Author Topic: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling  (Read 2033 times)

Offline wrag

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #105 on: August 04, 2008, 05:34:44 PM »
Yep...she is...and the first thing she said was...."It's a failed policy of this Bush/Cheney Admin. , Big oil men".  :confused:

"They (repubs) will have to get imaginative" to get in drilling in a bill SHE wants. Who in the F does she think she is?

Guns people....guns...full tanks of gas...and a staright highway to the capital steps....and REMOVE all these people from office.

Just sipmply point...and tell em...your FIRED.

I soooooo wish such a thing would happen BUT................  WAY TO MAY Bilderbergers n Trilaterals n such doin their best to run our country....

If they saw it coming they would have some part of the Military waiting for you....... so ya MIGHT have to shoot your way in..........UNLESS you made it somehow clear what your intentions were and even then....

You would have to have elections soon as possible.....

You would probably have to appoint a temporary Pres and cabinet ... so who? Ron Paul?
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline BTW

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #106 on: August 04, 2008, 07:58:58 PM »
I wish what you've said is true. I wish that the link you quoted could be trusted, and I wish what I said were utter nonsense. The reason I've said this, Is because I've spent the better part of a decade working in the oil industry. In that time, I've gotten around and have been able to talk to people inside of it. Plant operators of all types, refinery men, shippers, you name it. They used to laugh when they told me all of the funny money schemes' that actually happen when oil starts to move from the well to the gas station.

Let's take Chevron/Texaco for example. You might not know this, but on paper, it's actually quite a few smaller companies' bundled together. What they do, is buy and sell their product back and forth to themselves' all the way down the chain. It gets' sold from the field production unit to the shipping branch; The shipping branch's then sell it back into their refining division. Their refining division, once their done with it, finally sells' it to their various retail outlets. All of these branches are divided up regionally, so there are quite a few of them scattered around. This allows' the large oil companies in essence, to report their operating costs' with the addition of the repeated buying/selling tacked on as a way to get a larger write-off. However, all of the profits' eventually end up in corporate central HQ when all's said and done. Those percentage numbers' you've got up there? I would'nt trust those any more than GWB would believe that Obama would make a better GOP disciple than McCain.

The breakdown of expenses in a gallon of gas comes directly from the US Dept of Energy. If you don't think its true, well there isn't much I can tell you. Refinery costs have DROPPED since 2005, not risen. Gas isn't going up because of lack of refineries, its going up because of the price of oil. But you keep both fingers in your ear saying "nanananananana." I absolutely expect that from a Dimocrat and would be shocked by something more logical. Please, don't shake my world.

Breaking news - Obama's latest flip flop includes drilling. Imagine that.

Even more breaking news. Senator Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana) thinks Pelosi is off in space also. She announces a bi-partisan "group of ten" Senators that support offshore drilling, clean coal technology, while we perfect solar and wind energy technology. So while Pelosi is "saving the planet" its nice to know there are some sane Democrats in the senate. Hopefully this break is the beginning of the end of Pelosi's career. That woman is absolutely crazy.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 08:43:19 PM by BTW »

Offline shakey6

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #107 on: August 04, 2008, 08:06:11 PM »
How long has the offshore debate been bouncing around now?  35 yrs.?  It only becomes a hot topic now?

Offline BTW

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #108 on: August 04, 2008, 08:15:00 PM »
How long has the offshore debate been bouncing around now?  35 yrs.?  It only becomes a hot topic now?

Well how many people were writing about the industrialization of China during the Clinton administration?

Offline RedTop

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #109 on: August 04, 2008, 08:41:00 PM »
I soooooo wish such a thing would happen BUT................  WAY TO MAY Bilderbergers n Trilaterals n such doin their best to run our country....

If they saw it coming they would have some part of the Military waiting for you....... so ya MIGHT have to shoot your way in..........UNLESS you made it somehow clear what your intentions were and even then....

You would have to have elections soon as possible.....

You would probably have to appoint a temporary Pres and cabinet ... so who? Ron Paul?

It's not really about any one person....We all have a favorite canidate.

It's common sense and doing a job that you were hired to do. In my job I get an annual evaluation. If after a couple of years of being evaluated in a BAD (I think we all agree congress is bad) way than I will probably get fired. At the very LEAST no raises or perks. Time off will be slim and my job performance will either pick up or I'm out.

why is it that these extrahunks are allowed to stay in Washington and do............nothing. Year after year. It's because we all continue to vote em back in. Or , don't vote and they stay by default. Congress is OUR business. We hire , and we can fire.

It's become a tic for tac soceity. If I can't have my way then by god you'll not have your either and I'll do all I can to make sure of that. The president may untimatley have to answer for things....But it's congress that starts things rolling....If your teaching your kid to do something , yet will not give him or her the tools needed....then you shouldn't expect great things from them and should take part of the blame for their short comings.

Some want to just blame Bush....Bush can set policy...but Congress makes laws that help that policy....and IMHO.....THEY are the ones that should ultimatley take the blame for things not being done now.

Instead.....we get the same ole same ole B.S. from the same ole same ole B.S. artists known as the politicians. Only we can change that.

When you go vote this November.....put away the party lines....put away differances.....

and vote every frikin one of em OUT OF OFFICE....and become a term limit voter like me.
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Offline AKIron

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #110 on: August 04, 2008, 08:44:15 PM »
How long has the offshore debate been bouncing around now?  35 yrs.?  It only becomes a hot topic now?

