Author Topic: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling  (Read 2027 times)

Offline Donzo

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #60 on: August 01, 2008, 08:46:52 PM »
talk that somewhere else. Oil companies do not improve my roads, they do not take care of the weak and elderly, they do not support an army to keep my country safe, they do not seek to improve the lives of me or my children or my grandchildren, they only want to rape me. 

Exxon-mobile 12 billion in profits in 3 months. :rolleyes:

Would you happen to know how much of their revenue they paid to the gov in taxes?

edit: yeah...what Holden said ^^^^

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #61 on: August 01, 2008, 10:48:58 PM »
Ya that's the theory but unless its a large supply spike it won't affect the price that much. A few off shore oil wells won't make us independent.

 It was theorized in the 1950s by a MIT(?) professor that oil production would peak domestically around the turn of the century and world wide shortly there after. Domestic production has peaked. That may be an artificial peak though. (IE; shutting down domestic refineries, voluntary lack of production domestically)
  Best (most optimistic) estimates are that world wide production will peak around 2029. Given the rising demand in Asia and falling supply world wide. Looks like any relief will be short lived. We have needed a sound energy policy since the 1970s but it hasn't happened and it probably won't until it's too late.

but don't the 50's they still thought that oil came from dead dinosaurs.
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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #62 on: August 01, 2008, 11:01:34 PM »
Each side ended the summer session playing their little partisan games.

Pelosi blocked drilling and the Republicans blocked putting brakes on speculators.

"Senate Republicans blocked a bill aimed at curbing speculation in oil markets, while a similar bill and several others by House Democrats _ including a plan to encourage drilling in already available coastal areas and in Alaska _ failed to advance after party leaders brought them to the floor under procedures that required supermajorities to pass. That procedure blocked Republicans from forcing a vote on opening new areas to oil drilling.
Republicans have been pressing to allow oil exploration in areas that are currently off limits, including the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. They have been relentless in their assault on Democrats over the topic, even though opening the Outer Continental Shelf to new exploration wouldn't put any oil on the market for a decade or more.
Democratic leaders have been resolute in blocking new offshore exploration, even as oil patch members and moderates in the party support the idea. It's clear that if a vote were allowed, new offshore drilling plans would be allowed.
"Congress shouldn't leave its business unfinished while American wallets are drained at the pump," said Rep. Ander Crenshaw, R-Fla.
After the House officially adjourned and the C-SPAN cameras were off, a few dozen Republicans remained on the floor giving impassioned speeches about Democrats' decision to adjourn without a vote on their energy plan.
"Republicans will not go quietly," said Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind. "Let us demand that the president of the United States ... call a special session of this Congress on energy."
Democrats believe they can weather the criticism since voters are hardly sympathetic to the big oil companies pressing to lift the drilling restrictions. They perform better than Republicans in opinion polls on energy _ despite the shift in opinions favoring offshore drilling _ as well as on most other issues."

Remember. We are talking about people who are party members first and Americans second

Neither side really gives a flying ____ about you or your woes.

But thats ok. Keep screaming about how bad the other side is.  Whichever side it is you happen to be screaming about, and how they are going to drive this country to ruin.
Its what they count on. Keep ya distracted enough to prevent any real change.
While both sides together, each in their own way drive us into a deeper and deeper hole.

They arent fighting to help you. If you look at it closely you have to be completely delusional to think either side really wants to help you.
They only care about getting their party into power.
They fight over which side gets to screw you
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Offline LePaul

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #63 on: August 01, 2008, 11:25:09 PM »
The argument about lack of refineries is false

Cianbro, a huge construction company here, just opened a huge fabrication facilty and won a huge contract to build segments for a new refinery.  Every day I drive by, you can see these huge assembliees being assembled.  They are then floated down river and barged to the new refinery site...

So capacity will be there by time we get drilling!

Offline Elfie

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #64 on: August 01, 2008, 11:55:28 PM »
They arent fighting to help you. If you look at it closely you have to be completely delusional to think either side really wants to help you.
They only care about getting their party into power.
They fight over which side gets to screw you

Quoted for Truth. 
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Offline JoeA

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #65 on: August 02, 2008, 12:22:51 AM »
...reputable sources claim that using oil from the areas that are currently off limits would add about 1 million barrels a day.

ANWR *alone* can generate 1 million barrels a day based on 25 year old estimates that are built on oil costing $20-25/barrel through 2020.  Hint=>There's really a lot more ANWR oil at $125/barrel.  The US has an enormous amount of oil but it's mostly off limits.

