Very Green and sooo lost, well that is not completely true. I have perfected flying in a left handed circle and crashing. Other than that I's lost.
I can take off (by the grace of God) and flying around some in the training area but thats it. I have not had one successful landing and can barely shoot down the plans flying around the training base.
I was wondering if someone could just point out the basics to me or send me to a sight that can. Most games have some kind of tutorial that can get you started but I did not see one for this.
I can get my gear up and down, I know how to raise and lower my flaps but am not sure when to do so (I think they go down to land) and i can shoot my guns and cannons, and that is about it.
Also I was wondering what is a good plane to learn in? And should I go fighter/Attacker or bomber to start?
I have had a blast so far even though I am horrible, but I would really like to get some skills up so I can do more than crash and die, then I think I'd have more fun
plus I might be able to help out too.
Welcome to your addiction

You can fly or drive anything you are comfortable with. As a beginner, buffs may be the easiest. Use auto take off untill you get the hang of taking off and landing yourself. NEVER take more than 50 % fuel, or the buffs are way too heavy to lift off, and you never fly far enough to need more (50% will carry you across a full map).
For a fighter, a Spitfire VIII is a good choice. Its very stable in the air, but should you push it too far easy to recover in. good ammo, good speed, good turning ability. The more "fighter" the type of fighter you pick, the less stable it will be. The fast planes basically hate being slow, and the turny planes hate going fast. The Spit 8 is a good middle ground.
As stated above, READ, READ, READ ! The Training site and Net Aces are VERY good sources to learn how to do this stuff. Remember, it
WILL take you 6 months to become average at this game

There is a lot to learn. Some learn it quick, some not so me

and it can be pretty frustrating. As questions both here and in the arenas. You'll get a bunch of bogus answers from those that "Think they are smartarnoldes", but most will help you out.
Good luck, and Welcome to Aces High !