Having read the latest replies, I think my original idea could have used several revisions and a few more nights' sleep. I say this because I'm getting the feeling that some are looking at this as though I was implying we should start a "supplemental" or "unofficial" trainer "program..." Obviously, one can just look at the thread's title, and see that I messed up right there.
I used the phrase, "Unofficial Trainer" on the merit of it being a short way to say "Hey you guys that regularly help out people instead of telling them to wander off - read this please!" That was a big mistake.
Steve did nail it though, the whole idea is just to have a way that those of us who do help out unofficially could know who each other are, for the purposes of being able to refer guys to others that can help them out...
For example, I was in the 475th for about a year. I've winged with some excellent P-38 sticks, and if someone asked me who was a good one, I could go on and on and on. But if someone asked me, "Well who will teach me it?" ... My list is all of a sudden very short. Before this thread, I did not know that Del was willing to do it. Now I do, and can pass on that knowledge without feeling as though I'm imposing something on him.
I did think about the possibility that some people would overestimate or misinterpret their own abilities, but at the same time, I was looking at this as a "Referral Service..." I'm not going to ever refer a guy to a lawyer based on that lawyer's ad... I'm going to refer a guy to a lawyer based on what I've personally seen that lawyer do. I kind of figured the same would apply here.
As far as there actually being an "official" unofficial trainer role... Well, that kind of defeats the whole spirit of this thing in my eyes, and personally, I know I wouldn't want to be put in that sort of role, for various reasons. The more I think about it, the less I like the idea in general. Just look at what a few kills does to channel 200... A possible "hire" for *any* official role in HTC, even as just something like a student teacher, should always, always, always be a "We'll call you" situation.
The whole idea is to give everyone a list of people they can call. The trainers can, if they want, call in a guy to help demonstrate something. The guys slugging it away helping newbies in the DA can refer them to people who they personally know could help them in things they themselves can't do. The newbies could at least know which people are going to say, "Sure, I have a minute," and not just "RTFM" (or worse).
Basically, it's just the thought of organizing what is already going on - and I still think that's a prudent idea. Not to be a tinfoil hat guy, but when I said that I think Combat Tour will be a grand success, I meant financially for HTC. In terms of average player skill and helper/helpee ratio, it will be a complete and total disaster. You think summer's bad? Just wait