Offline Cypher

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #66 on: August 02, 2008, 12:36:34 AM »
The oil companies will make more money with lower prices. If the price per gallon were to drop to 2 bucks or lower, but the oil companies retaine the profit level per gallon sold(9-10 cents?) the increase in gas bought will make them get higher profits. Basically they sell more gas when the prices or lower but they keep their 10 cent per gallon profit. it's like selling a 5 things and getting 10 cents per item or selling 10 things and getting 10 centsper item . What would you rather do?

Offline Holden McGroin

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #67 on: August 02, 2008, 12:53:54 AM »
The oil companies will make more money with lower prices. If the price per gallon were to drop to 2 bucks or lower, but the oil companies retaine the profit level per gallon sold(9-10 cents?) the increase in gas bought will make them get higher profits. Basically they sell more gas when the prices or lower but they keep their 10 cent per gallon profit. it's like selling a 5 things and getting 10 cents per item or selling 10 things and getting 10 centsper item . What would you rather do?

An 8% profit margin is based on cash flow, not commodity flow.

 If they make 8% on 100 billion dollars it equals 8 billion, regardless of how many gallons are sold.
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Offline Getback

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #68 on: August 02, 2008, 02:51:08 AM »

Unfortunately, Pelosi is not the problem.  When you let greedy scumbags determine your livelyhood, do you think they are gonna have your best interest at heart?  No, they are going to take everything they can from you allowable by law.  We should have went away from fossil fuel years ago.

You mean like congress!

BTW Beer companies actually have higher profit margins. We just don't drink as much beer as we use oil.

There was a study done about deca-millionaires here recently. The #1 contributing factor to their success was integrity. Integrity in their personal lives, avg length of marriage is 28 years, integrity to their customers, and integrity to their suppliers.

They're trying to build a refinery here in Indiana but they are being blocked at every turn by democrats disguising themselves as environmentalist. You can now stop your neighbor from building a deck if it casts a shadow over wet grass under the Clean waterways act (or something like that).

It's gotten rediculous and beyond.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 03:00:25 AM by Getback »

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Offline SkyRock

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #69 on: August 02, 2008, 05:12:13 AM »

We just don't drink as much beer as we use oil.

You just now get it, it's not how they do it to us, it's the power that they do it in.

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Offline Donzo

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #70 on: August 02, 2008, 09:26:02 AM »
Her highness blocks the vote, then tries to stop our representatives from speaking!

I will be glad when she is gone.

Offline Donzo

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #71 on: August 02, 2008, 09:28:04 AM »
You just now get it, it's not how they do it to us, it's the power that they do it in.

So your remedy is, what? 

Tax them more? 

49% not enough?

What would be enough in your eyes?

I get the feeling that you would not be satisfied until they are PAYING to sell their product (no profits at all)

Offline lazs2

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #72 on: August 02, 2008, 10:55:12 AM »
Ok.. what I hear from this guy and that on the board is...

"There is no need to drill for oil cause it won't help for at least 6 months to maybe 5 years from now"

"It doesn't matter if we find oil cause we don't have the capacity to refine it"

"we need to develop wind and solar and moonbeam power"

All of this crap is just excuses to do nothing.  The democrats do it because high gas prices mean public transportation and misery and pain and...   BIGGER GOVERNMENT.

Some of the guys here are just sit on their hands doom and gloomers or...  they are democrats and don't want to admit that their party is Waaaaay over the line here onto the wrong side of this.

We need to drill for the oil.. we need to talk about wind and shale oil and coal and nuclear and solar and moonbeam power and anything else.

We need to do it all at the same time.   

What is the worst that could happen if we drill?  we have a glut of oil?   sooooo much that we can't refine it?  Ok... cool.. then we will know we have to build a few more refineries.. 

We simply must attack this problem from all angles at the same time.


Offline Gunthr

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #73 on: August 02, 2008, 11:11:37 AM »
the Dems know we have to drill.  They just want to delay until after the election.  They don't want conservatives to get the immediate drop in oil prices that will come when drilling plans are announced.  Again, they are fully invested in failure so they can get the whitehouse... 
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Offline SkyRock

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Re: Pelosi blocks offshore drilling
« Reply #74 on: August 02, 2008, 11:15:57 AM »

I get the feeling that you would not be satisfied until they are PAYING to sell their product (no profits at all)
You just treat them like any other business.....but it's not like that.  This is a business about being slaves to a product.  Why, when you know what they have been doing to get more money out of us, would you blindly back a company that continues to rake in the highest profits in the history of mankind, while we pay the highest prices in our history for their product?  Do you not relate the fact that while we are paying more and more, they are making more and more profit.  The big oil companies are as guilty as the speculators, lobbyists, and arabs for raping us over the last 3-4 years.  Don't be fooled. :aok

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