Maybe it has something to do with $4+/gal gasoline?
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

Offline BTW

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #111 on: August 04, 2008, 09:25:43 PM »
On Sunday morning in an interview with George Stephanopoulos, in response to why she wouldn't allow a vote on drilling, responded in all seriousness the she "has a planet to save." She is in desperate need of psychotropic drugs. Its not enough to represent a congressional district, not enough to keep congress moving along, she has to be the savior of a celestial  body, billions of years old. Her destiny is to save the third planet from the sun. She was dead serious and she is absolutely deluded. Without a doubt, we have a crazy Speaker of the House. She needs thorazine.


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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #112 on: August 04, 2008, 09:34:57 PM »
Remember the Reps played this game as well blocking a vote on speculation.
The perfect point was made on CNN tonite
Neither candidate wanted a vote on this issue because they wanted this political football to still be in play in Nov.

Once again both parties playing party politics at our expence.
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Offline Donzo

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #113 on: August 04, 2008, 09:36:56 PM »
How long has the offshore debate been bouncing around now?  35 yrs.?  It only becomes a hot topic now?

What's your point?

Offline RedTop

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #114 on: August 04, 2008, 10:00:10 PM »
Remember the Reps played this game as well blocking a vote on speculation.
The perfect point was made on CNN tonite
Neither candidate wanted a vote on this issue because they wanted this political football to still be in play in Nov.

Once again both parties playing party politics at our expence.

While I agree with you on that point....they still went on a 5 week vacation.....ALSO at our expense.
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Offline Getback

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #115 on: August 04, 2008, 10:00:51 PM »
I wish what you've said is true. I wish that the link you quoted could be trusted, and I wish what I said were utter nonsense. The reason I've said this, Is because I've spent the better part of a decade working in the oil industry. In that time, I've gotten around and have been able to talk to people inside of it. Plant operators of all types, refinery men, shippers, you name it. They used to laugh when they told me all of the funny money schemes' that actually happen when oil starts to move from the well to the gas station.

Let's take Chevron/Texaco for example. You might not know this, but on paper, it's actually quite a few smaller companies' bundled together. What they do, is buy and sell their product back and forth to themselves' all the way down the chain. It gets' sold from the field production unit to the shipping branch; The shipping branch's then sell it back into their refining division. Their refining division, once their done with it, finally sells' it to their various retail outlets. All of these branches are divided up regionally, so there are quite a few of them scattered around. This allows' the large oil companies in essence, to report their operating costs' with the addition of the repeated buying/selling tacked on as a way to get a larger write-off. However, all of the profits' eventually end up in corporate central HQ when all's said and done. Those percentage numbers' you've got up there? I would'nt trust those any more than GWB would believe that Obama would make a better GOP disciple than McCain.

Almost all companies do this. In the end there is a usaually and not always a consolidated return. No cheating the taxman. There is going to be a paper trail. If it is not correct or if there is fraud they will be caught. Guarantee. I use to know this stuff. There is a ton of Internal Revenue Service laws and rules regarding this stuff. Are there ways to lower taxes legally. You bet. I Anyway there is no hocus pokus to any of it.

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Offline shakey6

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #116 on: August 04, 2008, 10:03:12 PM »

What's your point?
Maybe it has something to do with $4+/gal gasoline?

Offline AKIron

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #117 on: August 04, 2008, 10:27:53 PM »
Maybe it has something to do with $4+/gal gasoline?

Be careful, we don't want an event horizon.
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

Offline shakey6

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #118 on: August 04, 2008, 10:30:49 PM »
 ;)  homage. 

Offline FrodeMk3

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #119 on: August 04, 2008, 10:46:00 PM »
The breakdown of expenses in a gallon of gas comes directly from the US Dept of Energy. If you don't think its true, well there isn't much I can tell you. Refinery costs have DROPPED since 2005, not risen. Gas isn't going up because of lack of refineries, its going up because of the price of oil. But you keep both fingers in your ear saying "nanananananana." I absolutely expect that from a Dimocrat and would be shocked by something more logical. Please, don't shake my world.

I'm not telling you as either a democrat or a republican. I'm telling you as someone who's both worked in the oil industry, and has had several contacts in it. I'm just putting it out there; you read into it what you wish.

Almost all companies do this. In the end there is a usaually and not always a consolidated return. No cheating the taxman. There is going to be a paper trail. If it is not correct or if there is fraud they will be caught. Guarantee. I use to know this stuff. There is a ton of Internal Revenue Service laws and rules regarding this stuff. Are there ways to lower taxes legally. You bet. I Anyway there is no hocus pokus to any of it.

They have some ways of hiding things after a fashion, Getback. I wasn't implying that they always follow the law, either.

I do believe that ever since the ENRON scandal many companies are sticking more to the straight and narrow, but the large multinational oil corporations (Which means just about any of them, anymore) Are able to use their overseas assets' to hide things if they wish. I remember talking to a lease superintendent who once asked me if I wanted to take my Vacuum truck to Burundi to take Brine water to a Drilling rig. I told him I didn't have trans-continental ability. He just laughed, because they were charging off a rig expense to an overseas operation.

You're right, in that there's a paper trail, and that someone would get caught. It just depends on how hard the gov't. is gonna look, I suppose.