"I suppose by now morse code is gone,and I guess that's what caused me to quit."
Most government buildings are plastered with Latin... with the vast majority of us Americans not being conversant in Latin; I guess that makes us all unworthy Americans?
No... morse is not dead. Still very much alive.. but as the 'language of radio'... well; for the few guys out there still hammering away exclusively on their keys about 'paradise lost', I guess the rest of the planet is 'unworthy of communicating with'... and it seems to annoy them no end that the rest of us are doing pretty well with our gear working the world via Voice, Digital Modes and the Internet.
I got interested right after Katrina... when it became exceedingly obvious (to me, anyway) that having a communications system that can save lives (particularly my families) when the traditional communications networks (cell, landline and road) fail under duress.... well, lets just say that having long range radio capabilities are a vital survival skill.
So, I got my 'ticket'.
And, what started out as 'survival skill familiarization' turned into a pretty kewl hobby... I enjoy 80m voice late at night; lots of good ragchew groups out there. With a kilowatt signal I can work the planet... I also enjoy the equipment... getting 'studio quality' voice communications outta sideband gear was a challenge... I'm having a blast; the majority of the folks I encounter out there on the air are interesting folks and the ability to gain and act on info not commonly disseminated via the traditional media is enlighting.
You should get that Yaesu 990 back on the air... that's a very nice rig; and using yer lungs instead of your fist on a key won't make you a bad operator.