Crockett, why do you care if someone gets score or not?
In short, I don't care if people get score or not however you are missing the point and thinking too much about the "score" it's self. Regardless of the topic title and the idea, you need to see past that and understand the goal in the end. This idea isn't so much about the score system but making the game better and producing better sticks in the long run. This game is based off a score reward system, you get points or score for doing various things and that is the only reason score is even involved because that's the only tool the game has to reward players with.
Now for the long part...
Game play IMO has gone down hill and I know I'm not the only person who thinks this, regardless of what your opinion is on it. I think score is a big reason for this, because it's obvious how people go out of their way to pad their stats in one way or another. Others may not pad their stats but instead they are scared to get into any engagements where they don't have an advantage, so they run away from the fight. Others may fly in the safety of their hoard to gang bang some lone con and have little risk of dying.
In short this game is going further and further away from learning real ACM and actually fighting, to nothing but hoards running from one gangbang to the next while doing suicide ack runs just to get a vulch on. It's almost always 70% to 80% of country A beating up on country B then B doing it to C and C doing it to A. Then we have probably 80% of the bases captured that are taken by NOE raids or some lone guy in a flack trying to sneak a base while no one is looking.
In other words this game and the current system is encouraging people not to fight. Vulching is just another thing that stops a fight because 9 times out of 10 a vulched field was vulched just for the easy kills and almost never ends with a base capture. So in other words it's just lazy tards that likely can't kill 4 to 5 guys in a single sortie air to air, but they want to reap easy kills on a runway, to get their name in lights.
You can read right here that saantana openly admits he vulches for score. Rather than learn and get better it's easier to just go milk hoard and be a vulch and gang tard. There are countless people just like him in the MA's and they have been steadily turning the MA into a skill-less hoard that couldn't fight their way out of a paper sack with a butcher knife unless they have 5 gangbang buddies flying Niki's with them. (not to pick on saantana but he's the one in here admitting to it, so he gets used as the example)
Granted this game has a high learning cure and it takes time to get good, but isn't that the point? I mean this game isn't Air Quake after all is it? The problem is the game keeps degrading into the hoard mentality, new players see other guys vulching, HOing and generally being a tard so they end up falling into that trap bringing the community one step further down the ladder. Rather than developing their skills because they get beat by the really good sticks and want to get better, it's easier to just go vulch or be a hoard monkey. I mean hell they end up with the same WTG's on 200 and a nice score so where is the incentive to actual learn ACM and fight for the kills?
I'll give you an example.. There was some new guy that posted on the forum a week or so ago all happy about wanting to be a p51 stick and learning ACM and the whole nine yards. A lot of us gave him suggestions and a pat on the back and sent him on his way to becoming the next AH ace of aces. Meanwhile a week or so later I see him in the MA diving in from 10k trying to vulch guys on the runway, I was co alt and ended up running him down and killing him. Now he could have tried to fight me in a 1 on 1. I'm sure he would have died lol, but hell I think he might have learned something. However instead he took the easy "try" to vulch and still died learning nothing in the process other than he probably needs to run faster.
Vulching and hoarding with 10 guys chasing one lone con breed this kind of skill less flying in the MA's. The new guys come in see the other guys doing it and think that's what this game is all about. Maybe just maybe if a noob sticks around a year or so he might eventually realize that there is much more to ACM than HOing and vulching. Then just maybe if we are lucky he might become someone who adds to the community rather than just be part of the problem he is replicating.
That is what this 30 seconds idea is about. It's not really about score that's just the tool, it's about trying to help make this game better and build a community that focuses on actually fighting and developing their ACM skills vs just being a bunch Ho & vulch dweebs stealing bases in the middle of the night for the 20 perk reset. In short the community is only as good as it's members and It's my opinion this community needs to start striving to be better sticks rather than striving for the easiest way to score points.
Granted this 30 seconds idea wouldn't do all that but at least maybe it could be a step n the right direction by not rewarding people for doing one of the dweebist things in the game.