in game and on the forums so far.  A weak and not very bright kid stuck in an old guy's out of shape body crying wolf every other post and accusing everyone and everything of conspiring against his Don Quixote crusades.
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Offline Guppy35

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Re: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**
« Reply #250 on: July 16, 2008, 11:12:15 PM »
Honestly Dan I dont believe that you and the handful of other guys who actually swap sides to even out things make a hill of beans difference.  Thats no disrepect towards you or them, im just saying that since Hitech put in the large maps and changed the "win the war" rules the game has been fine.  Best balanced i have ever seen it.  My hats off to them.

But the things that allow you few guys to move freely from country to country and communicate have been exploited by "cheats" and "hacks".  So for every honest one of you there is 1-2 folks who are using it to pad score or grief someone.  The best thing for the game and its integrity is for the loopholes to be closed down.  I know i have never used cross-country vox and I don't see why at least a 4-6 hour delay to rejump countries doesnt make sense?

And I agree with you, the game seems fine, which is why I'm wondering if this 'spy' stuff isn't an overreaction.  
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Re: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**
« Reply #251 on: July 16, 2008, 11:14:14 PM »
Falconwing, if Rox is afk and not going to reply to this...  Could you?  Because I honestly don't see what loopholes you're going to close.

Rox, I'm still not understanding what problem changing side switching to something (IMO rediculous) like 24 hours is really going to fix?

We live in the age of telecommunications!

Telephones, AIM, teamspeak, email, these very bulletin boards, all can be used while you're in the game!

It sucks that you have to deal with spies now and then.  But your suggestion is not going to alleviate it one bit.

I understand that you're frustrated, and I'm sorry that some people are driving you nuts.  I can definately see how you'd call them immature griefers...  But try to look at the big picture here.  Take a step back and take a good look.

Your proposition is not an idea that will fix anything you want it to.
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Re: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**
« Reply #252 on: July 16, 2008, 11:14:54 PM »
The spy stuff is crap most of the time.  When it isn't, you just have to send in film, and the spy gets nailed by HTC.
Changing sides does fix the imbalance issues.
The guys who pad their score mean nothing.  First because they suck balls, second because score means nothing.
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Re: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**
« Reply #253 on: July 16, 2008, 11:43:38 PM »
Falconwing, if Rox is afk and not going to reply to this...  Could you?  Because I honestly don't see what loopholes you're going to close.


Of course there is no way to stop cheaters...there are a few things Hitech and gang could do to at least embarass some of them.  (i personally know i can search to see how many times i kill "xxxx" or "xxxx" killed me)  Why not have a column on th scorepage that allows us to see say the top 10 folks "xxxx" killed when we pull their score?  Im pretty sure AW had something like it.

As for second accounts, if it was a priority im sure HT could shut that down overnight.  Mpst folks dont have tons of credit cards and im sure the billing addresses and names would be an easy way to see who had multiple accounts.  Of course that would influence guys with kids who play etc or couples that play.

As we already discussed above...the concept of NEEDING guys to constantly swap sides to even a fight out is really not needed.  So what is wrong with a period of time prior to switch back?  Same with cross-country many guys use it legitimately versus to gain an advantage?

Now the dirty truth is i really dont care...the game is fun for me as is.  We use our squad ch for our missions and know if someone is around we dont know or is suspicious.  But the oroiginator of this post was describing a specific situaiotn that occurred and asked for remedy...instead he got a lot of defensiveness and ridicule.   

I personally would like a rule that if you have over 5000 posts you only get to post so many times in a thread.  I would take that over the 24 hour side switching rule in a heartbeat :devil

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Re: Cheating - ** Need for VOX Change **"High Tech Please Read"**
« Reply #254 on: July 17, 2008, 12:19:57 AM »
Falconwing are you really calling >50% of players who switch sides cheaters?  nm, you said cross-country vox.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2008, 12:23:33 AM by moot »
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