Author Topic: Questions with death  (Read 6760 times)

Offline wrag

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Re: Questions with death
« Reply #195 on: July 16, 2008, 12:46:55 PM »
It's funny you should say that.
When I was a member of our church council what really blew me away was the level of hipocracy I saw amongst the congregation as a whole. The place was rife with it.
I've also seen many fair weather Christians who pick and choose their adherence to their faith. It's surprising how many "good Christians" you see in front of a Judge that quickly change their tune as soon as the walk out of the doors.
At least the non believers stand by their convictions.


Your dealing with people here.

I have found that people have the ability to become the most obnoxious, wrong headed, power hungry, control others, stupid, AHOLES ever created..............

How does that go?  Beware of stupid people in large numbers?

And then there is the one about anytime you get together large numbers of people they usually all get stupid?

Ya some of the WORST <--(my personal opinion here) people I have ever meant I meant in such a place.

Just because some people get together and say they're a church and they're Christians does NOT make it so.............

What is a "good Christian"?  Is it someone that everyone else says.....


Only YOU <--(and that should be questionable in your own mind!) and the Big Guy KNOWS who really is and isn't!

BUT there is a way to get a pretty good idea of who is and who isn't a good........... WHATEVER! (Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Brahman, etc....)

You shall KNOW the tree by it's fruit!

Actions speak louder then words?

If you're gonna talk the talk then ya best walk the walk?

There are Christians that take scripture, usually 1 verse, and go wild with it.  Take it to places it was NEVER intended to go, so to speak.

Sadly these type frequently don't have a real grasp on what the Book actually says or is saying  IMHO..............

Sadly this reflects on ALL..........

IMHO stepping away from something because of the hypocrites is counter productive, and only gives the hypocrites more power to be what they are............

This tends to be true about almost everything not just religion IMHO.
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.